Monday, September 06, 2021

Windows open

The windows are open, the first time since mid Summer when the humidity was so thick  you could cut it with a knife.  The house will smell so fresh by this evening, not that it stunk, but it is good to get the air moving again.

We must have had a shower over night, there are a few wet spots on the driveway this morning, now we have blue skies with white clouds moving quite briskly due to the strong breeze.   Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.

Today is Labour Day stat holiday, nothing is open, no mail or paper.  In "normal" times there would have been parades, an outdoor concert  in the park downtown and a number of functions, unfortunately everything is still not functioning as it did in the past.   We can only hope for better next year.

Tomorrow students head back to school, I have four great grands going to in school classes in grade school, one granddaughter doing her first college ground school semester at  home, and another doing at home and lab studies at university for her Masters.   Hubby has a grandson doing his first year at college studying motor mechanics, some classes at home others in the classroom, another grandson in his last year of high school, taking advanced courses in art and a granddaughter in grad school, both in school classes.  I wish them all the best for the coming school year, as well as the teachers they have a big job ahead of them.

The steak we had for dinner last night was delicious, as was the cauliflower and salad.  Used up the custard on two remaining pieces of the peach pie.  I am going to put a roast of beef in for dinner tonight,  cook the rest of the cauliflower, peas and salad.  Also going to make a lemon cake, we will have some tonight and tomorrow and put the rest of it in the freezer for future desserts.   

Have a great day.


  1. I love the freshness of a house aired after being shut up for a while. With two large dogs ours probably needs it more than most! Good luck to all your clan starting their academic year.

  2. Haha.. if humidity there is so thick, ours here is undescribleable at almost 90%. I can sweat just standing still! Anyway the shower and breeze will cool things. You and hubby must be immensely happy to know all your grands and great grands are up and about doing their grade schools, high schools to college to Masters. It is the circle of life.

  3. Lots of minds set to get a whole lot smarter in your family, in the upcoming school year, Pat. God bless them all with a good year! ~Andrea xoxoxo


The world of white

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