Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Foggy again

Mild temps, some rain a recipe for fog this morning, much better than the forecast  of freezing rain.  These milder temps and no snow cover on the ground and my snow drops are  up and a couple have flowers.   They better beware and the cold temps we will eventually get will freeze them if no snow is insulating them.  It always amazes me, how bulbs such as snowdrop, daffodils and tulips can survive with the freezing cold temps, but have an onion freeze and it all turned to mush.  Nature does some fantastic miracles.

Grocery day again today, prices still climbing but, we have to eat.

Went for our morning walk and did not get rained on, actually it was a very pleasant day to be walking.  Hubby has a blocked artery in his leg which causes him pain while walking, however, Dr. told  him to walk as it will make other blood vessels in his leg do more work, thus limiting the amount of pain.  So the reason for walking every day, Dr. indicated it could take six months or more, so don't know if he will be able to keep at it for that long.   Another reason as to why he is walking, we are going on a vacation at the end of July and walking will be necessary.

Hubby as to fend for himself to night as I am going out for dinner and theatre with a couple friends, the three of us worked together years ago.  Looking forward to the night out and some catching up.   We did not purchase the full subscription of plays this year as three of them were not to our liking, so this one will be the last until next year.  But, we are still planning on having either lunch or dinner together on a regular basis.  

Still working on my jig saw and my sewing, keeps me busy and out of trouble.

Have a great day,


1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...