Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Don't know what happened

Where did Monday go? Did I forget to post, I guess that was the reason. 

Here I am, grocery day, and honestly it is too damn hot to do too much of anything else.  The temp at 11:00 a. m. this morning was 28*C, and this afternoon, with the humidity factored in, feeling like 38*.

Had to find my hot weather clothes yesterday, so today I will be putting away all of the cold weather ones, and really must get rid of some of things hanging in the closet.   I want to refresh some of the older things, nothing wrong with them, just been around longer than they should have been.  They will go to a charity shop, they are all clean and fairly uptodate fashion wise, so someone could get some use out of them.  Just hate throwing things away.  I worked in an office, so needed to be dressed quite well, this is going back twenty one years when there was a dress requirement, not like now when anyone can wear anything.  I am the same size as I was back then,   Hip hip hooray,  so can still wear them,  BUT they need to go.  

Hubby is having problems with his feet, so he bought a new pair of shoes and some insoles which he is hoping well help the situation.  Finally, I think he is realizing he cannot do the things he use to do, and that is not sitting too well with him.  But over the past few months he is slowing down somewhat.  Too many aches and pains after a days work are not fun any more.

My youngest granddaughter will be having her  20th birthday, June 5th, only Dad will be there on the weekend to celebrate, Mum could not get the time off, hospital needs her this weekend.  GD was home all last week, due to the storm taking out the power for the whole time, she returned yesterday.

Lunch time, chat later.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Visiting today

Hope to have enough time to be able to visit both my sister and granddaughter today.  

Sister had Dr. visit last week, she does not need surgery for her broken arm.  The hospital did not put it i a cast, only  sling, apparently that is done more often than not these days.  She is badly bruised, so time will heal both the bruising and the bone. We will visit her this afternoon and I also will visit my Mum and Dad's grave to leave a new flower arrangement.

My granddaughter C has been home for the past week, as the storm that went through Ontario and Quebec a week ago, left a trail of power outages.  Only Friday did the power come on in the city where she is going to school, so no classes.  All of her food was going to spoil in her fridge and freezer, so she decided to come home.  She will be going back tomorrow morning.  It is her 20th birthday next week, so if we have time I will drop off her birthday card with a little cheque inside.

Both Hubby and I worked in the garden yesterday, he got all the grass cut and I finished putting in the annuals I bought and pulled those weeds that never seem to stop growing.  The estate looks neat and tidy again, for a while.

I have some lovely purple, blue and yellow iris just coming out in full bloom and also the bridal wreath spirea is spilling over with it's blossoms.    Some nice colour showing in the garden.

Sun is just coming up over the trees, so it looks as if it might be a lovely day today.

Breakfast time, Hubby just made scrambled eggs and toast.


Friday, May 27, 2022

Got my ducks all in a row

 As you can see from my new header I have been busy wasting my time. enjoying Mother nature chasing a family of ducks.  Hubby noticed Mummy duck going into the wooded area opposite our house, so I grabbed my camera and we set off to see if we could see her come out on the opposite side.  Yep, there she was with eight little one running behind her,  We kept our distance but, followed her for quite a long time.  Finally she went into a field and we could not find her again.   Those poor little webbed feet are going to be very tired when they reach water as they had over a mile to find it.

As a result of following this family though the university grounds, lunch was very late,  I had to leave early for our quilting meeting as I was on the program committee, and we were not very hungry at 5:00 p.m. so just had a bowl of clam chowder and a piece of pie.  The dinner I had planned, will be on the table tonight.

We had a great meeting with a quilt shop bringing in some of their products and of course some money exchanged hands.  Everyone who bought something received a ticket for a prize.  I lost my ticket, how can a ticket become lost,  well it guess it was not hard for me.  So I was told, if no one claimed any of the three prizes they would assume it was my lost ticket.  I never win anything so was not too concerned, but,  I did win the last prize.  

