Saturday, October 30, 2021

Still waiting

A telephone techy person is supposed to be installing a new cable for us, between 8:00 a,m, and 11:00 a.m. it is now 11:30 .a.m. and we have yet to see him.  We do not have the very loud hum on the line anymore, in fact the line is completely dead.  So frustrating........  Shortly after I lost my husband 11 years ago, I had an issue with my phone line, (same company as we have now),  it took three months!!!!! to get it repaired.   The reason... it was Winter time, the box with all of the cables in it, that they needed to access, was located at my neighbours back garden.  The tech was not able to get to the box because he was not allowed to trespass into the neighbours garden,  he needed to get permission to go on their property,  they were away for the Winter.   I did get some compensation,  had to get onto the companies Facebook page to get it though, it certainly got some action.  The squeaky wheel always gets the oil.  And so we wait.

The rain appears to have finally stopped for the time being, we had an inch come down yesterday, on top of all we have had during the past few days.   The ground is saturated.  Hope it stays reasonably dry for the little ones tomorrow.   There is nothing worse that trekking around the streets with the kiddies, when it is wet and cold.  Been there, done that.  We are not expecting anyone to be knocking on our door for a treat even though we have candy available, just in case.  

Just last week I was in a store and along with the Halloween costumes and decorations there were artificial Christmas trees, decorations and wrapping paper.   Our city is having a Santa Claus parade on November  13th, after that time the Jolly Old Man can be seen in the Malls.   A bit early, in my opinion.

  Some of the leaves are finally starting to change colour, so they could be falling within the next week.   Hubby is still waiting for his parts, so he doesn't want they to come down too soon right now.

Laundry almost done and more housework is on the agenda today along with some more sewing.   

Dinner?  don't have a clue, must get my thinking cap on I suppose, there are several things to choose from but just don't know what I feel like having.   Well yes I do, someone to prepare and serve....... A nice shrimp cocktail, or some escargot would be nice, followed by a steak and lobster a small baked potato and asparagus, along with a bottle of wine.  Followed by creme brulee, fruit and cheese. Coffee. Can't forget  great conversation with family and friends.    Wake up Patricia....go to the freeze and get weiners and beans, while you are there the buzzer just went off, the drier is done it's cycle.

Have a great day,   I know I will.

Friday, October 29, 2021

And a good time was had by all

 As I mentioned previously the quilting guild I belong to had our first "in person" meeting last night.   Once we had shown proof of vaccination, we could, it we felt comfortable doing so, take off our masks.  All of the 20 members showed up, obviously eager to get back into  meeting as we had been doing.  So much to talk about, revealing our challenge from last year and having a show and tell of some of the work every has been doing.   J reported our group had made 220 placemats for the Meals on Wheels clients, they will be given to the M o W's, next month so they can give them to the clients the first part of December.    A number of quilts will also be donated to the  Woman's Shelter and the chemo unit at the hospital.  For those who wanted to do another challenge, they were also given all of the information and some of the things that had to be used, this one will be due in June of next year.  It's going to be interesting.  One of the members also tendered her resignation from the group, she finds it just too difficult to sew and does not drive at nighttime anymore.  H was the person who introduced me to this guild, so I will miss her but, will still keep in touch.

Got most of the gardening taken care of yesterday, just a couple of things left to do.   The leaves are still green on our trees, so we could be picking them up at Christmas if they don't change colour and fall soon.

It is dark, dreary and raining today and could be wet for the next few days.  The only plus, it is not snow.

Got a few housework chores to do, then going into my sewing studio and get busy on the quilt I am doing at present and also research some ideas for our challenge.

Dinner tonight salmon not sure what else.   Time will tell.

Have a great day.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


We still have a landline, can't teach these two old dogs new tricks, having said that, we also do have cell phones.   Recently, with all of rain we have been having, this service has been giving us a lot of trouble with humming on the line so loud it is difficult to hear any conversation.   About a month ago it was "fixed" and now we have the same issue,and it was "fixed" yesterday.   The techs do give it a repair that lasts for a short period of time, called them again to report it and another tech arrived a short  time ago and indicated the entire cable needs to be replaced.   We live in an older neighbourhood so the cables have likely been here for a long time, and not replaced due to cell phone usage becoming the norm.   

I worked in my front garden yesterday afternoon, it was a lovely day and I got a lot of work done.  Intend to go out and do some work in the back this afternoon.  Hate to pull up all of the annuals as they are still doing quite well, in spite of the frost and lots of rain.   We are expected to have more days of rain during the next week, so it should be done today.  We are still waiting for the leaves to change colour and fall.  Hubby is hoping it will not happen before he gets the parts for the lawn tractor as we use it with a bagger on the back to pick them up.  Property just too big to rake by hand.

