Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Peeking out

 We had light snow over night and some early this morning, however, as I write the sun is trying to peek out through the clouds.  It is looking as if today might be better than forecasted last night.  The wind is a little brisk today, so it will cold.

Yesterday I started a task in my sewing room, that needed to be done.  I save pieces of fabric, hate to throw pieces out that can be cut down into manageable squares.  I did have pieces of fabric, sorted by colours in separate bags, part of the job done in that regard.  After working on it most of the afternoon, I now have piles of coloured squares of different sizes.  A bit more organized that it was, however, now need to decided how to store these in my stacked plastic drawers.  If you are a quilter or sewer, how do you store your scraps?  That is if you save them as I do.

During the sorting I found fabric that I had put aside to make "I Spy" quilts so cut that up and now have enough to make two quilts, one for each family of great grands.  A couple of years ago, I started on a quilt for our bed, but hated the way it was looking so put it away until I could figure out what to do with it.  Now decided to make a scrap quilt.  I have already used the pattern for another blue themed scrap quilt, this one will be done in shades of grey.  The original name I was going to call this quilt, was "Fifty Shades of Grey"  still going to use that name.  Our bedroom walls and carpet are grey.  

Groceries bought early this morning, all put away,  bought a nice ham, which was on sale, so going to slice it into serving size containers and freeze it.  Other than that just the regular items we purchase every week.  I am always looking for something different as I feel we get into a rut eating the same meals week after week.  How do you perk up your menus for different meals?  Love to hear some of your favorite dinners you make for you and your family.

That ham is waiting, so will close for now.

1 comment:

  1. After cooking for nearly 45 years, I have my usual go-to's for meals and am hard pressed to find things different to prepare also. I've been into roasting veggies lately, which is a new try for me. I chop up whatever veggies I want... usually onion, green pepper, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, whatever I have.... toss them in a big bowl with olive oil, kosher salt, pepper, dill, parsley, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and whatever else I feel the urge to use... and then I spread these veggies out in my turkey roast and put in a 400 degree oven (no lid) for about half an hour or so. I serve these over cooked egg noodles or rice or something.... maybe with a little soy sauce over all. It's really good and also light. I usually forego the "starch" and simply eat the roasted vegetables. Delicious. We love ham too, especially ham-on-the-bone. I always think of my Daddy and Sunday football when I bake a ham. :-) ~Andrea xoxo



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