Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Hump Day

Wednesday, Sept 30th, is my DD1 birthday, she is 58 years old today.  The day we came home from the hospital was a beautiful sunny day with many of the trees in full of colour.  Not today, we have clouds, and showers and it is cold, well not really cold, it is colder than we have had in a long time.  Have to get use to the temps being lower and putting on that extra sweater.  

Last night we watched to U.S. debate on TV,  what can I say, politics and religion should not be discussed among friends, so enough said.  

I was planning on doing the daffodil bulbs today, however, just a bit too damp for that, do you plant bulbs in the Autumn?   My sister went to visit her son in his new house last weekend and told me their garden had a beautiful show of Autumn crocus,  I have never seen any in the garden centers have you?   

Today is going to be an inside day, so it looks like it will be a sewing  and housework day.

Not much else going on today.   

Dinner tonight salmon, mushrooms, cauliflower and the remainder of the salad from last night.  Fresh fruit for dessert.

Chat tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Much needed rain

 We must have had a steady rain during the night as the rain gauge indicates we have had an inch.  It is amazing how quickly the grass and plants respond to a nice drink of rain water.  

We have a Copper Beech tree in our front garden, it is huge and provides much needed shade in the Summer, however, at this time of the year all of the nuts are falling.  The nuts do not have any meat in them, don't know if they are even suppose too, however, the outer coverings are falling all of the place.  We pick them up on a regular basis, and have paper garden bags full of them.  Hubby is currently picking up the ones that fell with the help of the rain last night.

Clouds today as well as some sun, but a lot cooler than it has been,  Autumn finally here?  Must be, it is almost October.

Going to give my GGD Mia her birthday gift on Saturday, her Grandma is having cake, outside, hope it warms up a bit by then.  Note to myself, wear something warm.

Speaking of warm, I think it is time for me to start putting away my Summer clothes and bring out the  warm sweaters and long pants.  Find my boots, gloves, scarves etc. etc.   I hate getting dressed up in all of this gear during the Winter.  What is a favorite season?  Me... Spring ...everything is new and I can look forward to Summer.  

Dinner tonight Chicken, rice, asparagus and salad, dessert not sure yet. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Late Monday almost Tuesday

 A bit late  today, but here now.  Went to do some errands this morning, buying great grand daughter Mia's birthday present she is turning three early next month.  I do not buy any of the grands toys, I buy clothes, they have such cute outfits for kids these day, I could go crazy in the store.  She loves pink, so one set had to be pink, the other top and bottom is a peach colour.   That finishes all of the birthdays I buy for, for this year.  

We have decided to cancel our Thanksgiving family dinner this year, cannot take the chance as the numbers are increasing and it appears we are now in the second wave  of the virus.   Hope the vaccine that is affective is discovered soon  Won't go into all of the problems as we have all heard them before and it gets depressing.

Today started off nice and warm, sunny with a few clouds, we ate our lunch on the balcony was it was so nice, however, around 4:00p.m. it clouded over and started to rain, it is still raining as I write, and the temps has dropped considerably.   Cooler even more tomorrow.  I needed this rain to soften the ground so that I could plant some daffodils I purchased today.   A job when the rain stops.

We had left over pork roast for dinner tonight so it was an easy fix.

Chat again tomorrow.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Warm enough last night to have the window open, 18*C was the low temp.  Windy and cloudy today with the sun  trying to peek through, only seeing it for short periods of time as the clouds separate for a short while.  Getting prepared for the rain which is forecast for tomorrow and Tuesday I suppose.  We do need the rain, ground is very dry.

Quiet Sunday for me, Hubby is over at his daughters as today they are putting down some patio stones,  I cannot lift them, so staying home and doing some sewing on my challenge quilt, which is due for a reveal in late October.

Daughter #2 and her husband returned from their week away to celebrate their anniversary, they had a great time hiking,   boating, horse back riding and a treatment in a spa.  She said the food was amazing, however, the only down side was it had to be served to them in their room.   

Not much else going on here at the moment,

Dinner tonight, roast pork, applesauce, cauliflower and salad.  Dessert, cake and ice cream.  

