Saturday, May 21, 2022


Today is forecast to be hot and humid, weather we usually have in mid Summer, it will short lived as temps are suppose to moderate next week, so that they are more seasonal.  Not planning on turning the air conditioner on, just opened all of the windows and a nice breeze is blowing through.

Went to the garden centre, the prices sure have gone up since last year, just as everything else has.  Sign of the times with the price of fuel.   I love my flowers, so grit my teeth and opened the wallet.

This is Victoria day holiday here, honouring Queen Victoria,  the unofficial day of Summer starts, gardening, camping and all other outdoor activities.   Fireworks are set off all through the weekend, some by families and hopefully this year organizations will be having big displays.   

Laundry and housework on the agenda for today,  not much else but, I am sure something will be done, not sure what.

Was going to see my sister tomorrow, but think I will wait.  Her daughter is very controlling and is not giving me any information on how my sister is,  she really does not need to I suppose, but I would like to know.   So I will  wait and go and see for myself next weekend.

Should take the clothes out of the dryer, just heard the busser go.

Have a great weekend.




  1. Hope you survived the storm, Pat. It was pretty bad here, trees down and tiles off roofs. Some people lost power for a while. Now it is cooler and fresh. Enjoy your plants, no matter the cost!

  2. Money spent on plants is never a waste. It's cheaper than medication!
    I hope you get to see your sister soon


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...