Friday, December 31, 2021

Pea Soup

 No, not the kind you eat, the weather kind.

Woke this morning to thick fog, it has since lifted and it is cloudy and damp, certainly  not the weather we normally see in this area at this time of the year.  It is quite mild, 7*C and rain is forecast for Saturday,  Another day closer to Spring with no snow and freezing temperatures.  

These dark evenings we tend to settle down for the night either reading or watching the "tube" until past midnight some nights even later.   Hubby naps for an hour or so, but I can't, so he is awake and ready to start the day shortly after 7:00 a.m. as he had his required sleep.  Me, however, I need at least 7 1/2 hours sleep each night but, have not been getting that for several nights recently, what with the holidays etc.   Last night did not get into bed until 1:00 a.m. so, this morning I slept in and my feet did not hit the floor until 8:30 a.m. Did not even need to visit the loo.    Feel a bit more ambitious today.    

I keep a diary of everything we do each day, usually at least one member of the family gives me  one for Christmas, however, did not get one this year, so had to go and buy myself one this morning.   Just happened to walk past, not that is not true, I made a beeline for the potato chip dips in the dairy counter as one kept on calling my name.  Our New Year's eve snack.  Tomorrow, well that is the day I stand on the blessed scales in the bathroom, I swear it lies.   Make a note of the number in said diary, and intend on losing some of those holiday pounds and also the ones that have a habit of  piling on over time.   This is not a new years resolution, I never keep them anyway, but a conscious effort to be healthier in the coming year and years down the road. 

Hoping this weather stays and the streets and pathways remain clear of ice and snow, wishful thinking, I know, but I plan to walk every day, even if it just a short distance.  

Hubby is out picking up some stray leaves that were missed in November, he is pleased the snow has gone so he can take care of that job at the neighbours.   They asked him to take care of the lawn and leaves earlier in the year as they rent out this property to students, and most of the time I believe they are out of the country in Bermuda.

Time to get myself moving,

Wishing all who visit my blog a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Stay safe.



Thursday, December 30, 2021

Slow week and Quilts.

 The days this week seem to be going so slow, not that I want to wish my life away, but yesterday, even Hubby was thinking it was Thursday and had all of the garbage ready for pickup, which is not until tomorrow.  Maybe it is because we got to the grocery store on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.   We are such creatures of habit, do something out of sequence and we are thrown off course very quickly.   

Do you have a regular routine or just wing it?

Made lots of turkey soup, some for today and tomorrow and the rest will go into the freezer for other lunches or dinners.   Not sure what we will have for dinner tonight, all the leftovers from Christmas are gone,  so will have to cook something  today, maybe something light for a change, salmon with some stuffed mushrooms on the side and a salad. Or, turkey soup, sausage rolls and a salad.  Got a couple of hours to decide.

 I have been asked to show some of the quilts I make, here are three made for my children and their spouse.   The brown one was for my DD1 and SIL, the blue for DD2 and SIL, and the green one for son and DIL.

I will show more in future posts.

Currently working on the binding for the quit for a local Women's Shelter which will be given through our guild. Also, need to start putting together the blocks for our guilds Chemo unit donation.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The smell is making me hungry

 The turkey bones did not get put in the soup pot yesterday, they remained in the fridge until this morning after I got the celery and carrots when we got our groceries.  Now they are gently simmering away, and as my title indicated, it smells so good, I could eat it now, but it needs some more time.   

As mentioned, we got our groceries this morning,  and the cereal aisle had a lot of empty spaces with signs indicating there was a supply issue.  Most of the missing ones were popular ones such as, corn flakes and rice crispies.  A sign of the times...could be.

We had a light dusting of snow overnight, but the temp is now 3*C so it is starting to melt, the weekend forecast is calling for rain.   Another day not having to shovel snow, so I will take it, not that I shovel snow any more.  Too hard for me to do, so Hubby uses the snow thrower.

