Monday, May 16, 2022

Taking some words from Garth

 "The thunder rolls".  After a lovely hot sunny day, at dinner time the block clouds gathered and we had a thunderstorm with rain.  (The forecast was correct, this time).   A thunderstorm like we have not had for a couple of years.  In the past it was just a couple of claps of thunder and lightning, this time it lasted quite a bit longer.  Not much rain in the gauge this morning, only 1/2 inch.   Better than none at all. 

Everything I had planned yesterday just flew out the window,  did not do anything, why?.....Hubby was going to paint the balcony floor, so we looked at the can for all of the instructions as it was a speciality paint  for sealing and had some texture to it.  It was recommended by the store clerk.  Why, do they make the printing so small you need a magnifying glass to read it, along with that the print colour and the background make it even harder to read.  I know my eyes are not good at reading even with my glasses on, but this was impossible to read.  However, after reading it, we decided it was not going to be the best choice for us to use.  Hubby was going to caulk it up to a lesson learned and he would go and get something different, It cost almost $200.00 so a lot of money for a lesson.   "Get your money back", "no I don't have the receipt,"" I have no problem asking for an exchange or refund,"" they won't give you that without a receipt."  That is how the conversation went. We got our money back, and also got a different paint.  "I will paint tomorrow"  he said.   Rain has put a stop to that for today.

Dinner was quick and easy.

Now have an appointment for my Winter tires to be change to the Summer ones in a couple of weeks.  Don't know why, as the price of fuel has just gone up AGAIN.  We saw $2:03 per litre yest erday when we were out.

Just when people can start to travel and do things again the price of gasoline has put a crimp in the plans of many people.  

Well all of my ranting and raving for today is done and now I should get doing something.

Have a great day,



  1. Hope you feel better after getting that off your chest. Hope your day turned out OK. It's sunny again here after a day of rain.

  2. I love Garth Brooks. Thanks for the reminder. I shall see what I can find on Spotify. Glad you got your money back. That would have been a very expensive experience. Petrol prices are crazy here, too.


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...