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Woke this morning to a misty fog, which is being burned off quickly by the sun.  We are promised another lovely warm day, making the most of it as next week it is going to be decidedly cooler and wet.

Currently there is a load of whites in the washing machine and housework will be started as soon as I finish this post.

Hubby is currently over at his daughters as she is expecting an arborist to come and inspect a tree that is going to be taken down as it is dying and is in danger of damaging buildings  on the other side of her property.  Here in the city, (it is advertised as The Forest City because of the number of trees in it), we have to apply for permission to cut down a tree, it has to be inspected before any work can be done.  Due to the virus, it seems to be taking forever for all of this to be completed.  She does not expect it to be finished before the snow flies.

There is a lot of colour starting to show on the trees, Autumn is truly a lovely season of the year.  The brilliant reds look a lot bright and more intense this year, so looking forward to even more beautiful showing in the days to come.

As yesterday was such a lovely day we drove to visit my sister, I have not seen her for about two months so took advantage of the day to see her.  She has COPD so has been keeping a low profile during the COVID virus outbreak.  She is well, but still continues to smoke and cough.   I really do not understand, but then I have never been a smoker so dont know how hard it is to quit.  We were late coming home so stopped at a fast food restaurant for take out, so left overs tonight for dinner.  


Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday again

 And it is another beautiful day,  foggy early in the morning and the sun has burned it off, temp to feel like 30*C so we asre going for another ride this afternoon to visit my sister, have not seen her for a couple of months.  She has COPD so has been keeping a low profile.  

Last night the quilt guild I belong to had our first meeting in six months.  Usually we have our meetings in one of the members houses, we take turns hosting, however, because of social distancing  we had to rent a hall to abide the rules and regulations.  We are a group of 20 members, however, only 14 members were in attendance.  If we are able we will meet again in the same location in October, at which time we will reveal two challenge project everyone has been working on for the past few months.   Enjoyed catching up all the news from everyone and seeing the projects that have been completed during our isolation period.

My tomato plants have done very well this year, and if we continue to have decent weather, all of the fruit will get ripe enough to pick and add to salads.  

Must get moving or the day will be gone before I know it.

Dinner tonight will be left over spaghetti with meat sauce, I will make another salad and we should eat the two remaining cobs of corn.  Dessert no decision on that yet, I have got into a rut on desserts, should look up something new for a change.  So must get on to that.

Chat tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Late again

 I started a post yesterday but that is as far as it went, so starting off a new one today.

On Tuesday we both went to see our eye surgeon, Hubby for his last check up after having surgery two years ago.  He has had a problem with his left eye, so the Dr. gave it a laser treatment, which has corrected it.  Marvelous what they can do these day.  Me, I have cataracts, the right eye is worse than the left, so it looks as if surgery is in the cards for me.  The Ontario Government  has OHIP which covers a lot of medical and drug costs, but not all, extra coverage can be purchased through your place of employment. .  Because my late husband worked for the government he had a very good health plan which was transferred to me when he passed.   I am mentioning this because the contact lens that is paid for by OHIP will not correct the problem I have with my eyes, and my additional coverage will not cover it either, so some big bucks are going to be coming out of my bank account.  I have decided to go to a private clinic at which my Dr. does his surgeries.  My worst fear is loosing my eye sight so that I cannot drive my car.  I would be devastated if I didnt have the option to go anywhere at any time I wanted.  

Wednesday, we went for another drive, it was such a beautiful day.  Ended up in an "artsy fartsy" place with little shops full of expensive stuff that no one needs.  We did not go in any of them, but did walk around the park and then sat and had a drink.  The trees are starting to change colour, lovely reds, oranges and yellows.  Onward, we went to the mariner, so many sail boats and then a walk on the pier.  The lake was calm and there were three children at the wasters edge trying to swim.  The waster must still be quite warm, maybe not, kids go in the water no matter what the temps.  Decided to travel to another lake side town, unfortunately this place has taken a beating from the shut down due to the virus.  A lot of the shops were shuttered and will be now for the Winter season.  Time to head for home the sun is getting low in the sky.  A lovely day out.

