Monday, September 28, 2020

Late Monday almost Tuesday

 A bit late  today, but here now.  Went to do some errands this morning, buying great grand daughter Mia's birthday present she is turning three early next month.  I do not buy any of the grands toys, I buy clothes, they have such cute outfits for kids these day, I could go crazy in the store.  She loves pink, so one set had to be pink, the other top and bottom is a peach colour.   That finishes all of the birthdays I buy for, for this year.  

We have decided to cancel our Thanksgiving family dinner this year, cannot take the chance as the numbers are increasing and it appears we are now in the second wave  of the virus.   Hope the vaccine that is affective is discovered soon  Won't go into all of the problems as we have all heard them before and it gets depressing.

Today started off nice and warm, sunny with a few clouds, we ate our lunch on the balcony was it was so nice, however, around 4:00p.m. it clouded over and started to rain, it is still raining as I write, and the temps has dropped considerably.   Cooler even more tomorrow.  I needed this rain to soften the ground so that I could plant some daffodils I purchased today.   A job when the rain stops.

We had left over pork roast for dinner tonight so it was an easy fix.

Chat again tomorrow.

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