One of my granddaughters is having a birthday today, C is 26 years old.  She works in a deli baking bread and rolls and also works in the kitchen of a nursing home, both are part time jobs.  She graduated from a culinary college several years ago, and has had these two jobs ever since.  She loves working at the nursing home, as the manager of it gives her free reign to bake whatever she wants, the residents love the variety she gives them.  C is hoping one of the staff will soon retire so she can have a full time job there.

So happy, this evening our quilting guild is having and in person meeting.  Almost back to normal.

Dinner tonight pizza and a big salad,  not sure what is for dessert yet, I am sure I will come up with something.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

No rain....a miracle

 We do have cloudy skies, and the promise of some sunshine later today, we shall see.   A reprieve from the damp conditions which are forecast to return on Friday.

Received an e-mail yesterday, our quilting guild has a meeting place for tomorrow evening's meeting,  in a church, with strict rules that need to be followed but, that is OK we can do everything they church has requested.    It is so much better than doing the Zoom meetings I hate them with a pasion.  This will be our first "in person" meeting since July when we had an outside dinner/bbq meeting.  Finally getting back to a more normal life, however, keeping fingers crossed so it doesn't revert back to lockdowns.

Hubby is getting quite impatient, the parts for his lawn tractor are still not here so he can repair it. I suspect a delivery issue somewhere down the line.  

I need to get in the garden sometime today, the dying plants need to be cut back, hopefully the ground has dried up a bit so its not too muddy.   Daffodil bulbs has been planted, so that job has all been taken care of.  Look forward to seeing those happy flowers in the Spring.

Not much else going on here today, dinner tonight is all but taken care of, leftover chili and I made chocolate mousse a couple of days ago, there is one portion left, Hubby will have that and I will have some apple sauce.  Both of sugar free, so still a good dessert for two old fogies.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

I now have feet webbed feet.

 I am becoming a duck with webbed feet because we have had so much rain during the past week.  Not all at once to cause flooding but, rain every day which makes things soggy with puddles and mud everywhere.   Only glad of one thing......we don't have to shovel rain.  Because the air is so damp it feels very cold, the cold that seeps into your bones and is hard to get warmed up.

We had a quiet day yesterday, I brought in my plants to over Winter, so that is one thing crossed off my list.  I still have things which need doing outside, but unable to do at the present time.  Hubby is still waiting for the part for his tractor, so he can repair it and pick up the leaves that have fallen.  Obviously, he be doing that until the ground dries up a little.

If DD1 and SIL are having the same weather as we are their vacation will not be very pleasant.  It is their anniversary tomorrow,  so they will have a lovely dinner to celebrate I am sure.

Going to make a pot of chili in the slow cooker when I have finished talking to you.  A nice "stick to the ribs" dinner for a cold damp day.

Have a great day.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

White roof tops

 Last night we had our first frost of the season.  The sun had a lot of heat in it when it rose above the treetops, so you could see the steam rising which made for a hazy morning.  It did not last long though as we now have clouds back again.

Not much happening here today, Hubby is washing one of his cars, it has been in the garage for a couple of weeks and when the door is open the wind blows in the dust, so it looked quite dirty.  Mine has been washed with the rain we have had recently.

I am going to bring in my plants today, don't want them to get frost bitten and die on me.   Need to to put up the shelf in front of the window first, so that will be my first job after finishing saying hello to you this Sunday afternoon.

Dinner tonight, we still have some of the meat I cooked yesterday, some brussel sprouts, and another veg of which I am not sure it will be.  Dessert is two remaining portions of the jelly I made yesterday.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Autumn Days

The cloudy grey skies, cold temperatures, plants in the garden ready for a long Winter nap and the leaves starting to change colour and fall, Autumn days are here.   Having said that there are a lot of trees especially in our area that have yet to start changing colour.  We will be picking them up way into November, I can see me dressed very warmly on the tractor.  The first year I helped Hubby with the leaves,  there was a light rain and I did not have a raincoat that was suitable for the work I was doing, so Hubby made me one.   A green garbage bag, I did look a sight, muffs to protect my ears from the noise, bundled up in outerwear to keep warm, boots and my fashionable raincoat.  Now I am appropriately dressed for the task. 

DD 1 and Sil's wedding anniversary this coming week, they are leaving today for a vacation at a lodge in northern Ontario, hoped they packed some warm clothes.   Their wedding photos show a lot of colourful leaves, so again, they are late turning this year.

I will be bringing in the geranium plants I want to over Winter in the foyer down stairs, they are a beautiful shade of pink and I took cuttings early in September, so they have had a good start outside for almost two months.  This I have done for several years now and it all started with only one plant.  

Started a "one block wonder" quilt yesterday, I had some fabric given to me, it is not what I would buy, way out of my comfort zone for sure, I would call it almost "ugly".  Having put some of the blocks together it is going to look a lot better than it did when it was a whole piece of fabric.  When my daughters were here for Thanksgiving dinner, I used some bowl cosies, they thought they were such a good idea, so making some for Christmas gifts for them and possibly other members of the family too.

