Sunday, January 03, 2021

More snow

 Yesterday, all of the new snow we had overnight melted, as we had a beautiful sunny day.  However, we had some more early this morning.  It is very wet and heavy, so Hubby got out and cleared off the driveway before it got any heavier.

The roads were mostly clear, so went for my walk.

All the decorations were put in new boxes, so storage area is a lot neater and tidier. Only Christmas themed decoration out now is the poinsettia, which will remain on the hearth in the upstairs fireplace.  We don't use this one any more, so it makes a nice cover up in front of the screen.

The flower arrangement I received from a cousin needs to have some of the dying flowers taken out and re arranged, so they last a little longer.  That's number one on the list today, Number two, I need to spray my Winter boots again, so they stay looking nice too.

Just finished a couple of chats with family and now should get moving to do something.

Dinner tonight,  Hubby just confirmed roast beef is on the menu for today, potato,  rutabaga, salad, chocolate mousse for dessert.


Outside my kitchen window today.  The snowman magically appeared in the field opposite our house. 

The snow is melting and running down the tree on our front lawn, as we were doing lunch dishes, we saw this "mouse" which was created with the water and snow.  Just had to take a photo of it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how wonderful... the snowman and the mouse!! At least some nice things to see, instead of just snow. :-) ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...