Not much else on the agenda today, will finish the soup and continue to sew the binding down on the quilt currently be made for a local Women's Shelter.   Then I am going to put the blocks on our guilds chemo quilt together, sandwich it with batting and backing then quilt it.   Want to get those two things taken care of so I can start a new project.  Lots of ideas are running around in my head, so will need to concentrate on at least one of those.

Almost lunch time, so will get off here and get moving. 

Have a wonderful day, no matter what you are doing.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Absolutely Nothing

The title describes yesterday, as I did absolutely nothing.   Only shower, made the bed, tidied  bathrooms and kitchen.  Had leftovers for lunch and dinner,  did a bit of hand sewing on a binding for a quilt and watched TV.   Had a good night's sleep, so ready to tackle the day.

We did not get groceries as we usually do on Tuesdays, two reason, one, we still have enough of the basics until tomorrow, and two, wanted to make sure deliveries were taken care of at the grocery, so there were products on the shelves.  A lot of companies gave employees Friday and Monday off as "stat" days off due to Christmas and Boxing day were on the weekend.   

The turkey carcass is going in the pot today for soup, so that will be on the menu for the next few days.  We still have a few leftovers which will be used up for our dinner tonight.

This morning, finally able to book two appointments for our booster Covid vaccinations this morning.   Yesterday, I booked appointments in another city about 3/4 hour drive away as they had opened up spaces, however, they were for January 25th.   Tried this morning in the city where we live and was able to get two for January 22nd. and cancelled the two for the 25th.   Not as early as I had hoped to get them but at least we now have an appointment.  

Light snow yesterday morning, freezing drizzle last night and this morning temp is just above zero and we have a bit of sunshine, so some of the ice is melting.

Well the bones are calling, so will wish everyone a pleasant day. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

All Done and Dusted

Christmas that is.     It was a busy time for me and noting how I feel after two days of prepping food and cleaning up after, (I did have help from Hubby), I am done all of this work, it is now someone else's job to serve me Christmas dinner.   It is not only the physical work which is done, to me it is the mental preparations that start at the grocery store and continue on until the last mosal is finished.  Don't get me wrong I love doing all of this work, my mind says "Yes, you can do it", but the body is saying today "You are an idiot, slow down".   So for future Christmas's I am listening to my body.

For dinner on Christmas day there were 10 people around the table.  Turkey, stuffing, rolls/butter, squash, cauliflower cheese, baby peas, sauerkraut, (Hubby's late wife kept Polish traditions, so his daughter always wants the sauerkraut,), mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce and a pickle tray..  Dessert, homemade cherry cheesecake,  shortbread cookies, butter tarts and mince tarts.   Hubby's DIL brought a trifle and DIL's Mother and brought brought a bottle of white wine.  Boxing Day, nine people from my family, (one GD was working), we just had nibblies, polish sausage, cheese, crackers, chips and horseradish dip, sausage rolls, shimp, pickle tray.  Sweet tray held, shortbread cookies, tarts mentioned above, chocolates, and leftover cheesecake.   I don't buy booze these days, so if anyone wanted a special drink, it was BYOB, and that worked out very well.

We had a green Christmas and Boxing Day with the temps above the zero degree mark, which is just the way I like it.  This morning, we have a dusting of snow.  In my diary from last year on Boxing Day  we had eleven inches of snow on the ground.  

The turkey has been striped and the bones are currently waiting in the fridge, eventually to become soup tomorrow, which will be on the menu for a couple of days.   

I did not hear from my son or DIL during the weekend, at first I was upset, but now have come to accept the fact that those things are a part of the cycle of life.   They live a good two hours or more drive away, they have children and now a granddaughter, so they are busy with them celebrating.   But, in my heart feel as if I am forgotten, my argument, a phone call takes such a small amount of time but can mean so much.  I am done initiating calls,, not just to family, but also friends that I thought were "friends".   Sounding like a miserable b$#ch, but the world we live in at the present time also adds to the feeling of desertion.  If I didn't have Hubby I just can't imagine what my life would be if I was living alone. 