Cloudy with showers today, so I am going to sew.

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

I'm Back

It has been a busy few days around  here, so really not much time to sit and compose a post.

Monday,  a friend and I went to the movies, her friend and my Hubby did not want to see Downton Abbey.   We are both from the UK, so have always watched D A. thoroughly enjoyed  the movie then I went to her new apartment for coffee and a sweet treat.   Got home just in time to start dinner,  we chatted for a long time

Tuesday,  groceries and then I visited a garden centre, oh how I wished I had the energy to plant all those beautiful plants.  Got some annuals and planted five window boxes, still have some to go into a planter in front of the garage and into the side garden.   Body says....NO  So planted a terrarium with plants liking the moisture environment for inside the house.

Wednesday, had my Winter tires taken off my car and Summer ones installed.  The son of the man who lived next door gave Hubby the riding lawn mower his father owned.  Hubby had cut his grass for years, never charged anything, so this was a lovely gesture on the son's part.  Hubby is thrilled, the one he has been using is on its last legs, or should I say wheels.

Thursday,  today housework, where did all that dust come from and those leaf coverings from the Copper Beech, they stick to your shoes and eventually work their way from the entry mat to every room in the house.   Tonight is quilt guild meeting, two members and myself are in charge of the program, so I need to go earlier than usual, so an earlier dinner.  We will have something that does not make too many dirty dishes, Hubby's turn tonight to get them taken care of.  We have a dishwasher but seldom use it. 

The storm we had on the weekend was called a "derech"  which is a large group of thunderstorms, one of which became a tornado.   The storm system was 250 km wide and did 1,000km of damage as it cut a swath through S. W. Ontario up to Quebec.   Here in the city I live in, many trees were uprooted, some falling on houses etc.  As of yesterday, some residents were still without power.  We had no damage on our estate.

My sister now has her arm in a sling, apparently no cast, as it is not needed for the location of the break, as it would not help the healing.   Hopefully, she will feel up to a visit this coming weekend.

Showers are forecast for today and tomorrow but, weekend looking better.

Dinner, having thought about it, pork chops, baked potato and veg not sure what yet.  Dessert, not sure about that either.

Long winded today.

Cheers, have a great day.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


 Steamy from yesterday did not last long, as a storm came through the area yesterday.  High winds which did a lot of damage in the city, we were very lucky as only a few small limbs from our trees came down.  Lightening, thunder, lots of rain , and loss of electricity.  It turned cold, quickly as the storm rolled though and is cold again this morning and cloudy.

A day when I am going to turn on the oven for a roast of beef and a peach upside down cake.  Even the smell of those things cooking will make it feel warmer.  The house is not cold, because the furnace is still on the heat setting, it's just a mental thing I suppose.

My sister has an appointment with the specialist on Tuesday, when chatting to my niece yesterday, she said B also hurt her head and her hands having dressings on them, so she really went down hard.   At 78 years old, that is not a good thing, it will take sometime for her to recover completely.  

Tomorrow is my son B 61st birthday, how did he ever get that old.  I wish he would lose some weight, he is getting quite a belly on him.  His father was a big man, which contributed greatly to health issues he had, so B should take a lesson from that.  

That's me for today,

Cheers, to all of my Canadian readers have a good Victoria Day.

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Today is forecast to be hot and humid, weather we usually have in mid Summer, it will short lived as temps are suppose to moderate next week, so that they are more seasonal.  Not planning on turning the air conditioner on, just opened all of the windows and a nice breeze is blowing through.

Went to the garden centre, the prices sure have gone up since last year, just as everything else has.  Sign of the times with the price of fuel.   I love my flowers, so grit my teeth and opened the wallet.

This is Victoria day holiday here, honouring Queen Victoria,  the unofficial day of Summer starts, gardening, camping and all other outdoor activities.   Fireworks are set off all through the weekend, some by families and hopefully this year organizations will be having big displays.   

