Saturday, January 07, 2023

Sun? is that sun

The sky is full of clouds, but once in awhile there is a little opening, a little ray of sunshine can peek through, not very strong but it is sun just the same.

Laundry on, only two loads today.

Went for my walk again yesterday, planning on another today.

Worked on my jig saw puzzle.

Cleaning ladies did a nice job yesterday, two new ones, going to call their office to enquire about having them come every time, as they did such a through job.

Not much else going on here today.

Have a great day.



  1. You are welcome to some of our sun!!

  2. We had a sunny afternoon. It was lovely! It's nice to be able to go on walks since there's no ice to worry about, isn't it?

    1. It sure is Chris, but unfortunately it will come sooner or later, I would prefer later. Enjoy your sunshine.


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