Sunday, May 29, 2022

Visiting today

Hope to have enough time to be able to visit both my sister and granddaughter today.  

Sister had Dr. visit last week, she does not need surgery for her broken arm.  The hospital did not put it i a cast, only  sling, apparently that is done more often than not these days.  She is badly bruised, so time will heal both the bruising and the bone. We will visit her this afternoon and I also will visit my Mum and Dad's grave to leave a new flower arrangement.

My granddaughter C has been home for the past week, as the storm that went through Ontario and Quebec a week ago, left a trail of power outages.  Only Friday did the power come on in the city where she is going to school, so no classes.  All of her food was going to spoil in her fridge and freezer, so she decided to come home.  She will be going back tomorrow morning.  It is her 20th birthday next week, so if we have time I will drop off her birthday card with a little cheque inside.

Both Hubby and I worked in the garden yesterday, he got all the grass cut and I finished putting in the annuals I bought and pulled those weeds that never seem to stop growing.  The estate looks neat and tidy again, for a while.

I have some lovely purple, blue and yellow iris just coming out in full bloom and also the bridal wreath spirea is spilling over with it's blossoms.    Some nice colour showing in the garden.

Sun is just coming up over the trees, so it looks as if it might be a lovely day today.

Breakfast time, Hubby just made scrambled eggs and toast.



  1. Lots of good things on the agenda for you today especially hubby making breakfast! I love Bridal Wreath Spirea, a neighbour has one and it is gorgeous this week.

  2. Nothing better than breakfast made by someone else. After the long, long winter you had your garden is sounding beautiful.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...