Laundry and housework on the agenda for today,  not much else but, I am sure something will be done, not sure what.

Was going to see my sister tomorrow, but think I will wait.  Her daughter is very controlling and is not giving me any information on how my sister is,  she really does not need to I suppose, but I would like to know.   So I will  wait and go and see for myself next weekend.

Should take the clothes out of the dryer, just heard the busser go.

Have a great weekend.



Friday, May 20, 2022

Holiday Weekend

This weekend is the first stat holiday weekend of unofficially Summer, so everyone, or most everyone will have Monday off work.  It is also the weekend where it will be quite safe to plant annuals, as the risk of frost is most likely not to happen but, Mother nature sometimes has other plans, keep those plant covers handy just in case.  I will be going to the garden centre today to get my hanging baskets and the plants for the urns on the front porch. 

My second youngest granddaughter, K, likes doing art projects in her spare time, where she find spare time is beyond me, however, she does.  Last weekend she went to a park with a friend and she painted.  She sent be a pic of the piece she did, it was lovely, I really liked it.   She called it Red Silk.  This is  a pic of it.

My youngest daughter E is a PSW, and she also instructs new PSW's in the hospitals where she works.   She was presented with a lovely glass plaque etched words in recognition of what she has accomplished . So proud of her, I took her a bouquet of flowers.   

Not so happy, Happy 78th Birthday for my sister today, unfortunately she fell on Tuesday and broke her left arm, and needs to see a specialist before anything can be done.    She lives alone, in the country, however, her daughter lives a fifteen minute drive away from her, to help her with anything.  

We had a brief shower this morning, it is forecast to be hot and humid for the rest of the day, and it certainly is doing that at present.  

Can't stay here much longer need to get moving.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A little bit of this and that

Yesterday was cloudy, so one of those day when I do not have much energy.  The weather seems to be a big factor in how energetic wise I feel these days.  So I slugged away at things in the house during the morning, sun came out and I did some sewing until the air warmed up and then went and did some gardening for 3/4 hr.  See, I can only do a bit at a time.  We will see how long that lasts.

Today, was grocery day, different shelves were void of product, chicken and again the cereal was most notable.  The bill keeps on going up, did not get any meat this week as in the past few weeks we have been stocking up on some of the specials.  

This afternoon I get my hair done, and do some errands, need printer paper, go to the bank, drug store and may just stop at the garden centre.  The price of gasoline today was 2:09 a ltr.   May have to get the old grey mare some new walking shoes, might be cheaper in the long run.

A friend called yesterday and needed a companion to go and see Downton Abbey at the theatre next week.   I love that show when it was on TV, so looking forward to seeing the movie.  On Sunday next I will visit my parents grave and put on the new saddle and then visit my sister,   Monday, as I said the movie, Thursday quilting meeting.   Busy next week.   Have been waiting for that for a long time, so taking advantage of all the things I can do again.  We may also end up going to the local baseball game depending on the weather.  

It is lunch time soon, so should think about what we will have today.  So for now enjoy your day, I certainly will.


Monday, May 16, 2022

Taking some words from Garth

 "The thunder rolls".  After a lovely hot sunny day, at dinner time the block clouds gathered and we had a thunderstorm with rain.  (The forecast was correct, this time).   A thunderstorm like we have not had for a couple of years.  In the past it was just a couple of claps of thunder and lightning, this time it lasted quite a bit longer.  Not much rain in the gauge this morning, only 1/2 inch.   Better than none at all. 

