Thursday, January 26, 2023

Snow, snow and more snow

It was a wise decision to set out early for our walk, as it snowed all day long, sometimes big flakes, small flakes then a misty type snow which felt more like rain.  This all due to the temperature hovering around the zero mark.  Thank goodness there was no wind or we would have been in the middle of a blizzard, blowing all of this snow around into huge drifts.

All seems quite calm this morning, so far.   Still cloudy but, sure there will be some additional snow as per the forecast.  We have a table outside on our patio, the snow piled on that is a good indication of how much we have received.  Measuring it this morning, 6 3/4 inches of snow and Hubby's snow blower has broken down.   

Just to give you an idea of have big our our driveway is, it is double wide which is big enough for two cars to park side by side, it is also long enough to have four cars behind one another, a total of eight cars can be in our driveway.  The snow blower not working..     UM...a lot of snow to be removed, certainly not by me. I don't do snow removal, been there done that, not any more.

Got my puzzle finished yesterday, now I want to put it in a frame for my sewing room.   Also, did some sewing on my old machine, it is a clunker but is working fine.   Made many clothes on it for my two girls when they were young, also dresses for me and numerous other garments over the years.  Don't make clothes any more.  Can't wait for my machine to come back from its cleaning which will not be until next week sometime.

Going to my quilting guild meeting this evening, so hope the weather stay fine so the roads will be cleared.   

Hope you have a great day.


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