Monday, January 23, 2023


 Yesterday I mentioned the fall of snow, it was a wet snow with no wind to blow it around, so it landed on all of the branches of the trees and bushes.   It was still there this morning, we had a brief interval of sunshine just as the sun was rising, when it reached the tree tops the snow turned golden , the trees looked as if they were glowing.  Unfortunately,  was not dressed and wandering around in my nightwear outside in -4*C with several inches of snow on the ground, was not something I was going to do to get a photo.  

Ho hum around here, no exciting things happening to write about.  This time of the year is a bit depressing even though the weather has been co-operating.  

We went for our walk this morning, it was a bit slippery under foot, we both made it home safe and sound.   Hubby still needs to stop a couple of times due to the pain in his leg.  Dr. advised it could take at least six months of walking to feel any improvement.  That seems like a very long time but Hubby must remember it has taken a lot of years to get to this point, a month is not going to fix it.

The two poinsettia's I had for Christmas are going in the compost, the one I bought is loosing it's leaves and the one I have been nurturing for months is not looking much better.  Have I lost my green thumb?  The amaryllis is growing, the stem holding the big bud of a flower is getting taller, and the geraniums are doing well, so must be doing something right.

Dinner?  will have to go and look, I would be happy with a hearty soup.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...