Everything I had planned yesterday just flew out the window,  did not do anything, why?.....Hubby was going to paint the balcony floor, so we looked at the can for all of the instructions as it was a speciality paint  for sealing and had some texture to it.  It was recommended by the store clerk.  Why, do they make the printing so small you need a magnifying glass to read it, along with that the print colour and the background make it even harder to read.  I know my eyes are not good at reading even with my glasses on, but this was impossible to read.  However, after reading it, we decided it was not going to be the best choice for us to use.  Hubby was going to caulk it up to a lesson learned and he would go and get something different, It cost almost $200.00 so a lot of money for a lesson.   "Get your money back", "no I don't have the receipt,"" I have no problem asking for an exchange or refund,"" they won't give you that without a receipt."  That is how the conversation went. We got our money back, and also got a different paint.  "I will paint tomorrow"  he said.   Rain has put a stop to that for today.

Dinner was quick and easy.

Now have an appointment for my Winter tires to be change to the Summer ones in a couple of weeks.  Don't know why, as the price of fuel has just gone up AGAIN.  We saw $2:03 per litre yest erday when we were out.

Just when people can start to travel and do things again the price of gasoline has put a crimp in the plans of many people.  

Well all of my ranting and raving for today is done and now I should get doing something.

Have a great day,


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Nature at its best

Love this time of the year, everything coming alive,  even I feel a new spring in my step.  This lovely weather is a bonus, however, it is suppose to rain tomorrow, how many times have we heard that and....no rain.  So won't believe it until is it coming down.  We do need it, ground very dry,.

When I did my errands of Friday I picked up a wire saddle for a grave stone, a floral sponge thingy and some silk flowers, after dinner last night I made a new arrangement for my parents grave marker.   To buy one, they cost a fortune with very few flowers, so decided to make one of my own.  In the past I have made several so decided to do another for both Mum and Dad.  Yellow, pink and white flowers with some fern fronds made a nice arrangement.  Did not turn out just as I had pictured it in my mind, however, happy with the way it looks, I am sure if they could see it, they would approve.  The one that is currently there I will bring home and redo the flowers, this time with fall and winter colours, and will put that one on before the weather gets too nasty to travel.  

Just as we were going to bed last night the power went off and came on again within seconds, off just long enough to turn off all the clocks, so at midnight we were fixing them all to the right time.  How come we have so many clocks?  The microwave, two bedroom alarm clocks, kitchen clock and there is one in the rec room not even done yet.  The garage lights came on, the printer and the humidifier turn off.   We really do depend on electricity for so many things.  My sister's went out for six hours a few days ago, she could not do anything.  She has a well where she gets her water, the pump is an electric one, so could not even flush her toilet.  I suggested she should get some bottled water, so that she could at least have a drink, even though it was not tea or coffee.

I hope everyone has a lovely day, no matter what your plans, me.... today is a ME day, Sundays I always try to take things a bit easy, doing something I like doing,  NO....housework, just the basic bed and toilet.  NO.....heavy garden work, just watering what pots of plants I might have.   NO...big fancy dinners, just a quick prepared meat of some kind, baked potato and a veg or salad.   So what is ME doing, I will finish this and prepare the binding for a quilt, sew it on with the machine and then finish it with some hand sewing outside under the shade of the awning on the balcony.  Sew, sip a lemonade and listen and look at the birds and butterflies.  Then if any time left, I will work on my memoirs.  


Friday, May 13, 2022

Oh! what a lovely day

Today, I needed to do a couple of errands this morning, Hubby puttered in the garden and did some painting on a couple of windows which needed doing, I dug up some weeds this afternoon.  Still pacing myself, it is so hard.

Yesterday was a lovely day, we slept with the windows open and they have all been open today.  It is so nice to have the fresh warm air in the house.  The only downside of that, is the pollen blowing through the screens, some cleaning will needed to be done tomorrow.  It has been feeling even warmer today as there is a bit of humidity too.   As I write at 6:45 p.m. some light cloud has moved in, we are to expect some rain in the coming days.   We need it as the ground is very dry.  I need to move some plants so going to wait until the ground is softer as we have a clay based soil, which bakes into a hard shell on top.

