Saturday, May 07, 2022

Only one more day

 Today, should be the last cool windy day we will have before we have a FULL week of sunshine and warmer temps.  It is about time, Spring is late this year and everything is having a difficult time to get started on their growth.   The garden centres are popping up in the grocery store parking lots and getting more plants in every day.  I won't be getting any yet as it is just too cool and it is easier for them to look after them, than me, for the next couple of weeks.

Going to pick up my quilt at the long armer today, as she is in the same city where we are going for the birthday party this afternoon.   The price of gasoline is going up every day, so killing two birds with one stone.  Even though my car is a large one, it is really good on fuel,  which is a plus.   It is a 2006 model but, runs great and it is in good condition.  Until it starts needing a lot of expensive repair I will keep it.   That reminds me, maybe it's time to get the Winter tires off, however, just the time I decide to do that it will snow again......wait another week

First  load of laundry in, second one will be in the washer shortly,  on this kind of day would be nice to have a clothes line, as they would dry very quickly.  I do have one of the umbrella  type but, it does not allow the bigger items to blow in the wind.

Looking through my windows, they need a good clean too, so will have to get Hubby on doing the ones I can't reach, which is most of them.  Some of them open inwards but I still have trouble doing the one over the kitchen sink, I usually climb on the counter top, but even that is not a wise thing to do, so another item on the "honey do list".

Well, I should get moving.  

Happy Mother's day to all the Mothers who read my blog.  Here in Canada it is Mother's Day tomorrow.


  1. It's amazing how everything looks in need of a clean once the sun starts to increase its power! I get a guy in to do my outside windows but he complains that the insides need to be cleaned first so he can tell which side the dirt is on. I guess I'd better get cracking! Happy Mother's Day to you too, Pat.

  2. My windows are covered in dog nose marks and small handprints. It's turned chilly here and I doubt we will see temps get high again. Not that it's anything like you have to put up with with the changing of seasons. I don't even really have to change my wardrobe.
    Happy Mothers' Day to you, too.

  3. I recently bought a sponge mop that I'm going to use exclusively to wash the outside of the ground floor windows. The window over the kitchen sink is a pain to wash here too. The window at the bottom of our stairs gets washed frequently because the dog sits there and makes nose prints. hahaha

  4. Our Autumn (Fall) is very late here, like your summer. Funny, my windows need cleaning too. Might get them done this week.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...