Laundry currently swishing around in the washer, another load to go in shortly.

Dinner tonight, ham, squash salad, not sure what will be for desert.



Friday, October 22, 2021

Drivers License

 Eight months ago I had cataract surgery on both eyes and just recently had a check up with my Dr. who gave me two thumbs up, which indicated my sight is now very good.   On my drivers license it indicated that glasses were needed for me to see when driving.  I no longer need that little box checked off, so went to get it removed at the "Drive Test" location.   There were two lineups outside the office as they were allowing so many people in at a time.  One line was for driving tests the other for everything else, which of course was much longer than the other.  I stood in line outside for 3/4 hour and another 10 minutes inside.  I had to take an eye test and sign some papers, all of which took no longer than 10 minutes.  A new license will arrive in the mail shortly in the meantime I have a paper copy.   I am so glad the weather was not wet, cold and windy, it was uncomfortable enough as it was cloudy with a misty rain once in awhile and a cool breeze.   Glad that job is done as I could have received a ticket for driving without my glasses.

Not much else going on here today, Hubby is waiting for a part for his tractor, but as it is an older one he is having problems locating the parts and when he does they will take a long time to get here.   Sign of the times.  

  Yesterday, we had a lot of rain, last evening a brief thunderstorm which cooled things down considerable, today is grey with misty rain, then a brief clearing with some weak sunshine.  The radio indicated a cold night, with possible frost in low lying areas, not ready for that.

Dinner tonight fish veg and a salad, fruit for dessert.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


It's 11:30 a.m. and I still have the lights on because it is so dull and grey outside.  Heavy clouds are bringing rain showers on and off today and much of the same for the next several days.   Typical weather to encourage the leaves to change and start to fall, which in turn means work in picking them up.  We have a lot of trees, picking up the leaves from them is important, if we left them on the lawns, the snow would pack them down and would kill the grass.      

Hubby had a visit from his brother and SIL yesterday, they brought us a couple of muffins from Tim Hortons,  sinfully good for our lunch, his son and family brought an ice cream cake and visited for a short time, friends sent messages, daughter K, sister A, brother P also contacted him.  He was  quite happy with HIS day.  Not the one I had wanted for him, but he was happy, so that is all that matters.

Daughter B and her husband are leaving  Saturday for  a vacation  in Northern Ontario at the resort.   Plans were for them to go to warmer climes but their minds were changed by you know what.  

I plan on getting into the sewing studio today, not much can be done outside.  Starting a new project, will show you in due course.

Dinner last night was upside down.  the ice cream cake was eaten around 5:00 p.m. as Hubbys grandchildren had to go to tennis and Pathfinders, we were not very hungry until about 6:30 p.m. and had our steak etc. then.  He was overloaded with sweet stuff yesterday, which is a no no for him, but you only have an eighty year b-day once. 

Dinner tonight, not sure yet, must get back on track with eating properly.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Sleeping with an "OLD MAN"

It's Hubby's birthday today, 80 years on this earth and still going strong .  I found  nice birthday card which says everything about how I feel about him.   

His brother  "J" and wife "J" came over to wish him a Happy Birthday, with a Tim Hortons muffin, which was a no no, but he cut down on his lunch, so he could enjoy it.   He was surprised to see him, as J and J never come over for any length of time.  He had a nice chat and was happy that I had contacted them.   

The day started off nice and sunny but quickly changed to cloudy skies and a few rain drops, we can expect  to get a good amount of rain during the next few days.   

We had a lovely day yesterday, visiting the elevated park, however, was disappointed the trees had not changed colours yet, as it would have looked really  nice seeing them from  the height we were.  Unfortunately, I did not taken any photos, we will try and go back again later.

We took down the awning over the balcony today and took in all of the furniture and planters, no more lunches outside until next year.

Dinner tonight steak, etc, etc.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 It is  quite cool, but the lovely sunshine is making up for it today.   We are going to make the most of it by doing a couple of errands to my youngest daughter's house and then walking on an elevated  park.  In the city I use to live in, is an abandoned railroad bridge has been converted to this park.   We have heard and read a lot about it, and have often said we would go there, so that is our outing for today.  Hope to take some photos and post them tomorrow.

Did not get around to posting yesterday, just one of the those days where I was busy and really did not get anything accomplished, only a little housework.  

I gave up trying to have an outdoor meeting with a granddaughter, (the one with no vaccinations) so that I could give my great granddaughter her birthday gift,  gave it to my daughter to deliver.  Received a message today, GGD loved her outfit and is wearing it to school today.  