My sister told me today, the black flies are here, so I must find my "monster from the black lagoon" hat.  It has netting attached to it which comes down over my shoulders.  The black flies love warm areas around the back of ears and in the hair line at the back of the neck.  I have quite an allergic reaction to the bite, swelling up around the bite area and it is quite painful.  Always an antihistamine  on hand at this time of the year.

On Monday, we just saw a hint of green leaves on the trees, now most of them are in full leaf.  Spring is busting out all over at our neck of the woods.

Chat tomorrow. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Lazy day

 Yesterday I was determined to just be lazy and I was successful, as I can say, I did not do much, just the basic things needed to be done around the house, looked for a block pattern for our guilds comfort quilt and even cheated on dinner, hot dog, salad (out of a bag), and a can of brown beans.  Dessert, was a prepared pudding cup.

We had a visit from the son of the man that died in his house next door.  He asked if we would check the house on a regular basis until family can return to start the task of cleaning out his possessions. He gave a brief tour of the house, OH my goodness.  The deceased, was a very busy man, involved in the NASA, always coming and going somewhere.   His family has a monumentour task ahead of them, which will take months and months to go through the boxes.   Because the deceased was never home for any length of time, Hubby cut his grass, and has been doing it for 20 years or more and never took any money for doing it.  The son, has now given the new riding lawn mower/tractor that his father bought a couple of years ago, as payment for all of the past grounds maintenance.  Hubby is very appreciative of the gift.

Well, I should get myself moving, still not getting into the garden, it is forecast to be hot for the next couple of days.  Summer like temps of 30*C plus.

Chat later, have a great day.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


I have been busy in the garden for too many days in a row and now suffering.  When will I learn, my mind says "you can do it" but the body say "no, you can't".

It's my neck and shoulders that are giving me a lot of grief at present.  The repetitious movements of  raking, digging and everything really, does not do my upper body much good.  

Will really have to concentrate on doing nothing outside tomorrow, just sitting.  I am afraid I will need to be tied down to accomplish that.  However, going to do my best.  There is a binding that needs to be attached to a quilt and some of that is hand sewing so should do that to keep me busy.

Got our groceries this morning, store did not have many customers, the shelves are actually looking well stocked too.  Still a few empty spaces on the cereal aisle.

Another beautiful sunny day, however, we also have gusty winds.   

Hubby cut the lawns for the first time yesterday, it was so nice to smell the freshly cut grass again. Some of the grass was growing faster than some of the other areas, now it all even and looking good.

Better get dinner going, chat later.

Sunday, May 08, 2022

How many is TOO many

 We have had two beautiful sunny days, however, yesterday was very winding which made it feel a lot colder.   

Yesterday afternoon we went to  my great granddaughter's 3rd birthday.  Table ladened down with snacks of all shapes and sizes, punch and fruit skewers.  Paper plates, napkins, paper cups and tablecloth all coordinated with the same design.  Cake that could easily be enough for three times as many people that were there and two big tubs of icecream.   

Presents.......how many is too many for a three year old,  two, four, eight, sixteen, how about roughly counted, twenty.   Clothes..........., Mum and Dad will likely not need to buy any Summer clothes for this child.  .Toys..and Misc............ a small trampoline, a tricycle, a helmet, sunglasses, cushion, bubbles, a craft, cannot remember the name of it, however, you put coloured plastic thingy's in a pattern and a light comes on and shows the patterns, a walking dog and books.  This child did not know what to do with all the things as she was so overwhelmed with everything.  

She is an only child, at this point in time,  she has a huge vocabulary, very well behaved and really you could not ask for a more pleasant child to be around.  Not saying that because she is a g g child, she truly is a lovely child.  Spoiled ...yes I would say so.

We had a great time and glad we went to help her celebrate.   I maybe old-fashioned, well not maybe, yes I am old-fashioned and things certainly have changed in some families regarding celebrating birthdays.   It just seemed a bit too much for the age of the child.   Rant over.

Today is did some gardening and got a bit sunburnt.   Tomorrow, well we see how those muscles react to today's work.