Today, Thursday.  foggy early this morning, sun now burned it off and it is forecast to be a hot day.  Hubby has a couple of appointments this afternoon, so no drive today.   He is currently at his daughters doing some odd jobs for her, she is single, so has no man to do these things for her.  Me. I need to finsh s baby quilt I am working on, so it can begiven to the quilter tonight as we have our first in person meeting since June.  Looking forward to that.

So I had better get myself moving.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Grocery Day

 Tuesday is grocery day at this house, why Tuesday? I really do not know, it just something that started when Hubby was home and the store we go to has early morning shopping for seniors.   Everything we usually buy, (we are such creatures of habit), was on sale today, so we stocked up.   The only drawback today was the shelves were being restocked usually it is not like  that, so we assume the deliveries were late coming in today.

Today, September 22nd. is my youngest daughter and her husbands 30 wedding anniversary,   WHAT!  those years have just flown by so fast it hardly seems possible.   They were planning on going to a Caribbean island for a vacation to celebrate, however, because of the current circumstances that did not happen.  They are currently at a couples only all inclusive resort here in Ontario, and pictures look as if they are having a lovely time. 

I ma working on a baby quilt, I mentioned it on an earlier post,  anyway, had to do some seam ripping yesterday, it was just not looking right.  All fixed now just the borders to put on and it can then go to the quitters. 

Dinner tonight chicken, asparagus, salad and fresh fruit for dessert.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday, Monday

If it was back in my Mother's day and age this would be wash day.  I am in possession of a three page note which my Grand Aunt wrote about wash day, when she was a child in England.  It was an all day affair,  this is a very very brief description of her writings.  First the wood needed to be chopped for the copper boiler, then the water gathered for the wash and rinse, fire started to boil water, clothes added, rinsed twice, starched and  hung on line to dry.   In the mean time, the water was used to was used to clean the wash house floor.  If it was a fine day all the clothes would dry, if not they were brought inside.  

In the mean time, children were still being looked after and meals being prepared.  Tuesday would be the day for ironing and airing. 

My laundry in done on Saturday when the electric is a cheaper rate, not that I can't afford it.  It all begins from when we came to Canada, Mum and Dad were starting out new, with very little possessions brought from England, we were like pioneers really and money was scarce.  A new country, experiencing the extremes in the weather and not having any relatives  to visit was difficult.  How my parents coped I do not know.

Today is a beautiful sunny day, cool but that's September for us.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet, could be hamburgers on the BBQ, beans and salad, yep that sounds nice.  Dessert, should make a crumble of some kind, I have apples.  Dinner sorted.    

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Better late than never

Yes, I am a bit late posting today, no real reason, just busy I suppose doing Sunday things, which is not much of anything.

I covered up some plants last night as we were forecast a frost but it never happened, which is a good thing as I need to bring these plants inside for the Winter, but want them to get as much natural and rain before I do    

 Worked on my baby quilt today and then helped Hubby patch the driveway.  It is a cement drive, and it has several holes in it that needed to be filled in..  Did not have enough cement, so it appears to be an ongoing job for tomorrow.   

Today was a nice sunny day, but the wind had a bit of a chill to it.  Ok if you were in the sun but a different story if you were in the shade of the tree.  To be expected at this time of the year.

DD2 and her husband left today for a few days away at an all inclusive hotel, it is there 30th wedding anniversary this week.  Where did that time go.  Their daughter, my youngest grand daughter passed her driving test on Friday, so she will now be able to drive herself to work, while Mum and Dad are away.  She is fortunate to have a job at the present time, even though it is in a fast food restaurant.  Giving her extra money for her university year 2021.  

Dinner tonight was left over chicken, squash, salad and lemon pie.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Plant Sale and Baby Shower

Woke to a 2*C temp this morning, however, the sun is shining and it is now a lovely afternoon.