Tomorrow for Hubby's birthday, he did not want to go out for a meal, just cannot accept the fact diabetes is not a life sentence of no good food, I keep telling him it is just a change in what he eats, which does include some great things to eat.   I will be cooking steak, shrimp, baked potato with sour cream and a salad.   His son' and family, from what I understand will be bringing over a cake, he has not told them of his diabetes and I feel it is not my responsibility to do so,  Hubby is quite a private person when it comes to those things.  So he will likely have a small piece.  We also semi decided to take a trip somewhere in the Spring to celebrate both of our 80th birthdays.  

The newspaper was indicating there is a shortage of flowers for weddings etc. also the chips for cars, and people have be advised to buy Christmas presents early as there could also be a shortage of those items, I am sure there is going to be a lot of shortages .   This virus is doing more than make people ill and losing their battle, it is affecting everything and will not stop for a long time I fear.   

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus,  and a small baked potato, fruit for dessert.   

Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Thank goodness for the furnace coming on during the night because last night was the coldest we have had in a long time. The skies cleared late last evening, the moon was shining and temp went down to 8*C.  Must get use to it I suppose as it is going to get worse before it gets any better.  The sun is shining and we have a beautiful blue sky that makes up for the chilly start to the day.

No specific plans for the day just the usual Sunday we have these days.   Hubby is currently cleaning up the cold room which is under our two car garage.   He has his power saws down there and we use it for storage, or a better description could be storage/junk collector room.   You name it it is in there, BBQ, chairs, dust, everything else-------wood etc. etc. you get the drift, I am sure.  I think every home has an area where it can be described as a dumping place, some just a drawer, all the way to what we  have, a room.  Do you have such a place where things a collected?

The leaves are taking a long time to start changing into their Autumn colours this year, only the odd tree has turned and begun to fall.   

I think I mentioned previously, Hubby has a birthday this coming Wednesday, I know some families don't make a big fuss over those occasions, however, this is his 80th. and you would think his family would do something.   I have had to call  his son to enquire if they were doing anything special,   they will be bringing over a cake.  I am at a loss as what to do.   We are reluctant to go out an do anything even though restrictions have been loosened,  we need to be careful due to our ages.   Any ideas.

I did get into doing some sewing yesterday and plan on doing more today.

Dinner tonight, salmon, green beans, mushrooms, and salad.   Fruit for dessert.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Missing in Action

 It has been a busy two days, so no time to chat with you, however, I am now back on duty, so to speak.

Friday, I did some gardening and errands, that kept me busy for the biggest part of the day, by the time it got around to do anything else, dinner was being prepared and honestly I was just too tired to do much else.

Saturday, we slept in a bit and then all of the regular housework things needed to be done and  I then needed to get prepping the dinner as  we were having seven of my family over for a late Thanksgiving meal.   No turkey this time, a nice roast of beef, potatoes, gravy, broccoli, carrots, green beans and rolls.   Dessert was still leftovers from previous times we have had  people over.  I did make fruit in jelly,  along with carrot cake, lemon cake, peanut butter cookies and chocolate bark.   Very few leftovers which was just fine with me. We had a great time,  with everyone leaving shortly after nine.   

This would be the only time part of my family would be seeing Hubby for a while, and as it is his birthday  on Wed. I put candles on the pieces of cake and one in the jelly for him.   It was a big surprise for him as he thought were celebrating someone else's birthday.  Made him feel good that my family recognized this milestone b-day.   His family has not in the past done anything in the time I have been here, so not sure what they are planning, if anything.  

Previously I believe I have mentioned Hubby  is mild diabetic and is now on a once a day med.  his Dr. also suggested he lose a bit of weight, not that he is fat or anything, just the opposite, however, he does have a belly.  Following the Dr's orders I have been cooking meals that are more healthy than I have done previously and we are eating a bit less.   Jumping on the bathroom scales this morning, even with Thanksgiving meals twice, we have done very well and both lost some poundage.

It rained cats and dogs yesterday, but it was not cold thank goodness.  Today, still cloudy with the threat of rain ever present, cooler and windy.   Indoor day for me and I think it is going to be a day for ME.  What I am planning to do after the laundry is done, is some sewing as I need to get four blocks made for our quilting group.  Also, some bowl cosies for Christmas gifts.  Then I will add to my memoirs I am writing.  

Lunch is homemade turkey soup, dinner, leftover beef, a few potatoes, brussel sprouts, and a salad.   There is one jelly and fruit left over and I have some applesauce.   Dinner solved.


Thursday, October 14, 2021


 The garden needs some cleaning up before the really cold weather sets in, but I hate to pull the annual out when they are still looking so bright and colourful.  Hubby persuaded me to let them stay for a little while longer.   I did, however, buy some daffodil bulbs yesterday, so they are going in the garden sometime today.

Yesterday Hubby picked up all the leaves from a property across the street and late in the afternoon we took them to the recycle depot.   When we were leaving we spotted a huge pile of wood chips,  so all the bags that we emptied are now full of weed chips.   We did the same thing early in the Spring, they are expensive to buy, (not that we can't afford them), but they were only going to be turned into compost anyway, and we could use them, so we are in fact recycling.   The pile of garden waste at this depot is huge, front end loaders push it back until no more can be added and then it is taken away in huge transport trucks to the area where they compost it all.

