Saturday, January 23, 2021

Progress being made

 Yesterday I was able to sew all of the blocks together into rows, today I should be able to get the entire top sewn together and call it a done.  Then off to the long arm quilter possibly next week.  When i wanted a break from this quilt I pulled together all of the fabric that I had put aside to make a couple of "I Spy" quilts, so that is next on the sewing machine.  Then I have a couple of growth chart quilts and finally do something with the quilt I started for our bed.  I have started it twice and hated each of those patterns, so now I think I might have the right one to get that one started and finally finished.  So I am making progress.  Our Zoom quilting meeting is this coming Thursday, so I need to get a block done for that before then.  

Hubby is out cleaning off the driveway again this morning as we did have a little snow overnight.  It gets him outside and gives him something to do for a little while.  

I need to go and do a couple of errands, Visa needs to be paid at the bank machine and a quick trip to the drug store for body lotion.  My skin becomes very dry at this time of the year, from the heating and the dry cold air outside.  If my hands are in a lot of water during the Winter, they have a tendency to crack and become very sore.   Do you have dry skin in the Winter months?  What do you use on your skin, especially your hands to stop them from being too dry?

Cold outside this morning -5.6*C at breakfast time, cloudy skies but no wind today.  It was very dark at 7:15 a.m. when I woke up this morning, but it has brightened up a bit now, now the heavy clouds have moved on.

Dinner tonight? have not thought about it yet, but I am sure there will be food on the table when its time to est.  Lunchtime will finish the soup that I made earlier in the week, tasted better after it had been sitting for a couple of days.  Hubby asked  me to make it again and also said what was in it,  "everything but the kitchen sink" I told him.  Making the same soup would be almost impossible.

Well, second load of laundry is swishing around in the machine  and the first in the dryer, so better get moving and check on them both.

1 comment:

  1. YES... my skin gets so dry in winter too, especially around my waist & hips, for whatever reason. I use Udderly Smooth Body Cream. It's the consistency of Noxema, if you've ever used that in the past, and it's totally not greasy. I love it. And yes, thank goodness for those little chores that keep the hubby busy... at least for a little while anyway. *lol* Stay warm~ Andrea xoxo



The weather promised to be good for the drive, the roads were clear and dry, so off I went for some retail therapy. Recently I saw one cloth...