Saturday, January 30, 2021

All is Quiet

No additional snow....thank goodness, clouds not looking as heavy as they were yesterday and I can even see some  breaks in them towards the south of us.   Looks promising.

Hubby had to take some pain medication last night due to the exercise he had yesterday with the snow thrower.  It is quite a large machine to steer and then turn to take another sweep through the snow.  Then after dinner he removed all of the snow that had collected on the hedge as it was weighing down the branches which looked as if they would soon break.  Too much work for someone that has been taking it easy for the last three months of no outside work to do.

I did some deep cleaning in the living room yesterday,  getting ahead of the Spring cleaning, because when Spring gets here I am outside as much as I can.  But that is looking a long way off at the present time.  

Also did some quilting on my great grand daughter I Spy quilt.  It is just cross hatching, I am not very good at doing fancy scroll patterns, so I figure less to more.   I like the way it is looking, when this one is finished I will do another for my other great grands, however, this time I will make it a little bigger and add more boy themed fabric. so the whole family can take part in the I Spy game.

After those two are done I am going to work on one for our bed,  I have started it twice, hated both of the patterns I chose, so hopefully three times and out, will make one that I am happy with.

My niece and her husband both have serious medical problems, that have been going on for more than a year for my niece and just one year for her husband.  I won't bother with details but they are not going to be resolved in the very near future I am afraid.  This pandemic is not helping the issue as each time either one has to visit the hospital for treatment or surgery, no family can go in.  As they live in the country it takes about an hour and a half to travel to either of the two hospitals they need to go to.  Then they either need to wait in the car for hours or travel home and come back again.  There are no restroom facilities open and I have offered my home but they did not want to do that,.

Dinner tonight, salmon and cauliflower disguised as potatoes, mushrooms and a veg, chocolate mousse for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your hubby has some pain medication to help him through the rough spots, Pat. And it sounds like your niece & her husband have heavy crosses to bear with their health issues. I will certainly keep all of you in my prayers. And yes, this pandemic is NOT helping one single thing. It needs to leave and pronto!!!! ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...