Had my trial  hearing aids given to me yesterday, and have put them on first thing this morning, so far, and it has been only a couple of hours I am liking these a lot better than the previous ones I had.   I need to get out into a crowd so that I can adjust them for the background noise, that will be the selling point I think.  They are pricey, however, money from the government health plan and my private plan will  help with some of the cost.   

Dinner last night was left overs from Thanksgiving, they are mostly gone now.   I put the bones,onion, celery and carrots in the crock pot and today I will be making some turkey soup.  

Tonight, we will have pork chops, veg and a salad, with fruit for dessert.

Cloudy today, we can expect rain at some point in time, but it certainly not cold.

Must get moving, so everyone have a great day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Slept In

After the whirlwind weekend  I was tired, however, did not go to bed very early last night, dam that TV.   Once in bed though it took me no time at all to go to sleep and slept all the way through to 9:00 a.m. this morning.    Then....realized I had an appointment at 11:30 a.m, so up and attem right quick.  Breakfast, dishes, bed made, shower, dressed with time to spare to leave by 11:00 a.m.   I had an appointment for  a trial for a new hearing aid, but was kept waiting as the technician who was seeing me had cut her finger, so that needed to be covered etc.   She was a new one, and very through, a lot better than the ones I have had previously.   Hoping this trial pair is better than the previous ones.  Time will tell.

Hubby is picking up the leaves on the lawn of a neighbour across the street.  He does it with the lawn tractor, so no tedious raking that is hard on the shoulders and arms.

It is that time around here, some of the trees are losing their leaves , while others are still green, so the picking up leaves season is going to be a long one.

I did some errands this afternoon, but did not get everything I needed, so will have to try another store.  I came home as I did not want to be stuck in long lines of rush hour traffic.

We did not have leftovers last night, so soup and sandwich was on the menu,   Leftovers for tonight.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Phew ..that was a busy day

 I was crying yesterday morning.......onions do that, as I was preparing the dressing along with the 
Rosemary, Thyme and sage.    Hubby stuffed the bird and in the oven it went, smelling so good once the heat started to do its magic.   

Hubby's family were out guests for dinner ( is was really good, even if I do say so myself) last evening and it was his daughters (K) birthday also, so we had a good time.   She had made some chocolate cupcakes, they were so good.   

My son and DIL arrived just before nine and we visited with them until well after midnight as we had not seen them for months.  They stayed for the night. We finally laid our heads down at 1:00 a.m.

We were up at 7:45 a.m. preparing breakfast and chatting again, until they needed to get back on the road to pick up their dog from the kennel.   

This afternoon I am taking a few minutes to chat with my blogger friends and then I should go and get our weekly groceries as we normally do on is Tuesday isn't it?   This week is going to be all mixed up I won't know what day it is for at least the balance of this week. 

The sun was shining when we first got up, clouds rolled in and we had a heavy shower, no it is cloudy and quite windy.  Which is bring down some of the leaves that have change colour already.   

Dinner tonight is easy.......leftovers.   

Monday, October 11, 2021

Thanksgiving in Canada

 I have much to be thankful for.   I have my health and everyone I love does also.   I have a roof over my head and food in my cupboards.   I have  money,  so that I don't need to scrimp and save, and enough left over to invest and also give to charities.

My 23 year old granddaughter and her boyfriend for coming to visit us yesterday, and were in a minor car accident. no injuries to anyone involved, but the cars all sustained some damage.  I am thankful we were able to help them to get to the accident reporting station, and calm them down with a cup of tea.   Upon checking with them this morning they have no aches or pains from the collision.   Unfortunately, another granddaughter was bringing her family over for a visit too, however, that had to be cancelled for obvious reason.   

Also thankful for the beautiful sunshine and temps above 24*C.   

Dinner.....well it has to be turkey with all the trimmings,  dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, peas, corn, rolls, gravy and cranberry sauce.   Carrot cake and Hubby's daughter is bringing cupcakes, so we can add some ice cream to them.  

After dinner we welcome my son and DIL for the night and breakfast.

A full couple of days for sure.

Would not have it any other way.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian readers.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Quiet around here

 As I have mentioned previously, we live in a University area and there are a lot of students living in houses renting apartments and rooms for the academic year.   Most of them that live within driving distance must have gone home for the long holiday weekend.   There is no one walking past our house to and from the campus.   It feels just like it did last year, when most of the students were studying at home.  The only young people here were international students as they were unable to fly home.   All will be back to normal again on Tuesday.

Dull and cloudy today and rain is forecast, once this system is out of the way it looks as if we might have another nice week coming up.   I will then try and get all of the flower beds ready for Winter, I have been putting it off, but the time has finally come.

