Thursday, December 16, 2021

I can Hear!!

Yesterday I had an earlier that had expected appointment  to receive my new hearing aids.   The old ones are six years old, way past their best before date for sure.   During the past a couple of months I have had several trial aids to determine which ones I prefer.  Decided on a pair that are made by the same company of my old ones.   The audiologist was the best one I have ever had any dealings with.  My appointment was scheduled for  11:30 a.m. with S and I walked out at 1:00 p.m. so through I was very pleased with everything she did and answered all of my questions.  Except when I came to leave and the Visa card had to be taken out of my wallet.   Ouch!!! that hurt or I should say, it will hurt when the bill comes in, in January.   The government chipped in a grand and my extended health care will do the same, which certainly helps a great deal.  I have a clock that ticks!  and the fridge makes a lot of noise.  

Batting down the hatches today and it is very windy, but warm, in fact our city could see record breaking high temps for December 16.   Then, tomorrow we get back to reality and it will be cold.

Hubby just came in......I now need to taken my car into the garage, my rear drivers side tire is losing air, if it is not one thing it is another.   

Dinner last night was left over Chinese food and I made some extra rice, also made a peach pie.

My youngest daughter and her family are not fond of turkey, so many years ago when her two daughters were young they decided to have a theme for every Christmas dinner, everyone preparing a food from the country they decided  it would be.  Her daughters are Chinese born, so obviously the first year was Chinese food, then I am English, so next was British Christmas food.   On and on it went, Mexican,  Canadian etc. and then French.   Eldest GD was thinking of some French food we could prepare and she decided her choice would be "French Fries"  LOL    After several years of doing this, families get bigger and things need to change, but it was great fun researching to foods, finding the ingredients and preparing the dishes.  Some were a success and others not so much.   During the Mexican Christmas, I decided to make "Fried Ice Cream"   what on earth was I thinking.   It turned out to be edible.

Not sure what we will be having tonight, must start thinking about it.

Have a great day.


  1. I'm so glad you can hear well, Pat. Makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it. Remember how high in carbs rice & peach pie are. Your newly diabetic husband shouldn't have either one but if he has to have the rice, only about 1/3 of a cup of the cooked stuff. ~Andrea XOXOXO

    1. I know the procedures regarding carbs for diabetics after living with it for far too many years trying to keep it in check for my husband and giving him four injections a day for years. He had a mind of his own, he passed away in 2010 from diabetic and heart related issues.
      The rice was only a small serving and I used a recipe for a crustless pumpkin pie but used peaches instead. It was OK and edible. Have you used "Stevia" instead of all the sugar called for in a recipe?

  2. That's good news about your new hearing aids. The themed dinners does sound like fun. My family is the exact opposite as we have the same meal (from the starters to dessert) every Christmas although we may vary the vegetables for the main course a bit!

  3. Themed dinners sound like a lot of fun. I remember when my father got his first hearing aids years ago he went around the house shaking a box of matches and crinkling the cellophane from cigarette packets (yes, it was THAT long ago!)

  4. I am surprised your families had so many themed Christmas dinners. I think it was an excellent idea and something that everyone can get involved in. You all have covered quite a number of International cuisines! Waiting to read what you created this Cmas.


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