Our local Civic Garden Complex had a plant sale this morning, so I had  to go and see what was on sale.  Specifically looking for daffodil bulbs, however, no daffodil bulbs were available.  Apparently they were on order and are now out in the middle of the ocean somewhere.  Tulips get eaten by the squirrels so I no longer plant them, they do not like daffodils they are too sour for their taste buds.  Did pick up a Japanese Painted Fern and some primroses.   There were a lot of indoor plants which looked very nice, but I dont have the space nor the proper growing conditions for them, not enough light.   Having said that, I have potted up some geraniums which seem to be doing quite well, so far.  Hubby puts up a hanging tray in front of our down stairs vestibule window, which gets a lot of sun during the Winter months.  

 Received and invitation to my grand nephew's and his wife's baby shower yesterday.  The baby is due in December, so I thought I had plenty of time to make a quilt.  Wrong, the shower is going to be held in the middle of October.  Got busy looking through my stash and found a piece which had alphabet letters and an appropriate animal for each letter.  I cut the squares around the letters and framing  them with different colours of soft green, grey, mauve, yellow, pink and blue.  Started on it yesterday afternoon and was able to complete two rows.  Liking the way it looks so far, hope to get the top finished by next Thursday, so I can get it to the woman in our guild who will quilt it for me.     

Dinner tonight chicken, rice, broccoli and a salad, dessert not sure yet.

Friday, September 18, 2020


Lovely sunny day, got our chores done in the morning and decided to have another drive, this time to Stratford, Ontario.  We took the scenic route, not the freeway,  very little traffic and saw some of the leaves starting to turn colour.  

Stratford is a theater city, however, not this year.   The large theater usually presents a lot of Shakespeare's plays, the smaller theaters have different presentations, all of which are very well attended with celebrities of all walks of life.   In a normal theater season people bring a picnic lunch or dinner  and spread out their meal on a blanket or some go all out and have tables, chairs, and wine  with their meal.  They then go to enjoy the performance.    

The city has a river, "Avon" of course, and a lake with swans, ducks and geese swimming and resting on the banks.  The walk way around the lake is used by many residents and visitors alike, so we had a walk to stretch our legs and I took a couple of photos.

 There was no one on the lawns having a picnic, very few people walking and the parking lots were void of cars and buses.  The financial impact the virus can be seen everywhere.  We did not even bother to go to the boutique and little shops, there was nothing we needed, however, it is nice to window shop and browse, not yesterday.  As we drive down the streets we could see some were closed, hopefully, not permanent.   

By this time the sun was starting to get lower in the sky, so we decided to head for home before it became too chilly.  At that point in time, Hubby said "is it too late", "too late for what"  I said, his reply, " the appointment I had half an hour ago".  We both had a good laugh, we were so intent of getting out into the sunshine and going for a ride, both of us had forgotten about his appointment.   New one made today, so no worries. 

Just received a invitation to a baby shower I had promised a quilt to be made for it, better get a move on, as I have only a month to start and finish it.  

Dinner tonight is going to be pork shops, applesauce, rice? maybe and a salad.  Dessert, not sure had to look and see what strikes my fancy.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Yesterday I mentioned it was a nice sunny day, and it was too, however, it was a  sun filtered through which I thought was high clouds, however, it was smoke in the atmosphere from the fires in California.  In today's newspaper it is reported that the smoke has reached Europe.  Overnight the wind shifted so today we have a nice blue sky and sunshine, even though it is a cool 11*C when we got up.  

We had a lovely drive yesterday, and ended up visiting Hubby's sister for a couple of hours.  We arrived home too late to cook dinner, so we were really bad and stopped at a fast food drive through and got something for dinner.  Last nights dinner is dinner tonight.  

Hubby's sister A has had Lyme disease for years and has not been well for most of those years, she has tried everything the Dr's have prescribed but nothing seems to make her feel as if she will ever be rid of the achy tired feelings she has.  As she gets older it seems to be getting worse.  Some days are good and others, well not so much.  

I am going into the sewing room until this afternoon when it might be a bit warmer outside for some more garden work.  

That's all for today, chat tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Oh, Oh I hurt

 Good morning, the sun is shining again, albeit, filtered by some high clouds, but we will take sun no matter the circumstances.  It is suppose to be nice and warm today so we are planning on going for a ride in the convertible this afternoon.  The days are dwindling down to a precious few to do this, taking advantage while we can.