On a positive note, my youngest GD "C" received fantastic results from the first semester final exams she wrote a couple of weeks ago for a light training.   Second  youngest GD "K" as I am mentioned previously is working on her Masters in Biology, informed up yesterday, she will be "fast forwarding" her Masters studies in September 2022, to start a five year course of studies to receive a PHD in Biology.  She is currently doing research in a lab, which she hopes will eventually result in her creating crops that will be able to grow in the climate changes of the future.  Both of them are Asian and have received many unfavourable  comments regarding the Covid virus.  

Dinner tonight, LEFTOVERS, easy peasy.

Have a great day.


Friday, December 24, 2021


It is not a sigh of frustration, it's a sigh of RELIEF.   Received a call from my grandson early this morning,  "Hi Grandma, we have A's test back and she is negative".   Thank goodness she is not ill. She and the family can go to see Grandma and Pappa late on Dec. 26th and everything will be OK.  We can get on with preparations for our dinner which will be happening late tomorrow.

Good news all around, as my sister and her family have received negative test results also.

Residents in this area have been advised to ditch the blue face masks and use the N95, sounds good for those who can find them and purchase them.  Twice Hubby had to go to a store which was selling them, first time they were out of stock and was told to return later in the day as a new shipment was coming in.  He was able to get some for both of us and his daughter.   How people who are not able to go to this store to get them or who have to make the choice between getting these masks and buying food is beyond me, as they are not cheap.

We had about 2 inches of snow late yesterday and over night, but it is now melting and should all be gone by morning, if the forecast is correct as rain is expected tonight and tomorrow.   Green Christmas for us.

So, I now need to get myself moving and close by saying.

If you have been good Santa will come and visit you and bring everything you wished for.   I am wishing for Peace, Happiness and Health for all of my family, friends and the world.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Shortbread cookies, butter tarts and a few mince tarts all made this afternoon.  Now, having a few minutes sit down before I start getting dinner ready.   Can't really say "start" as we are leftovers from yesterday's and the day before dinner.   I am sure some of you are saying yucky, but I hate throwing away good food just because it has been in the fridge for a day or two. Dinner is---roast beef, asparagus, squash,  and I might do a salad to balance it all out.  Have no idea for dessert, maybe one of those baking items for me, Hubby well, we shall see what he wants, likely nothing.

He has been doing some errands this afternoon, just arrived home.  Yesterday, he said he no longer wants or needs to work, it has taken two years for him to come to that conclusion.  

Seventy two hours since we saw our great granddaughter, so keeping our fingers crossed we remain free of the virus.

Cool and cloudy today, a few little flakes in the air but really nothing  to mention.   It appears we might have a green Christmas, which is just fine with me.

Well, dinner was perfect, no pots and pans to wash, my kind of dinner.

Taking it easy for a while, been on my feet all afternoon, going to watch TV after 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Up in the Air

Received a call from my grandson this morning while we were out getting our groceries.   He is the grandson who visited us on Sunday afternoon.   He very seldom calls on the phone, it is usually via messenger on my phone or laptop.   Humm, the fact he called means to me it is not going to be a jolly happy call.  Did their family dog pass away? She is old.   My son ill? someone else in the family?    I think you can almost guess what the reason for the call might be already.  Apparently, Audrey was in day care yesterday and when they picked her up, they were told one of the other children and tested positive for Covid.  Grandson was doing a PCR test on Audrey this morning and would not get the results back  until Friday, Christmas eve day. So Christmas and Boxing day plans are up in the air.   Do I prepare of the "make ahead" things for Christmas? do I do it at the last minute?  Has anyone frozen a homemade baked cheesecake and thawed it when needed?

The grocery bill was big this morning, glad Christmas does not come around more than once in the year, I would be bankrupt.   Just happy I can do it and not have to eat Kraft Dinner for a month after the leftovers are all gone.

Christmas gifts are all bought, I am done, not that I needed to buy a lot.

Dinner tonight, chicken,aspargu, baked potato.


Monday, December 20, 2021

Little Audrey

 Yesterday afternoon we had a visit from one of my great granddaughters, her Mum and Dad.  Audrey is 2 1/2 years old and such a sweetheart.   Busy little people, aren't they, made us tired just looking at her on the move all the time.  The family will be home for Christmas day and then going to see Grandma and Papa on Boxing day and staying with them for a couple of days.   

