Monday, May 02, 2022


I completely happens......................When I was in primary school in England every May 1st or on a week day if it occurred on a weekend we would dance around the Maypole, holding on to the coloured ribbons, making a pattern around the pole.   We would practice for days prior to May 1st. lots of mistakes I am sure were made, when students dipped when they shouldn't.  UK readers, do they still dance around the Maypole?

I am sitting here in  my living room writing this today and I can hear a Jenny Wren singing her heart out.  We are hopping we have a pair in the nesting boxes again this year.

We had a heavy shower late yesterday afternoon, some overnight and grey skies today.  More rain is forecast for tomorrow, no working outside for a few days.  

You can tell the university students are all finished with this years studies.  Why.. by all of the household articles and furniture left on the side of the roads and streets for the garbage department to pick up.  In Sept. the students bring with them  "hand me down" furniture that lasts for a year and then it is tossed.  A lot of the pieces are made of metal, so a metal collector will come and pick what he wants, takes to the recycling depot and gets paid for it.  It is a win win situation for the garbage truck, the metal picker upper and the environment. 

Well, I should get moving and do a bit of housework, did the laundry yesterday, four loads as I did blanket and bedspread and Hubbys dirty oily work pants went in a load all by themselves.



  1. That was interesting about the demise of the students' furnishings. I guess it is more trouble than it is worth to transport the items home again!

    1. A lot of the furniture etc. is really not worth lugging home.

  2. A shame they can't hand them on to the next batch of students.
    I love the old rituals that mark the comings and goings of the seasons.

    1. Most of the things are past their best before date.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...