The gardening I have been doing for the past couple of days has taken its toll on my poor leg muscles, I hurt this morning, but having been moving around for a couple of hours it certainly feels a bit better now.  I bought some daffodil bulbs yesterday, and plan on getting  some more, a different variety than these.  I like all  Spring  bulbs, however, I do not plant tulips as the squirrels dig them up and eat them, they do not like daffodils.

While out yesterday doing some errands I picked up some ears of corn and we each had one for dinner last night,  they were absolutely delicious, both of us could have eaten more, but not on the list of desired foods for people who are pre-diabetic like Hubby.   We are going to be bad and have another with dinner tonight.  The season is so short for the local grown cobs, so we have some while we can.  

I trying to use up some of the meat we have in our freezer and took out some ham yesterday, will have some for a sandwich at lunch time, and then should find a recipe to use up the rest of it which I ground up.  Any ideas?

  Dinner tonight,  pork chops, applesauce, corn on the cob, salad, something light for dessert, maybe fruit.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


The weather report on the TV last night was right, "We can expect a low temp of 6*C".  Had to dig out my jacket when we went for our groceries at 7:00 a.m.  I had having to pile clothes on just to go out,  it is even worse during the Winter with boots, scarves and gloves.  No sense complaining it is going to come and there is nothing we can do about it, only complain.  On the plus side, the sun is shining and it looks as if it will be a nice day.

My appointment for yesterday afternoon was cancelled so during the afternoon we both worked in the gardens pulling weeds and generally cleaning up the spent plants and raking the leaves.  We also have a large Copper Beech tree in the front garden, it is a beautiful  tree, however, two years ago it started to produce nuts, lots and lots of nuts, however, the meat inside does not mature.  Again, this year we have more nuts, we have picked up several paper garden size bags full already, and expect more to fall before its all finished.  

As I have mentioned previously we live in a University city and the students have been partying since they arrived last week, and you guessed it COVID is now on the rise in the area, as it is in Ontario.  These students are now in a panic and long lines are now forming so they can get tested.  I hope the numbers do not keep on increasing and we end up closing everything again due to them being so irresponsible.  

Dinner tonight, chicken, broccoli and salad/  not sure what is for dessert.  

Monday, September 14, 2020

Garden tidy up

 Today I had an appointment with my investment company, but it was postponed until next week.  Not that I have lot of investments to worry about.  With the market the way it is right now, one knows how much, or how little their money is making these days.  Anyway, the money is better than being in a savings account in the bank, as only pennies are made there.

Because of the cancelled appointment I need to make other plans for this afternoon, so garden tidy up is on the "to do" list.  The weeds are starting to take over and some plants need to be thinned out or moved.  All the plants are looking very tired now anyway, so as today is quite nice it is good time to do this work, hate leaving it and doing when it is cold.   It's bad enough when the leaves have to be picked up in the cold weather.

Not much happening around the estate today, have not seen the deer for a few days, the hummingbirds are still here as I saw one this morning.  The tomatoes are still ripening on the vines, hope the warm sun will do its magic during the next few days.  

We went for a short drive yesterday and saw a field full of pumpkins, lots of them but not very big.  The newspaper was reporting a possible new way of the children having to do their trick or treating this year.  

School children in the area returned to school today, I am so glad I do not have the worry of that.   I feel for my grand daughter and her three children going to school this morning.  I live in a university city, and new cases have been reported because the students are not following the rules.  It was expected, they do not think they will contract the virus, but guess what,  they do, I hope they realize it now.

Dinner tonight left over ribs, veg not sure yet, and a salad.  Dessert fresh fruit.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

I am back

 Been AOL for a couple of days.    Friday as I mentioned I had vertigo, feeling a lot better.