Granddaughter C has finished he first semester, wrote exams and now working for a couple of weeks prior to starting her second semester.  K is home from Ottawa's Carleton U for Christmas week and today is marking exams for the professor she is working with.   I will see both of them and their Mum and Dad on Boxing day.   

My niece's daughter has had another COVID test and that confirmed she is positive, not ill, just a bit congested.  She is in the house by herself, so today she is cleaning the house for something to do.  My sister, niece and her husband were only able to get a test scheduled for Friday and won't get their results back until after the weekend.  

As of today, everyone over a certain age and it has been the required length of time since their second jab, could book for their booster.   So on the web site I went early this morning,  finally after a run around to numerous sites I was able to get on the appropriate one to get an time for our jab.   I waited for 21 minutes and then was directed to another web site only to be advised everything was booked up my DD2 everything was booked up until Jan 17, 2022.   I wasn't able to go on a waiting list, if someone had cancelled.   So frustrating to say the least.   There is a pop up clinic at a local mall, and was instructed the hours of operation, and also, if there is a line up and all of the time slots have been assigned you might as well go home.  I am at a loss of words to describe the mess this system is in or should say the lack of anything that resembles a system.   Done my rant.

Had a quick dinner tonight of leftovers from yesterdays roast beef and veg as Hubby had to go to a meeting, only to come a short while later as it had been cancelled due to the Covid restrictions.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Tree up

 I put up and decorated the small artificial tree, and place other Christmas decorations around the house.  Not very many just enough to give off a bit of Christmas spirit, even though I am not very Christmassy this year.  

Just taken out of the oven a batch of shortbread cookies,  In the past I made a recipe that involved a lot a mixing,  rolling, cutting and baking.  Then out of the oven, they cooled and then sandwiched with grape jelly in the middle of two cookies then iced and decorated.   It was a lot of work that I am not prepared to do, so I made some whipped shortbread.  Oh!  so much easier, this will be my go to recipe from now on.  Also, might add they are delicious. It was a recipe Hubby's aunt in law gave me two years ago, after she offered them to us during a visit.   Unfortunately, she had cancer with no hope of recovery, she was in her 90's.  Towards the end she was in a lot of pain and decided she had had enough and chose the day for her to depart. 

Expecting a great granddaughter to visit this afternoon so I can give her her gift.  

Will have ten, including us for Christmas dinner, and expecting the same number for Boxing Day nibbles.

Had a call last night from my niece advising me not to go and visit my sister on Monday.   Niece's daughter has been exposed to COVID and who knows if my sister and her family have been also.   The rapid test indicated positive, however, no report back from the other test, when talking to sister this morning.  My niece  has cancer, her husband has been ill for almost two years with an infection so they both have had their boosters, sister will not be able to get registered for her booster until tomorrow.   Such a mess, so sick of all this virus.   It is splitting families between those not vaxed and those who are.  Those battles will take a long time to heal, if ever.

Cloudy and cool today, no wind which is a blessing.   

Dinner, roast beef, squash and brussels, may just have a cookie for dessert.


Friday, December 17, 2021

House cleaning

 Cleaned the main living floor yesterday and just finished the downstairs.  Made sausage rolls this morning also, had to put them in the freezer or I would eat them all.  No very pleased with the puff pastry I bought last week, it wasn't very puffy.   It tasted good though, so that is all that matters.

I believe a mentioned a little while back, we rescued a Christmas tree from being composted, I have had it in a pail of water in our cold room and we decided to decorate it today.   It didn't go well, as soon as we moved it too many needles came off of it and I was not comfortable putting lights on it.  They get warm and you know what happens then.   It will be back in the recycle depot tomorrow.  Disappointed to say the least but I still have a small artificial one which has been used for several years, so that will be my focus either this afternoon or tomorrow. 

Here in the city where I live we did break a record for the high temp for Dec. 16th.  it went up to 16.8*C, today, is a different story, only a high of 4*C but we do have sunny skies and no winds like we had yesterday.

