Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Wet and cold

 Today is one of those days where the wet weather just seems to seep into your body and makes you cold.  The temp is 7*C, certainly not feeling like that at all.  We are forecast a lot of rain, so glad it is not coming down as snow or there would be a lot on the ground.

Rivers are swollen over their banks due to the snow thawing and the rain.   At this time of the year, the area we live in has a January thaw, a reprieve from all the snow and cold temps for a short period of time.  

Not sure what day it has been for the past week, now all the stores are open and everything back to a normal routine, finally I know today is Tuesday.    

Put the Christmas decorations away yesterday, the outside of the house looks very dark in the evening now because those lights are down and put away too for another year.

We did get some groceries this morning, also a trip to the pharmacy to pick up some toothpaste etc. I have a terrible headache today, so not sure what else is on the agenda, think it will be an afternoon of not doing much.

I want to pot up my Amaryllis and start the jig saw puzzle that are both Christmas gifts given to me, also want to start a baby quilt for a little boy who is due to arrive in February.   Those things will be done tomorrow.

Dinner tonight, chicken not sure what else at the present time.

Have a great day,




  1. I hope your headache has gone by now. Jigsaw and and quilt sound like perfect activities in your weather.

  2. I always get mixed up with the days of the week over the Christmas holidays. Also what day do you put the garbage out when there has been a holiday........always have to check the calendar for that.

  3. Hows that puzzle going? Mine is coming along fairly slowly in between making Lovies. I liked the one you tagged me in on Facebook too. Have a lovely day Chick.

    1. Slow going as yours is, going to take a bit of time each day, or try to.
      Pleased you like the lovie, he is cute.
      Stay cool in your pool while I freeze.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...