Friday, September 03, 2021

Working outside.

 I keep thinking today is Saturday, have no idea why, I guess that idea will throw me off for several days, as this is the Labour Day holiday weekend.  By the time it's over, I won't know what day it is.

We were going to do another day road trip, but the temp has to be over 21*C when we have the top down, the sun struggled to make the thermometer  to get up to that mark, let alone go warmer.  So we decided we would stay home and do some garden work.  Hoping there may be warmer days ahead, so we can get some more day outings.   It certainly is getting cooler at night, temp was 10*C last night, makes for a burr morning.

After lunch, I went to tidy the gardening box we have on the patio, it was in a really made mess, I could not find anything.  Everything came out and cleaned, and I also consolidated all of my gardening tools, etc in one place, some were in the garage and others in the cold room under the garage.   I found things I had forgotten I even had.  Some of those things needed a bit of oil to get them moving again.  A good job done.  I was hoping to get into the garden also, but the time did not allow, so hope the rain holds off for a day or so, but looking at the weather map a short time ago, it appears as if we might have some showers

Being Friday, it is isn't it? we had salmon, stuffed mushrooms, cauliflower, tomatoes and peach pie with custard.   All very good, if I do say so myself.


  1. I wish I could eat dinner at your house!

  2. What a scrumptious-sounding dinner, Pat! Yummo! We had a little bit of a rain shower late this afternoon too... enough to keep hubby from continuing work on the front porch. Oh well, that's ok. There's always another day. Happy holiday weekend. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...