Not getting as many Christmas cards this year as I have done in the past, I am sure a lot of people are cutting back as the postage is quite expensive especially for international mail.  There is a lot of on line greetings taking place too, so that is probably a more accurate reason.  I remember years ago my MIL would have a ribbon strung from corner to corner in her loving room, it was not a small room either and cards would be filling that ribbon.  You must remember also, if the envelope was not sealed it only cost a couple of cents to mail it almost anywhere.  

Have not heard from Hubby's DIL as to whether her mother and brother will be joining us for Christmas dinner, she always leaves everything to the last minute, so don't expect and answer until Christmas morning.   Going to prepare as if they are coming, all the extra food can be frozen and used in the coming week.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet must start thinking about it.

Have a great day.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

I can Hear!!

Yesterday I had an earlier that had expected appointment  to receive my new hearing aids.   The old ones are six years old, way past their best before date for sure.   During the past a couple of months I have had several trial aids to determine which ones I prefer.  Decided on a pair that are made by the same company of my old ones.   The audiologist was the best one I have ever had any dealings with.  My appointment was scheduled for  11:30 a.m. with S and I walked out at 1:00 p.m. so through I was very pleased with everything she did and answered all of my questions.  Except when I came to leave and the Visa card had to be taken out of my wallet.   Ouch!!! that hurt or I should say, it will hurt when the bill comes in, in January.   The government chipped in a grand and my extended health care will do the same, which certainly helps a great deal.  I have a clock that ticks!  and the fridge makes a lot of noise.  

Batting down the hatches today and it is very windy, but warm, in fact our city could see record breaking high temps for December 16.   Then, tomorrow we get back to reality and it will be cold.

Hubby just came in......I now need to taken my car into the garage, my rear drivers side tire is losing air, if it is not one thing it is another.   

Dinner last night was left over Chinese food and I made some extra rice, also made a peach pie.

My youngest daughter and her family are not fond of turkey, so many years ago when her two daughters were young they decided to have a theme for every Christmas dinner, everyone preparing a food from the country they decided  it would be.  Her daughters are Chinese born, so obviously the first year was Chinese food, then I am English, so next was British Christmas food.   On and on it went, Mexican,  Canadian etc. and then French.   Eldest GD was thinking of some French food we could prepare and she decided her choice would be "French Fries"  LOL    After several years of doing this, families get bigger and things need to change, but it was great fun researching to foods, finding the ingredients and preparing the dishes.  Some were a success and others not so much.   During the Mexican Christmas, I decided to make "Fried Ice Cream"   what on earth was I thinking.   It turned out to be edible.

Not sure what we will be having tonight, must start thinking about it.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Need to get my rear in gear

 December 15th and I have not done anything in regards to baking anything for Christmas or Boxing Days, so I need to get that sorted out.  Not that I do a lot anymore.  On the list of "to do baking" is whipped shortbreads, and a cheesecake for Christmas meal.  Mini quiche, butter tarts, peanut butter cookies and sausage rolls for Boxing Day.   It all sounds so quick and easy but, it never turns out that way,  the weekend will be the days to get it all taken care of when the electrical power is a bit cheaper.   

Do you have different prices for your electrical power for different  seasons and days?   Here in Ontario we do.

Finished the shopping yesterday, it was such a nice day out as the weather was beautiful, not many people in the stores I went to, however, the street traffic was very busy but, it always is here in this city.

Hubby has eight bags of leaves and branches to take to the recycle today when it opens at noon.  I received a call from my audiologist this morning indicating my new hearing aids are in and there is an appointment open for today.   Can you say Cha ching $$$$$$.  I guess it is a Christmas gift to me from me.

It must be the damp weather because today I feel very achy, I will blame it on the weather as I have not done anything that would cause my shoulders to be causing some discomfort today. Tension I suspect, as I had a "talk" to DD1 last night.!!!!!

Need to get myself moving and change  so I can my new "ears".