The trees in our neighbourhood and around the countryside are just now starting to show some colour, not very pretty at the moment as the Maples have yet to start turning. 

Our neighbour came to say goodbye yesterday, she and her husband are returning to Poland to live.  They sold their house fully furnished to another neighbour who now has rented out the rooms to students.  

Dinner last night was really good, we still have some of the meat sauce, so will have that with something again tonight, it will not be spaghetti.

As my title suggests, it is quiet around here. 

Saturday, October 09, 2021

It has been one of those days

 Not that anything went wrong, just that we did nothing to go wrong, but we were busy doing lots of things but not accomplishing anything.  We have become a couple of night owls, so that meant getting up later than we normally do.   

It has been a nice warm day, with a mix of sun,clouds and a couple of brief showers,  a bit more rain tomorrow, but looking good for the holiday Monday.

Turkey out of the freezer thawing out, my goodness they take a long time, its been out now for three days, (in the fridge I might add) and it is still quite frozen.  I have placed it in some cold water for a short period of time to speed it up a bit.

Hubby has been on his diabetic med. now for a week and he jumped (not literally) and weighed himself this morning and was pleased the numbers did not go as high as they did last week.   He is certainly not overweight, but just a few pounds over the weight he wants to be.   I also lost some pounds too, so the new diet certainly is working.  He just wishes he could get rid of his belly, but unfortunately, it's an age thing.

We had spaghetti bolognese and salad for dinner, which, if I must say was very tasty.

Tomorrow I need to get myself moving, a granddaughter and her boyfriend are going over for a visit and I plan on going to give great granddaughter her b-day gift.


Friday, October 08, 2021

Long Holiday Weekend

 Going to pick up some of the last minute items needed for the weekend after we have had our lunch, the grocery store will be like a made house tomorrow and Sunday.   Only need some fresh veg, herbs and dinner rolls so it will be a quick in an out again.

Over night we had rain, and at the present time it is foggy and is suppose to be that way for most of the day.   It certainly is not cold which is a blessing.

The housework that did not get done yesterday will be taken care of today, I cleaned out and organized my cupboards of food.   There were some things in them that needed to be used up soon as the best before date is a bit overdue.    I don't throw things out just because they are past that date,  but I do use them as soon as I can.   These are things in cans and boxes, not meat or frozen products.   Do you use  things after the best before date?   What did we do prior to this information being put on everything?   I remember my Mother would cut off the mouldy bits off the block of cheese and we would still eat what was left.  

Reader: A.....  Thanks for the information regarding doing an open house, we had, in fact, discussed doing that for next year.  The more I think about it the better it sounds.

Dinner tonight is salman veg and salad.  I made jelly with fruit yesterday and there is still some of it left.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Family time

 Foggy when we got up this morning and it has just started to lift at 10:30 a.m. it is forecast to be a warm humid day today, we shall see.   The forecast for yesterday did not happen, so wondering what the final result will be today.

Lining up family time for two combined families is almost an impossibility.   I don't even try to get all of my grands and great grands together on holidays any more, just too many people.   If Covid settles down next Summer and I am able to we will have a picnic.  So back to the present..... Granddaughter K and he boyfriend I are coming over on Sunday for a visit, she lives in Ottawa studying for her Masters and he works for the Government.  Have not seen either one of them for a long time.   Then sometime this weekend will be going over to another granddaughter's house to give g granddaughter a birthday gift.    Monday, Hubby's family will be here for dinner and my son and DIL will be here for the night and breakfast.  Friday next week my two daughters and two grands and  a boyfriend will be here for dinner.  Then Hubby is having a milestone birthday of 80 years on October 20.  I want to do something for him, his family has not even mentioned anything, so don't know if they are planning anything or not.   Still have some time to decide.  Then I will just relax, until Christmas time.    Thinking it is getting to be that time to make some changes in our holidays in the future.

So what am I doing today, need to get the vacuum out and dust.   I should get out in the garden to pull a few weeds from the front flower bed, but want to wait until I see the Dr. tomorrow.  I finally decided I should see him regarding my fall and the pain I still have in my nose.  Wondering now if I broke it.   

I did get to do some sewing yesterday and made a bowl cosy, want to make a couple more, and thinking  they may make a nice little gift for my grands for Christmas,  Will see how they go over when people are here for the up coming dinners.

So now I should get myself moving and think about dinner for tonight.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021


We have been getting up later than we normally do and I could not understand why,  we were not doing anything different than we have done in the past.  Then I realized it has taken longer in the mornings for it to become light and with these cloudy dreary days it is taking even longer.   So that must be the reason.  Also, the evenings are closing in earlier every night again due to the cloudy skies.  It is going to get worse before it gets better, so as we have done in the past, accept it.

The sun we were promised yesterday, never showed up, and have a few breaks this morning but the clouds are still there.   T'is the season.  Soon the leaves will start changing colours as they are not getting the sunlight needed, and the trees have reached the time of the year to go dormant.