Yesterday we attended Hubby's sister in laws funeral, she had not been 100% for awhile.  Passed away in her sleep Sept 4th.  I had met her several times during get together s with Hubby's family.  Covid -19 change the way the funeral and all funerals come to that, are handled,  it certainly was not like they used to be.  We had to register with the funeral home to attend, so they could monitor how many were going to attend, wear a mask,  use the hand sanitizer, and register again so that they had a record to facilitate contract tracing if it was necessary.   No lunch, not even tea or coffee was served after the service, only bottled water.   Even her son could not attend his Mothers funeral due to the travel restrictions.  So Sad.  I know all of these things have to be in place to curb this terrible virus, but it saddens me  people cannot give the departed the respect of a proper funeral.  I also realize all funerals are not the same format as I have been accustomed to.

It was such a nice afternoon we went for a drive in the convertible, the days are numbered now as the weather changes from one day to the next.  We got stuck in traffic which was coming from an air show at the International airport in the city.  People who  went to the show had to purchase their tickets on line, stay in their designated space at the air port during the show.  No static displays were there just the planes in the air.  No food or drink, nor souvenirs were available.  The number of cars that were leaving indicted there was a very good turnout.  Rain earlier this morning, but the skies are clearing, so hopefully there will be a successful show again today.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, might go and buy a couple of ears of corn, salad and lemon meringue pie for dessert.  

Friday, September 11, 2020

Under the weather

 Did not post yesterday, I have vertigo, so did absolutely nothing all day.  I makes me feel very nauseous too, so a miserable time.  Feeling a bit better today after doing the Epley maneuver several times.  If I could just get my tummy to feel better I would be good.

Bright sunny day but cool, noticed the heat came on during the night.  The air does not get warmer enough during the day to stay overnight any more.  Going down to 9*C tonight.

Dinner tonight salmon and mushrooms and a salad, fruit in jelly for dessert.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Foggy and damp

 The weather in this neck of the woods has change to Autumn very quickly this year.  Fog this morning and it is taking a long time to burn off, so everything is very damp.   As a result all the maple leaves that have fallen due to the blight are starting to decompose and smell of Autumn.   The sun is forecast to shine today it is just taking a long time to do it.  I am sure we are going to have some nice days in September, as soon as we get over this period of clouds and rain.  We hope there are a few more days, of nice weather, so we can take more rides with the top down on the convertible. 

Have not seen any hummingbirds for a few days, so I guess we can assume they have started to fly to warmer climes.  The Monarch butterflies are flying through the garden on their way down to Mexico for the Winter.  There are not as many as there were years ago.  On the news a couple of days ago the TV showed the butterflies being tagged, so their flight and whereabouts can be traced.

Not much going on in my piece of earth today, are you having a busy day, or taking it easy.

Dinner last night was going to be chicken but that didnt happen, on Tuesdays we purchase a fully cooked chicken from the grocery store, however, yesterday the store received no chickens to cook.  No explanation was given just they were not delivered.  Hope it is not a result of staff along the supply chain being ill.  It was a good thing there was roast beef left.

So tonight's dinner we will finish the roast beef with a backed potato, gravy, cauliflower and a salad, dessert fruit in jelly.   

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Grey Day

Cloudy and misty rain today, going to be day when the lights are going to be on all day.  Its only 14*C so feel quite cool.  It's looking like a typical Autumn day for sure.

Did quite a lot of sewing yesterday, so happy with that and more will be done today as nothing can be done outside.   If it clears up enough for a walk I will do that this afternoon.

 TV cable on the fritz again, so we were unable to watch anything last night, we did however, watch a DVD we had.   Apparently we have to get a new  box which connects the cable and the TV.  I am sure these boxes would last a lot longer if they were new and not reconditioned ones.  Hubby went to the retain outlet to exchange the box only to be told the outlet had been closed.  Going to another in a mall, however, it is not open yet.    There is nothing else we could do, theaters and cinemas are not open and if they were I doubt we would go, in this pandemic, TV is about the only entertainment we have during the evenings at the present time.   

Going to get my hair cut today,  I have a short style, and at some point, and it seems to happen over night it just becomes so difficult to handle, so then I know its time for a trim.

Dinner tonight is chicken, Brussel sprouts and salad. nothing decided for dessert yet.