Have a great day.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


The weather yesterday was just lovely, therefore I had to get out and go for a walk.  I wish I could have gone further but some muscles said "NO".   Today is even better than yesterday, lovely sunshine, mild temp, ( for this time of the year), no wind.   Every day could be like this until Christmas Eve then it can snow, huge soft flakes drifting down and sparkling in the lights outside.  The snow can then disappear on December 27th and the sun can shine and be mild again.  On March 1st it can start getting warmer.  A dreamer I am.

Yesterday I also wrapped the gifts that I had bought and discovered I had forgotten to buy for one, so that is an errand for me this afternoon.  

Off early to get the groceries bought, went by myself today as Hubby had an appointment.  The store was not busy so pleased about that and most of what I wanted was on the shelves and some even on sale, a bonus.

It's just about lunch time, so must close, so that I can get outside, do my errands and enjoy the day.

Have a great day.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Monday, Monday

Where did the weekend go!  Saturday was very windy here, certainly not as bad as some locations.   While talking to my sister today, she live in the country, her electric power was off for 24 hours, glad it wasn't freezing cold, she was uncomfortable enough as it was.   Sunday, was  more calm, and we were both very lazy.  

I contacted by Granddaughter today,  as I have had only second hand information about her vaccination status, I asked her if she and he husband had had their jabs.   She did not really answer the question and only came back to me asking why I wanted to know.  Well, I told her, explaining we do not intentionally expose ourselves to possible exposure to Covid.   We are of an age where we need to be careful, and I went on from there, will not bore you with everything I told her.  Lets just say, I said more than I should.   It upset, disappointed and also made me somewhat depressed that I had to explain.   In my opinion, she should have been the one who indicated they were unable to visit because of their vaccine status and wanted me to continue to be safe.   I believe thinking about contacting her has been on my mind for sometime, making me feel very down.   Now it has been said, I am feeling better, just hoping there is no backlash from other family members.

Housework done today and I puttered around the house, had to go for a walk as it was a beautiful day, too nice to stay in the house.  I forgot a gift for someone, so need to go out and get that tomorrow.  Also need to get groceries.

A little late today to say, have a great day, so will end by saying have a great day on Tuesday, or Wednesday depending where you are.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Missed a few days

 But now back,   still very little going on around our house these past few days, just the usual chores that need to be done.

All of the gift shopping is now done for my great grands, just need to get some money from the bank for two of my granddaughters that are in university and college.   I also give Hubby's two youngest grandchildren a small amount of cash too and he does the same for my two mentioned above.   Once anyone in my family is over 18 years of age or working I do not buy gifts.  There are just too many to buy for.  I have a gift of an amerlisis (sp?) bulb for my sister to plant and plan on visiting her within the next few days to give it to her.  

After a windy day yesterday, we have a few small branches to pick up from the trees around our property and I had to retrieve my compost container lid from the front lawn, other than that no damage for us.   Today, we had a frosty morning, but now a beautiful blue clear sky and sunshine, cooler than yesterday but that is OK.  

Hubby talked to his DIL yesterday to make plans for Christmas dinner, in the past Hubby's son and family would have a mid day meal with his MIL at noon, and come here for dinner and no one ate very much as they were still full, so I was getting rather upset as I cooked a lovely meal, (in my opinion) and they just picked at the food.   I needed something to change.   The solution we have suggested is son and DIL's family and DIL's Mother and brother come here for dinner, everyone will be together for the day and eat the dinner I cook, I must also add that Hubby does a lot to help prepare the meal.

My children will be having their families for Christmas dinner, so only seven of them will be visiting me on Boxing day.   I will have two charcuterie boards one savory and one sweet to nibble on during the afternoon.  I feel sad and somewhat upset that I will not get to see all of my six great grands and the rest of my family but, it is what it is and nothing can be done about it.   One of my granddaughters and her family have not had any of the jabs, so I am having trouble telling her I can't invite them over, we are healthy but our age is not on our side, so we need to limit the amount of intentional possible exposure to a minimum.    I should not complain as they are all doing well, they are healthy and have good jobs.   Some live some distance from me, as they needed to go where those jobs are there for them to have.  