Hubby cut the lawns today, but even the grass is not growing as much as it was, it looks so nice when it is done.  

After some housework was done, I made a bowl cosy for the hot bowls of food we will be having on the weekend and also the following weekend.  

Having our two families for one meal is just too much work and there would be so many people, its best for us to spread them out into two different days.    For Thanksgiving, (Canada's is this coming Monday), we will be having Hubby's son, DIL, and their three children and his daughter.   The following Friday, my  two daughters and two SIL and two granddaughters plus a boyfriend will be having dinner with us.  My son and DIL are visiting their son and his family on Thanksgiving,  they do not have room for them to sleep at their house, so we are going to be a B & B for one night.  All of my other granddaughters and husbands are all busy with their own families so they will not be here.   Hopefully we will all be able to get together soon.  One can only hope.

Hubby and I have decided this will be the last  Thanksgiving meal, turkey with all the trimmings is a lot of work, so instead we are going to have rolls, cold cuts, cheeses etc. etc. the reason for the having family over is to visit, not gorge yourself on food and then leave.  Not sure what the plans are for Christmas, getting Thanksgiving over with first.  

We had weiners and beans and a salad for our dinner, counting the carbs, so that we did not eat too many.  

Hope you had a great day.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Barometre says sun

 Barometre......It sits on our kitchen counter telling up what the weather will be, the low temp last night and the current temp inside and outside. it is showing a bright sun, however, we have yet to see it.   I am beginning to think the only well informed weather person, is me, when I look out the window and see what it is or not doing.   Years go  I remember seeing a picture with  a caption underneath referring to the weather.  Apparently seaweed taken from the ocean  and left to dry, was used years ago to predict the weather.  "If the seaweed was dry and crisp, the weather was going to be sunny and dry.   If it was wet it could indicate very humid weather or rain could be expected."  As we do not live by the ocean, we rely on our barometre.

Tuesdays mean grocery day, I can't believe we are so regimented, today we do this, the next day we that, I guess it doesn't really matter just as long as the chores get done on a regular basis.   Off we went to get our turkey for Thanksgiving next Monday, I am glad we did as there were not very many left this morning, hope they get a new shipment in for people shopping later in the week.

What am I up to today, that is a good question, things that need to be done........put my Summer clothes away and get out the warmer wear, make up the bed with fresh linen for my son and DIL who will be staying the night on Monday.  I also want to take a granddaughter her 4th birthday gift this afternoon when she gets on from school.   

When we were out this morning we did notice a lot of the trees are beginning to change colour, none yet showing the beautiful reds,oranges and yellows, just the dirty yellow/brown.   Not rushing the season, but I do like to see the colourful countryside in the Autumn.

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus and salad.   Fruit for dessert.


Monday, October 04, 2021


Yesterday we had showers and again today has started out that way too.   Not cold so glad of that, as the damp cold seeps into my bones and I cannot get warm.

We had a lovely visit with Hubby's sister-in-law  M yesterday afternoon, a cup of tea, cake and conversation.  We last saw her, in person, three years ago when she came back to Ontario for a visit.   Zoom visits are not the same as personal ones.  She returns home to B.C. today after being here for two weeks, visiting family and friends.  M and her husband usually go to Arizona for the Winter, but did not do that last year and will not be going this year either.

No work will be done outside today as it is just too wet to do anything constructive, so I will get into my sewing studio and do some work in there.  Hubby is currently as the dentist for a checkup.

So as there is not much to talk about today, I will close for now, might be back later if something earth shattering happens.  Don't expect that, but you never know.

Have a wonderful day no matter what you are doing.


Sunday, October 03, 2021

Foggy and wet

Just as the forecast indicated we have showers today and it is still very foggy at 10:20 a.m. not cold which is OK by me.

We went to the 50th wedding anniversary open house, only a few people there and we were all outside, so felt very comfortable.  Lots of chatter and some played a couple of games on the lawn, vewy low key.   It was sunny and warm when we left home, however, when it was time to come home it had become cloudy with a cold wind which was the beginning of our change in weather.

Not much happening on the estate today, we are expecting a visit from Hubby's sister-in-law, from B.C. she is visiting friends and family  here in Ontario.   She only comes east once a year, however, for obvious reasons she did not make the trip last year.

So, as there is little to write about at the present time, I may be back later.

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Making the most of today

 It is a beautiful sunny day, and is suppose to be warm, maybe warmer enough for another ride!, we are hoping it is.   For the seven days after today, cloudy with showers is predicted. temps are suppose to be around the 20*C mark which is not all that bad, however, the dampness makes it feel cooler.

Hubby is finishing up some outside painting he has been doing and he will also be putting some fertilizer on the lawn.   Me, today is laundry day so that is on the go at the present time, then there is always the regular household chores that need to be done.

