Friday, January 15, 2021

Mixed Bag

If the forecast is correct, we are going to be in for a mixed bag of weather today.  Rain, snow and everything in between during the transition.   Currently outside it looks as if none of this will come to pass, fingers crossed.

End of the week again, used to look forward to Friday knowing the weekend started tomorrow, but these days, days don't seem to matter they are the same day in and day out.  

Hubby forgot to go to his chiropractor appointment yesterday, was able to get another this morning, so that is where he is at the present time.  

I am on the home stretch in making the top for my grand daughter's quilt.  As I suspected the kit did not have enough of the light and medium coloured fabric and too much of the dark.  Decided to eliminate one strip of blocks from the side of the quilt due to the fact there is not enough fabric that I need and unfortunately, I dont have any in my stash that would work.  It will not affect the pattern, as there is really no pattern.   It will not be going to the long arm quilter as I do not have any backing, will have to look at the web site for local shops, to see if they have anything suitable.  Glad to have this top done, I need to get on with other projects.

Other projects,  I am going to start a cross stitch piece, make  two I Spy quilts for great grand babies, and do the photo album for grandson.  There is not going to be enough hours in the day for all of this, will need to eliminate, vacuuming, dusting, laundry etc. etc.  No! guess that won't happen, so need to pace myself.

Need to give myself a manicure, which I will do when finished here.

Dinner tonight, fish, wedges salad, dessert, fruit in jelly. 

1 comment:

  1. *haha* I love your rationale... not enough hours in a day so eliminate vacuuming, dusting and laundry. My sentiments exactly!! :-D Would love to see a picture of the quilt when it's done. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...