Friday, September 24, 2021

Almost forgot

 There is a ball of fire in the sky, I wonder what it is,.......sun!!!! almost forgot what it looked like as we have had so much rain this past few days.   A dry day to help the ground absorb all the rain and dry out a little bit.   

At 11:30 a.m. today we attended the scattering of ashes of Hubby's sister in law, she passed a year ago, so her sister and brother decided now the covid restrictions are easing, it was time.   The lunch Hubby and I  provided was good, fresh buns with cold cuts and all of the accompaniments, relish tray and cheeses.    Carrot cake, shortbread cookies and peanut butter cookies.  Tea, coffee, juice and water to drink.  There were only 12 people so our living/dining room accommodated us all quite easily.  The last of the folks left around 2:45 p.m. so it was a nice visit for everyone.    Honestly, I was quite nervous to have the family of Hubby's late wife here, as this was the first time they had all been here since I have lived in this house.  Everything turned out well, so I feel good about that.

Have not done much else today, but I guess all that work preparing and cleaning up was enough.  So that is why I am sitting here chatting to you.

The quilting guild I belong to had a Zoom meeting last night,  it was supposed to be an in person meeting outside in one of the members back garden, however, it was much too cold and wet.  We are hoping to be able to source a room in a local church for our October meeting, so hoping that will work out, as I am not a fan of the Zoom meetings.  

It is now time to get some dinner, dinner!!! we have decided to have the left overs from lunch, which is perfectly fine with me, so if you re-read the above paragraph you will know what we will be having for our dinner.  

Time to go, chat tomorrow.


  1. It sounds like the day went really well. I understand your nerves but it looks like they were unfounded.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...