Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Yesterday was a day of numerous sprints to the loo after drinking that awful liquid, no food and very little sleep.  Today, all done and duster so to speak,  so my insides are clean and no serious issues.   Now to eat, toast and marmalade and a cup of tea that I have been waiting for two days.  Who would know a cup of tea cures all ails.  I am English born and when I was living at home there was always a pot ready to make a cup of tea.   Mum liked her tea, it would be a very strong cup for her, none of this "pee quick" as she would describe a very weak cup of tea.  I still like a cup with my lunch and dinner.  My D.I.L. likes Earl Grey I prefer Tetley myself.  Also like Green tea and in the Summer a nice tall glass of iced tea.  Not fond of the flavoured teas.

Do you drink tea?  What kind, hot or iced?

Going to be a quiet day today, might even have a nap this afternoon to pull myself together as I don't have too much ambition, jobs that need to be done will still be there tomorrow.  

It was cold last night, temp down to -12*C, we do have some sunshine today which makes it feel warmer.

Having left over roast beef from Sunday, so no cooking tonight as I don't feel like cooking a meal even after a nap.   Better tomorrow.

Have a great day.




  1. I love my tea. Tetley is my brand, strong and coolish. My Scottish grandmother used to say "I can pee stronger than that" if it was made to weak. She poured it into the saucer and slurped it up when it was cool. I'm too polite to drink it that way, but don't like it too hot.

  2. I'm not a big tea drinker, never have been, but we always have a "tea break" at my evening social groups and I am getting quite addicted to it. At home I mostly drink camomile tea

  3. I am glad your procedure found no nasties.
    I drink Twining's Lady Grey tea black. If I want something stronger I'll have Assam Bold with milk. When I go out with friends for coffee I have started having peppermint tea as I am realising after all these years I don't really like coffee! Iced tea - as long as it's not too sweet - is lovely on a hot day. I refuse to drink anything that smells like you should bathe in it.


The world of white

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