This afternoon we are attending an open house for a 50th wedding anniversary, it is for a sister-in-law of Hubby's.  This evening my eldest daughter is having a chiminea fire in back garden for her grandchildren, Mia is celebrating her fourth birthday, so we will go over for a short period of time to give her her gift.   I am glad it is outside as my granddaughter and her husband have not had any vaccines, so you can be assured we will be wearing our masks even though we will be outside.  Cannot be too careful at our age.

Well, my face is turning all colours now,  red, purple and now yellow, it is still painful but these things take time to heal, so expect to be not fully recovered for some time.

The signs of Autumn are getting to show more and more as the days go by, leaves are just starting to show some colour and others are starting to fall.  The annual garden flowers are looking very tired, so soon I will be pulling them out.  I want to move a couple of things but may need some more muscles than what I have to get them out of the ground.   Hubby maybe enlisted to help.

Not sure what we will be having for dinner, we need to be more vigilant about what we are putting in our mouths, as Hubby is now on medication for too much sugar in his system.   I am glad I kept all of the cookbooks I had used for my late husband, he had serious diabetes, four needles a day and that did not keep it under control, even with the strict diet I tried to keep him on.  

The golden years!!

Have a wonderful day no matter what you plan on doing.

Friday, October 01, 2021


 It was chilly again this morning when we got up,  only 7*C but the sun was just starting to come up over the horizon, so the promise of a nice day.  We take all we can get at this time of the year.

I did not get to post yesterday's entry so did this morning.  Face is looking a bit better and also feeling not so tender.  So on the road to recovery.

Hubby did some errands yesterday and I went along for the ride, neither of us had much energy, still trying to come to grips with the face we need to dress in a heavier sweater or jacket when we go out.

Received an invitation for a 50th wedding anniversary open house tomorrow.   The couple is Hubby's sister in law and her husband, so we will go for a little while.  The weather is looking promising and warm so it could be another convertible day.

I have errands to do today, one is to get our Covid papers reduced in size and laminated so we can put them in our wallet.   Our government is slow to introduce passports, so this is the next best thing.  We need proof to get into restaurants, movie theatres, etc. so it is important to have.

So must get moving and get to those errands.

Will write again later today.

Eyes and nose

 Yesterday Hubby and I both had appointments with our eye surgeon, Hubby for a checkup and Rx renewal and me for my six month checkup from my cataract surgery.  We had to travel out of town so left early as it was an hour and half drive to where we had to go.   Doctors are as slow as molasses in January, so our 11:30 a.m. appointment did not even start until after noon with us both getting out of the building after 1:00 p.m.  Lunch as we were starving and then on to visit Hubby's sister A who was just off the route we needed to go home.  We had a nice visit outside on her patio.   She currently has one of her daughters plus three grandchildren living with her so it was nice for her to talk to someone else for a change.  We arrived home too late for dinner at home so made a quick trip to the drive through for burgers and fries.  Lovely weather for our journey, but also, too cool to take the convertible.  We had an enjoyable day, Ok's from the Dr. visit with family and a meal I did not need to think about or prepare.

That takes care of the EYE part of my title, now we come to the NOSE.   Believe me I am not a pretty sight at the present time, and  I am glad we wear masks out in public, so no one can see the lower half of my face. So...what did I do.   Well......our garage is about two inches above the driveway and it has a cement floor, we have ramps so we can drive our cars inside.   I was wearing flip flops, (note to self, DO NOT WEAR FLIP FLOPS)  I was carrying some small branches and a pair of scissors, my reading glasses were on the top of my head.   I was breaking the branches in small pieces so that they would fit into the garden trash bags and not looking where I was going.   I tripped, either on the lip of the floor or the ramp, and fell......flat on my nose and face on the cement floor.   I guess I need to say no more, you can just imagine the mess I was in and really still in and I won't go into the ugle details.  At the present time I have a black eye, scabs all down my nose, cut upper and lower lips, scraps on my cheek and chin.  I am very lucky, no broken bones or teeth.   My shoulders are stiff and sore, as I must have tried to save myself.......It didn't work.   

On a happier note, today is my eldest daughters birthday, she is 59 years old.   I remember the day she was born.   Here in Canada we have Thanksgiving holiday in early October and I was having family over for an early Thanksgiving dinner as I knew I might not be around for dinner on the actual day and I was making pies.   All through the early contractions, I made those pies, and even got to sit down for dinner, but could not stay for those pies I was making.     B was born in the early evening hours.

We have another lovely day but it is cool due to a brisk wind.  The night time low temps are now in the single digits, so it takes the sun a long time to warm up the air.  Still hope for at least one more day when we can comfortably go for another ride in the convertible before it goes into storage for the Winter.  

Hubby and I have been absolutely lazy  today, tomorrow I have errands to do.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet, as I just noted I am lazy today, so haven't even thought about dinner, so should get moving.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...