Friday, January 01, 2021

Mixed Bag

 That is what our weather was like for the first day of 2021;  Clouds, windy, rain, freezing rain and snow and the day is not over yet.

Hubby and I went for a walk after lunch, part of the promise I made to myself, that is to walk every day, not matter what the weather.  One day down and a whole lot more to go for this year.  It was cold but we were dressed appropriately, so we were not uncomfortable.

Had my youngest great granddaughter visit with her Mum and Dad, social distancing of course.  We stayed on the porch and unfortunately they had to stand in the snow which was falling quite hard.  They were covered when they left.  They dropped off a gift for me from my son.  A jar of home made chili sauce and four seasons of The Crown on DVD's.  I see a lot of sitting down in the future.  Will need to pace myself.

We did not do much else today, just took it easy.

Dinner tonight was lovely, BBQ steak, shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, salad and baked potato with sour cream.    No dessert,  too full.

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