Yesterday, I gave Hubby a haircut and he still was able to go out in public without worrying about how he looked.   I said don't worry about that, with a mask on nobody knows who you are anyway.  LOL  I did do a good job, (again, if I do say so myself).  

Football day today, Hubby just got all of his TV games looked up, I know where he will be all day,  he will be a couch potato for sure.  Me, some sewing is calling me and I need to start making some lists  as I always do.

Have no idea what we will be having for dinner, could be a pizza eaten in front of the TV.   Something we very seldom do.   Actually, I could almost count on two hands the amount of times during my lifetime I have sat in front of the TV to eat any meal.   Do you eat at a table either in your kitchen or dining room OR do you eat on a regular basis in front of the TV?   When I eat out, I do not like going to a restaurant which has multiple TV's hanging on every wall in the place.  No conversations happening.

Well, must get myself moving. have a great day.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021


 Flakes of snow float past the window, certainly not what was in the forecast I watched on TV last night., for which I am thankful as the weather person was indicating a lot worse.

Not much going on here that is worth noting today, Tuesday groceries were bought and put away.  Then an errand to find a certain light bulb for a garage light.   Successful in finding the place where they are sold, but none in stock, now on order.

Still feeling a bit out of sorts, not health wise just ........

Dinner tonight is chicken,   asparagus  another veg, and some of the fruit in jelly for dessert.   I am beginning to sound like a broken record, as this is our normal Tuesday dinner.

Going to do some sewing.

Monday, December 06, 2021

Weather statement issued

 The statement  advised of very high winds during today and overnight.   Now, when these north/west winds blow in the Winter time they are cold winds, the temp goes down and a wind chill reading is calculated.   When we woke up this morning, the temp was a balmy 10*C, and it was calm, as the day wore on it went down and the wind started to blow. Now when I write at 6:30 p.m. it is 1*C feeling like -15*C.   When we wake up tomorrow the wind chill temp will be -17*C, the only consolation there is now snow.   That is my weather report for today.

I started my Christmas shopping today, got all the clothes I wanted for the great grandchildren, such cute  outfit in the stores these days.   Not when my kids were young, just the basic outfits back then.

I looked for some nice colouring books but the ones I saw were not very nice, the pages were covered with gross animals and faces, not something I would want my child to colour, so they are still in the store.  I will go to a couple of other places later in the week.   I like to shop in stores, so have not looked online for any.   Also bought a couple strings of small lights and a star for my Christmas tree.

Other than shopping I have done little else today, just the necessary tidying and cleaning the bathrooms.  

Dinner tonight was left over roast beef and gravy, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, jelly in fruit for dessert.

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Slow Sunday

 Sunday, a day of rest, so that is exactly what I hope to do today, it never happens that way but  lets just say it will be slower.

Hubby cooked breakfast this morning as he does every Sunday, it is so nice to get up and not have to prepare a meal.   We do not go out for breakfasts or brunch,  I like to take my mornings easy until after I have eaten, showered and got dressed.   Going out to work five days a week for 27 years as well as  looking after a family,  retiring, then caring for an ill husband for ten years, it's time for me to  take my mornings SLOW.  That is what I do now.   Do you go out for your morning meal?  OR have your breakfast as home?   The only time my routine is changed is when I went on vacation and when we go on vacation now, those are days of relaxation.  

Planning on doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow, I have a list made, not that I buy a lot of gifts these day,  but usually I forget something or other.   Going to the garden centre to get a poinsettia  that I usually display on the fireplace hearth in the living room.  We don't light the fire in the living room only the one in the rec room.  

I am a list maker, for almost everything so need to get one started on Christmas dinner and Boxing Day nibblies get togethers.   I like to be organized, my sister thinks I have OCD and sometimes I think I do, but only a mild case of it.  She always "wings it"  I cannot do that.

Dull grey day, might get some rain this evening, and tomorrow more rain, rather that then snow.  

Hubby is getting the lawn mower ready to store away for the Winter and has retrieved the snow thrower from the back of the garage, time to get ready for the onslaught of snow which we know is going to arrived sooner or later.  I would prefer the latter or never would be better.   He is getting much too old to shovel and I will not do that anymore, too hard on my body.

