Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Up in the Air

Received a call from my grandson this morning while we were out getting our groceries.   He is the grandson who visited us on Sunday afternoon.   He very seldom calls on the phone, it is usually via messenger on my phone or laptop.   Humm, the fact he called means to me it is not going to be a jolly happy call.  Did their family dog pass away? She is old.   My son ill? someone else in the family?    I think you can almost guess what the reason for the call might be already.  Apparently, Audrey was in day care yesterday and when they picked her up, they were told one of the other children and tested positive for Covid.  Grandson was doing a PCR test on Audrey this morning and would not get the results back  until Friday, Christmas eve day. So Christmas and Boxing day plans are up in the air.   Do I prepare of the "make ahead" things for Christmas? do I do it at the last minute?  Has anyone frozen a homemade baked cheesecake and thawed it when needed?

The grocery bill was big this morning, glad Christmas does not come around more than once in the year, I would be bankrupt.   Just happy I can do it and not have to eat Kraft Dinner for a month after the leftovers are all gone.

Christmas gifts are all bought, I am done, not that I needed to buy a lot.

Dinner tonight, chicken,aspargu, baked potato.



  1. Oh, no! What a quandry for you all. I think the cheesecake should be OK to freeze. I'll check with my daughter as she makes her own. Had to laugh about "eating Mac 'n Cheese for a month" - never had to do it, thankfully!

  2. Similar things happening here, too. Hopefully your food won't be wasted.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...