Received flowers from both my daughter's, son wished me a Happy Mothers day and gave me a lovely card.  

Off to see some TV.

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Only one more day

 Today, should be the last cool windy day we will have before we have a FULL week of sunshine and warmer temps.  It is about time, Spring is late this year and everything is having a difficult time to get started on their growth.   The garden centres are popping up in the grocery store parking lots and getting more plants in every day.  I won't be getting any yet as it is just too cool and it is easier for them to look after them, than me, for the next couple of weeks.

Going to pick up my quilt at the long armer today, as she is in the same city where we are going for the birthday party this afternoon.   The price of gasoline is going up every day, so killing two birds with one stone.  Even though my car is a large one, it is really good on fuel,  which is a plus.   It is a 2006 model but, runs great and it is in good condition.  Until it starts needing a lot of expensive repair I will keep it.   That reminds me, maybe it's time to get the Winter tires off, however, just the time I decide to do that it will snow again......wait another week

First  load of laundry in, second one will be in the washer shortly,  on this kind of day would be nice to have a clothes line, as they would dry very quickly.  I do have one of the umbrella  type but, it does not allow the bigger items to blow in the wind.

Looking through my windows, they need a good clean too, so will have to get Hubby on doing the ones I can't reach, which is most of them.  Some of them open inwards but I still have trouble doing the one over the kitchen sink, I usually climb on the counter top, but even that is not a wise thing to do, so another item on the "honey do list".

Well, I should get moving.  

Happy Mother's day to all the Mothers who read my blog.  Here in Canada it is Mother's Day tomorrow.

Friday, May 06, 2022

Fingers and Toes

Went for my mani/pedi this morning,  could have stayed in the messaging chair for a lot longer  than I was, it felt so good.  I have decided to have a pedi again when my toe nails are too long and need another cut.  Will not bother with my fingernails as I  can do them myself plus gardening season is starting soon and not much use having them done and then working in the dirt etc.

Have not done much these past two days but, I have been busy, looking for paint for the floor of the balcony.  We only did it two years ago and it is peeling off so we need to do it again.  We wanted to find some textured paint, however, it seems not to exist any more.  We suspect it is because of all the new woods and plastic stuff for floors it has been discontinued.Then we went looking for grass seed, fertilizer and peat moss.  Had a hard time finding the peat moss, but got a couple of bales today at a hardware stores garden centre.   The weather forecast is looking good for the next week, so both the painting and lawn work will be taken care of. 

Going to a birthday party for a great granddaughter tomorrow, to give her the book.  My youngest granddaughter can now move into her new  to her apartment, both she and her Mother have been living in a hotel for the past week, so it will nice for her to get settled in.  

It has been a cloudy windy day and I seem to have got a chill when outside in Hubby's daughter's back garden. It was a cold strong wind, one that went right through you, so now I have my fuzzy socks on and finally warming up.  Maybe a nice cup of hot tea will help too.

Well the hockey game is on TV, so I am off to watch it.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

An inch and a half

With the chances of a big freeze past us now.....keeping fingers crossed that is  true, I put my rain gauge out  yesterday.  It rained for most of the day and the reading on the gauge indicated an inch and a half of rain during the past 24 hours.  Today, it is cloudy with a few breaks which shows some blue sky, so a better day for sure.  Even better tomorrow according to the forecast.

Went shopping this morning, the book I purchased for Great granddaughter  A, is called Wild Symphony, written by Dan Brown, who also wrote The Da Vinci Code.  On the inside cover it says..."This is not a normal book.  If you would like to hear music while you read the book, just scan this QR code for the free app.  Music soon will fill the air.  

Also went looking for a watch band for Hubby, they are scarce as hen's teeth. as I did not find one.  Almost bowled over by a store clerk as he was in such a hurry, are you OK he said, as I was clinging to one of the display cabinets.  Then he went on his merry way, and me, I walked out of the store.