Dinner tonight, roast beef, potato, brussel sprouts, roasted parsnip, carrots, and gravy.   Fruit in jelly for dessert.       

Time to get myself warmly dressed for my jaunt out for my walk, have a great day.

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Weekend again

 Where does the time go, it's hard to believe a whole week has gone by again.  Nothing to show for it, well I shouldn't say that,  my house is clean, near the end of a quilting challenge, we have ate some nice meals from the groceries we got earlier, we have clean clothes to wear and .....well know I know where the time went.   Whew,  busy busy busy.

Hubby was able to get out yesterday and pick up the last of the leaves he is going to do.  There are still some to come down but they will be staying until Spring.   After dinner last night we took six bags of leaves to the recycle depot.   As we were leaving we eyed a pile of wood chips,  plans were made right then and there to return today and get some of these chips for the garden.   We have done this on two previous occasions, it makes the garden look neat and tidy and also helps to keep the weeds down.  First thing on the agenda this morning was the chips, nine bags are now waiting for Spring so they can be put on the gardens. 

All the laundry washed, dried and put away and housework is done, meat out of the freezer for dinner tonight and also the roast for tomorrow.   Writing  to you now and then going to do some sewing.   Hubby is watching a football game between the University in our city and another University team,  I will go and watch towards the end of the game.   I can't imagine anyone sitting outside today to watch a game, as it is windy and cold.  The sun is shining but no heat in it this afternoon. 

Dinner tonight is homemade Chinese as I still have some of the rice left over from last nights dinner.

That is all for me today, tuckered out so going to take it easy and sew on some stars to my project.

Have a great weekend.  

Friday, December 03, 2021


 Busy doing some needed cleaning today, it's not dirty but bathrooms need to be done.  Big one got the full treatment, floor washed and finish put on.  I do it on my hands and knees, it's not clean enough for me with a mop.

Did some sewing on the guild challenge this afternoon  and wrote my overseas Christmas cards going in the on Monday.  I don't send many to the UK just friends and a few family members that are left.  Glad I do not send as many as I used too as it  is so expensive for the stamp.  

Ho hum weather day, cool and the air was damp one of this days where it creeps into your bones.  No wind, must have go all blown out yesterday.   Hubby was able to pick up some leaves today, so he is pleased about that.

Dinner tonight ws salmon, mushroom rice, broccoli and chocolate mousse for dessert.

Time for some mindless TV watching.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Better late than never

Busy, busy again!   A late post tonight.

Today we had a mixture of weather, this morning, sunshine and a balmy temp of 12*C, all of the beautiful snow we had .... gone.  After lunch it became cloudy and very windy, blowing over a neighbours birch tree.  Now, I  must admit it wasn't really a tree, just a trunk, surprised it has not come down before now.   Later in the afternoon, it became cold, the cold that bites through, certainly not feeling like the 6*C mark on the thermometer.  Now, after dinner it has started to rain.   I call this "R.N."  runny nose  weather.

I pruned, well I suppose you can't call cutting some small branches of a tree  that does not belong to you, pruning, can you!  The 25 foot high or more tree, was on the side of a field belonging to the University, I am sure they did not even know this tree existed  there, so I helped to keep it neat and tidy by taking a couple of low pieces  for an arrangement on my front porch urn.  While I was gone Hubby tried to pick up some more leaves and was able to get enough for us to take to the recycle depot.  We deposited our load alongside someone else unloading their leaves and the woman was picking through some of the pine boughs left there, for an arrangement of her own.  Then she found two Christmas trees, giving one to me and she took the other for herself.   The tree was small, just the tip of a tree really, it will be in my living room for the Christmas season.  This is the first real tree I have had in so many years I can't remember how long.

I feel happy today, getting a little bit into the Christmas spirit.

Two granddaughters with little ones responded to my emails regarding sizes for clothes etc. so will start my shopping next week.  

All the chores done for the day and just settling in for the evening.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...