Thursday, January 14, 2021

Snowdrops and diary

 For the past few years I have been writing every day in a diary, not much of anything really but things that I did, weather and temps.   On Christmas 2019 I was given a diary for a two year period.  On January 14, 2020 I had snowdrops blooming under a tree in our front lawn.  This is the photo from 2020,  It had been very mild, for our Canadian winter, so these little beauties started to bloom and flowered for a long time afterwards.  They were covered in snow several times but survived. I went out this morning to see if they were blooming again this year and they were, however, the buds were not as big as these in this photo.  The weather has been mild this year too but not as warm as last year.  A nice little pick me up for today.  Little things like snowdrops make me happy.

We had some fog and clouds this morning, but this afternoon, there is some blue sky with filtered sun.  Tomorrow is suppose to be wet, either with rain or snow, could be a mixture of both.

Cleaned two bathrooms top to bottom this morning and then helped hubby purchase something on line.

Not much else happening today.

Dinner, pork chops, rice left over from last night and veg, and a small salad.  Dessert. chocolate pizza and ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. This picture of your sweet little snowdrops cheered my world too. Bless them... and you! ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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