Then I decided to do something for me, for Mother's day, so stopped at a salon and made an appointment for a pedi and mani on Friday.   Don't do this often, but I am finding it harder to cut my toe nails as they should be, so decided to give myself a treat.

The trees are starting to show some green, so in my opinion, Spring is officially here.  

Not much else going on here today.

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

New visitor today

 There are a large number of birds that come to our feeder every day.  We had this young man come several times this morning to get his fill.    It is a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The photo's are not very sharp as I was taking them through a window.


The date on this photo is wrong, forgot to change it when putting in a new battery.
With all the birds returning to the area, I am will soon need to get out the feeders for the humming birds and Baltimore Orioles.

We have rain today, quite heavy at times too.   It will be all finished by early morning tomorrow, then we have sunshine for the rest of the week.

I was going to do some errands this afternoon, but they will wait until tomorrow, need to get a story book for my great granddaughter "A" for her third birthday this coming weekend.  Cake and ice cream outside, so hoping the forecast is right.

We got our weekly groceries this morning, I see in the parking lot the temporary garden centre has been erected and a few perennials are inside.  I will wait for a couple of weeks for my plants as most of them are going to be annuals.

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus, mushrooms and chocolate mousse for dessert.

Monday, May 02, 2022


I completely forgot....it happens......................When I was in primary school in England every May 1st or on a week day if it occurred on a weekend we would dance around the Maypole, holding on to the coloured ribbons, making a pattern around the pole.   We would practice for days prior to May 1st. lots of mistakes I am sure were made, when students dipped when they shouldn't.  UK readers, do they still dance around the Maypole?

I am sitting here in  my living room writing this today and I can hear a Jenny Wren singing her heart out.  We are hopping we have a pair in the nesting boxes again this year.

We had a heavy shower late yesterday afternoon, some overnight and grey skies today.  More rain is forecast for tomorrow, no working outside for a few days.  

You can tell the university students are all finished with this years studies.  Why.. by all of the household articles and furniture left on the side of the roads and streets for the garbage department to pick up.  In Sept. the students bring with them  "hand me down" furniture that lasts for a year and then it is tossed.  A lot of the pieces are made of metal, so a metal collector will come and pick what he wants, takes to the recycling depot and gets paid for it.  It is a win win situation for the garbage truck, the metal picker upper and the environment. 

Well, I should get moving and do a bit of housework, did the laundry yesterday, four loads as I did blanket and bedspread and Hubbys dirty oily work pants went in a load all by themselves.


Sunday, May 01, 2022

April shower

We had rain over night, one last April shower before May started.  Now the flowers can start blooming in earnest.  

Took things easy yesterday, easy??  The sewing room looks better after all my hard work in there, still need to tweak a few things and also tidy up the fabric cupboard, then its all done.   I have an old sewing machine which I hope one of the quilting group ladies is going to take and there is also some large pieces of paper, which was going to be used to draft patterns....nah..... that is not going to happen, so they are going to my granddaughter's children to draw pictures on.   There is also a quilting frame I think will be put on the web to sell.  I have used it several times, however, it is such a hassle to set up and take down, so much easier to send quilts to a long arm quilter.  

It is still looking as if we could get another shower as the sky is darkening up, Hubby is hoping it will rain some more as he put some fertilizer on the lawn yesterday and this rain will help it do its job.  We are having a lawn service come and aerate the lawn tomorrow, so hope the rain is all done by the morning.

Had a message this morning from my eldest great granddaughter, she  is 10 years old, she was thanking me for her birthday money.   It is great her parents have taught her and her siblings some manners when it comes to "pleases and thank you's".    It is one thing I find lacking in the young people of today.  Call me old fashioned but, manners never go out of style. Do you agree?

Dinner tonight leftovers,  still some pork roast and cauliflower to eat.   Will do an extra veg and have one of the individual peach tarts with some ice cream of whipped cream.  


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...