Friday, December 24, 2021


It is not a sigh of frustration, it's a sigh of RELIEF.   Received a call from my grandson early this morning,  "Hi Grandma, we have A's test back and she is negative".   Thank goodness she is not ill. She and the family can go to see Grandma and Pappa late on Dec. 26th and everything will be OK.  We can get on with preparations for our dinner which will be happening late tomorrow.

Good news all around, as my sister and her family have received negative test results also.

Residents in this area have been advised to ditch the blue face masks and use the N95, sounds good for those who can find them and purchase them.  Twice Hubby had to go to a store which was selling them, first time they were out of stock and was told to return later in the day as a new shipment was coming in.  He was able to get some for both of us and his daughter.   How people who are not able to go to this store to get them or who have to make the choice between getting these masks and buying food is beyond me, as they are not cheap.

We had about 2 inches of snow late yesterday and over night, but it is now melting and should all be gone by morning, if the forecast is correct as rain is expected tonight and tomorrow.   Green Christmas for us.

So, I now need to get myself moving and close by saying.

If you have been good Santa will come and visit you and bring everything you wished for.   I am wishing for Peace, Happiness and Health for all of my family, friends and the world.



  1. Merry Christmas Pat... have a wonderful holiday! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Good news all round. We six have also tested negative today so can go forward with our plans. Have a wonderful few days with family, Pat. Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas, Pat. Have a wonderful day. What great news about the negative test.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...