Saturday, December 04, 2021

Weekend again

 Where does the time go, it's hard to believe a whole week has gone by again.  Nothing to show for it, well I shouldn't say that,  my house is clean, near the end of a quilting challenge, we have ate some nice meals from the groceries we got earlier, we have clean clothes to wear and .....well know I know where the time went.   Whew,  busy busy busy.

Hubby was able to get out yesterday and pick up the last of the leaves he is going to do.  There are still some to come down but they will be staying until Spring.   After dinner last night we took six bags of leaves to the recycle depot.   As we were leaving we eyed a pile of wood chips,  plans were made right then and there to return today and get some of these chips for the garden.   We have done this on two previous occasions, it makes the garden look neat and tidy and also helps to keep the weeds down.  First thing on the agenda this morning was the chips, nine bags are now waiting for Spring so they can be put on the gardens. 

All the laundry washed, dried and put away and housework is done, meat out of the freezer for dinner tonight and also the roast for tomorrow.   Writing  to you now and then going to do some sewing.   Hubby is watching a football game between the University in our city and another University team,  I will go and watch towards the end of the game.   I can't imagine anyone sitting outside today to watch a game, as it is windy and cold.  The sun is shining but no heat in it this afternoon. 

Dinner tonight is homemade Chinese as I still have some of the rice left over from last nights dinner.

That is all for me today, tuckered out so going to take it easy and sew on some stars to my project.

Have a great weekend.  


  1. Very impressed that you make your own Chinese meals! You have been busy - time to take it easy and relax.

    1. DD wanted to create Chinese traditions and meals for her two Chinese adopted daughters, so she and I made a lot of mistakes but finally got it right.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...