Saturday, September 11, 2021


The vacuuming, dusting, one bathroom, a  half an hour walk, peach crisp and a rice pilaf all done yesterday.  Disappointed in the pilaf not much flavour so I am going to add some mushrooms for the rest of it for dinner tonight.  Ran out of energy for the remainder of the jobs on the list.  Today I am doing some cleaning up in the garden as it is a beautiful day and the forecast is calling for four days of showers, I can get the rest of the inside cleaning done then.  Laundry on at the present time.

Hubby is repairing a grease leak in the lawn tractor after cutting all of the grass yesterday.  We have two bags of garden waste to go to the recycle depot.  I put a lot of  veg and fruit  peelings etc in my compost, but do not use any of the garden waste.  Too many weed seeds in it and I have more than enough weeds at the present time, don't need any more.

The first week of school finished, I must contact all of the grands and great grands to see  how they all made out.   

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the passing of my late husband, it has been eleven years now, how that time has flown by is hard to believe.  I made it through the first five years on my own and now very happy with my life and my Hubby.  My sister has been on her own for three years now as she has lost her husband also, however, she has become  very much like a hermit.  She lives in the country, and only goes out to get her groceries and essentials, has no hobbies and only one woman friend that visits her.  I have suggest we go for lunch, but have not had a positive reply.   I tried.

Not sure what we will have for dinner tonight, I know some more of the pilaf, and peach crisp.  Should close this post and rummage through the freezer to see what strikes my fancy.


  1. My sympathy upon the anniversary of the passing of your husband, Pat. It sounds like you are once again happy & that makes me happy for you! And about your sister... please remember that we all "move along" differently. I am a recluse-of-sorts so I understand your sister. She may very well be as happy as you are, even tho you both have taken different paths. "Going to lunch" isn't exactly my bag either. :-) Perhaps going out to visit her, at her home in the country, would be more appealing to her... like her friend has done. You could always bring lunch with you. ~Andrea xoxoxoxo

  2. It sounds like you had a lovely day. I am so pleased you and hubby found each other after losing partners. Life is for living and you do it well.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...