Monday, September 07, 2020


 Fifty three years ago I was giving birth to my youngest daughter, (E)  after being is hospital for the previous three months....complications.  Where did all those years go?/?   Proud of what she has done so far in her life and what she has become. She and her husband were unable to have children of their own, so they adopted  their first daughter in 1999 and their second daughter in 2003, both were born in China, abandoned and lived in an orphanage for the first mine months of their lives.  Both of these children have become exceptional students and I am sure will have a wonderful future ahead of them, all due to my daughter and her husband.  

She (E) was not a student who excelled in her school work, however, she is currently working in a large hospital as a PSW (Personal Support Worker),  she was meant to do this type of work, it is just in her personality to help people. So Happy Birthday to my daughter (E).

Over night we had a thunderstorm and one inch of rain, the forecast indicated we would have high winds, 80 kms/per hour, it was windy but not that bad.  Cloudy today and tomorrow, Wednesday is the best day of this week to have some sunshine. 

Today, is Labour Day in Canada, and a stat holiday, the last long weekend of the Summer, usually children would be going back to school tomorrow, but that has been postponed until Sept 14 due to the pandemic.

The roast beef we had for dinner yesterday was delicious, more for dinner tonight, along with cauliflower and broccoli, tomatoes, no salad tonight,  Dessert is also left overs from last nights dinner.  So our evening meal is all taken care of.

Sewing for me today, too wet to do anything outside.

Sunday, September 06, 2020


When we heard the weather forecast on the TV last night and the temps for the low overnight, we flipped the switch for some heat to take the chill off.  Looking at the thermometer this morning it went down to 9*C over night, so we were  glad we turned on the furnace. Today the sun is shining and it is looking as if it might be a very nice day, however, several days in the coming week look wet.  Any chores that need to be done outside better be done today.

I took some cuttings from my geraniums  yesterday and potted them up, keeping them outside until a frost forces me to bring them in for the Winter.  The one I like the most is a coral colour, don't know the name of it, sorry.  

We are getting enough tomatoes from our two plants to keep our salads looking and tasting good.  They are the only veg I grow, as mentioned many times in past posts the deer roam freely in our neighbourhood so there is little sense in growing a big garden when the animals reap the rewards.  There are a lot of growers who have a road side stand which  provide almost anything we are interested in.

Hubby mows the road side grass for the neighbour across  the street, and in return she always gives us a large jar of honey, from her brothers bee hives.  We dont use a lot of it in cooking but add it to lemon juice and hot water for a soothing drink when we have a cold.

Dinner tonight: roast beef and the trimmings ,cauliflower and a salad of course, dessert will be a vanilla  mousse.

That is all from me today, 

Saturday, September 05, 2020


The weather has turned cold, we not really cold but a lot cooler than it has been,  The A/C has been turned off and the windows have been flung open in let in the fresh air.  All of the humidity in the air was cleared away with the recent thunderstorm and rain.  Temp went down to 13*C last night, so when I got up last 5:00 a.m. to visit the loo it was down right chilly on the nether regions with the breeze blowing in the window.  Back into bed and the blanket was pulled up a little tighter around my neck.

It is cloudy with not much hope of the sun shining today, so the temp in staying cool.  Tomorrow and Monday we can expect rain.

During the past couple of weeks Hubby has been wearing a pair of old very old pants to complete the job at his daughters, that job is now finished and so are the pants.  I patched them some time ago, and re patched the knees, but they were getting so thin I refused to do any more repair to them, so they got thinner and thinner as the days went by.  He does not like to throw things away, and these pants were going, so when he took them off I tied the legs in knots, so tight he would not be able to get them undone.  It worked they are in the garbage.

As I finish this post I can see rain, so any job which was going to take place today, is now put on hold.  I feel sorry for all the people that planned on taking their last camping trip this weekend, it is a holiday weekend here,  unofficially the last camping week end of the Summer, as usually the children go back to school on Tuesday.  This year, however, they will go back on the 14th, to a very different year of studies.

Dinner tonight, some of the pasta casserole is left over, so we might just as well finish it up with additional veg and a salad.  Dessert, not sure at the present time.

