Thursday, September 03, 2020

Bright Sunshine

We have a very heavy dew this morning and bright sunshine which is suppose to stay until evening, which clouds are to roll in again.  Scattered showers possible through the night.

I was surprised to find one of my day lilies had numerous flowers on it again, never had that happen before.  Looking  forward to some additional colour visit in the garden this weekend, however, not to be, had a visit from the deer last night and more flowers.  I am so glad I did not buy them or else I  would be really up set.  Actually none of the perennials in my garden have been purchased there were either here when I came or they are And,plants which have been given to me.  Going to do a big clean out of some plants they are in need of being divided.   

  There is still the odd hummingbird coming to the feeder I think they should be leaving us soon, as the nights are getting cooler  and less sun to produce flowers on the plants.  The robin have all but gone south already, hope  that is not a sign of an early Winter.  Hoping it is because of the really dry weather we have had which drove the worms deeper in the ground.

Many of this city's streets are under construction due to bike lanes being installed.  The powers that be, believe more people will ride they bikes if there is a lane dedicated to them. In Canada we have Winters with snow and ice, I really do not see many people riding their bikes in a windchill temp of -35*C A Mother with her child in a proper carrier were interviewed and she was asked why she was riding her bike on the sidewalk, and her reply was, "There was very little room for error on the bike path, her child was too uncomfortable to be so close the the traffic which was rushing by."  I can understand her issue.

My rant for the day.

Dinner tonight, a macaroni beef casserole with broccoli and salad, hubby  will have dessert, not sure yet, but I am going to forego desserts, must try and get some of this flab off.


1 comment:

  1. Bike lanes have been quite a bone of contention here. We are a city of 1.3 million people and there has been a huge amount of upheaval for approx. 30,000 bike riders. Roads going into the city center have been cut down to one lane for cars and one lane for bikes. Apparently it's a nightmare at rush hour. It's definitely getting chillier here, only 7C this morning!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...