Monday, December 13, 2021

Monday, Monday

Where did the weekend go!  Saturday was very windy here, certainly not as bad as some locations.   While talking to my sister today, she live in the country, her electric power was off for 24 hours, glad it wasn't freezing cold, she was uncomfortable enough as it was.   Sunday, was  more calm, and we were both very lazy.  

I contacted by Granddaughter today,  as I have had only second hand information about her vaccination status, I asked her if she and he husband had had their jabs.   She did not really answer the question and only came back to me asking why I wanted to know.  Well, I told her, explaining we do not intentionally expose ourselves to possible exposure to Covid.   We are of an age where we need to be careful, and I went on from there, will not bore you with everything I told her.  Lets just say, I said more than I should.   It upset, disappointed and also made me somewhat depressed that I had to explain.   In my opinion, she should have been the one who indicated they were unable to visit because of their vaccine status and wanted me to continue to be safe.   I believe thinking about contacting her has been on my mind for sometime, making me feel very down.   Now it has been said, I am feeling better, just hoping there is no backlash from other family members.

Housework done today and I puttered around the house, had to go for a walk as it was a beautiful day, too nice to stay in the house.  I forgot a gift for someone, so need to go out and get that tomorrow.  Also need to get groceries.

A little late today to say, have a great day, so will end by saying have a great day on Tuesday, or Wednesday depending where you are.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you had to have that conversation with your granddaughter. At least it is out in the open. The fallout from this damn virus will go on for years in many unexpected ways.
    I hope you got out in the sunshine. It's too hot here!


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