Friday, September 04, 2020

Character #1

In the area where I live, there are a  great number of retired people and now university students.  As we are off the beaten track, so to speak, there is very little traffic, which of course, makes it a perfect place for people to get their daily constitutional or walk to school or work, so we see a vast array of "characters". 

My hubby and I are very observant, watching nature of every kind, which of course includes people.

So today, I will try and describe one of those characters.  It is a lady, tall, (anyone over 5 feet is tall for me), and erect lady.  She always wears the same outfit, whether it is hot or cool.  Starting from her head down she has a wide brimmed straw hat, with what looks like a wide purple band, which could be a scarf, around the crown. This covers her long black hair.  On her body she wears a long purple gown which sweeps the ground and appears to be of a heavy weight fabric.  On top of that there is a flowing black cape.  To complete the ensemble, on her feet she wears sandals.  With her long strides and the wind blowing the fabric of her outfit swings and sways.

I am not saying she is a street person,  just the opposite she appears to be well dressed just a little different from the average dressed person that walks by.  To give her the benefit of the doubt, she could be allergic to the sun, as every inch except for her hands are covered.   

Today is a lovely sunny day, but cooler, which is just fine with me.  Air conditioning off and the windows open letting in some fresh air.

The flowers are looking very  tired, soon it will be clean up time in the garden.  

Dinner tonight, left over Alfredo chicken, mushroom and pasta casserole, and salad.  It was yummy last night.  Dessert not sure yet.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Bright Sunshine

We have a very heavy dew this morning and bright sunshine which is suppose to stay until evening, which clouds are to roll in again.  Scattered showers possible through the night.

I was surprised to find one of my day lilies had numerous flowers on it again, never had that happen before.  Looking  forward to some additional colour visit in the garden this weekend, however, not to be, had a visit from the deer last night and more flowers.  I am so glad I did not buy them or else I  would be really up set.  Actually none of the perennials in my garden have been purchased there were either here when I came or they are And,plants which have been given to me.  Going to do a big clean out of some plants they are in need of being divided.   

  There is still the odd hummingbird coming to the feeder I think they should be leaving us soon, as the nights are getting cooler  and less sun to produce flowers on the plants.  The robin have all but gone south already, hope  that is not a sign of an early Winter.  Hoping it is because of the really dry weather we have had which drove the worms deeper in the ground.

Many of this city's streets are under construction due to bike lanes being installed.  The powers that be, believe more people will ride they bikes if there is a lane dedicated to them. In Canada we have Winters with snow and ice, I really do not see many people riding their bikes in a windchill temp of -35*C A Mother with her child in a proper carrier were interviewed and she was asked why she was riding her bike on the sidewalk, and her reply was, "There was very little room for error on the bike path, her child was too uncomfortable to be so close the the traffic which was rushing by."  I can understand her issue.

My rant for the day.

Dinner tonight, a macaroni beef casserole with broccoli and salad, hubby  will have dessert, not sure yet, but I am going to forego desserts, must try and get some of this flab off.


Wednesday, September 02, 2020

And the thunder roared

We were in the midst of a thunderstorm when we went to bed last night.  Lightening and thunder kept us awake for some time before it left the area.  Checking the rain gauge this morning we had an inch and a half of rain during the storm and over night.  At the present time it is cloudy, brightening up for awhile and then getting dark again, looks as if we might be in for some more rain.

On Monday, I did do some sewing however, for the balance of the day I thoroughly cleaned the recreation room.  Furniture got moved, furniture got removed, walls dusted, vacuuming done and carpet cleaned.  Also took a chance and washed the covers on the sofa, they turned out beautiful, they were not really dirty just needed to be freshened up.  Also did the vestibule coming into the back door.  So everything now is spic and span.  Such a good feeling when a big job like that is done, and you can also move the next day without being stiff and sore.  

 We were busy getting groceries and working at hubby's daughters house so did not get a chance to post.  I am hoping to get some sawing done today.

Hubby's daughter was in a slight car accident yesterday, some damage on the driver side front bumper, thankfully no one was hurt.  

Not sure what dinner is going to be at the present time, whatever it is it will likely be quick and easy.  I like quick and easy these days.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...