Sunday, January 08, 2023

Dull and dreary

 Both the weather and me, I do need the sunshine to perk me up, does not look as if they will happen any time soon.  

At least we have no snow, ice or bitter cold winds to contend with so should not complain, although, we are never happy with the weather are we?  either too hot, too cold, or wet, or dry and on and on.

Went for another walk today, no wind, quite pleasant.

In the sewing room this afternoon, started a baby quit for my great grand nephew, who will be entering the world in February.

Cooked a roast beef for dinner tonight, it was really good, and if I say so myself, I make the most delicious gravy.  Reminder to me get some horse radish when grocery shopping on Tuesday.

Not much else happening, as usual, these days, going to have to do some shaking up around here.  The days just meld into a week, a  routine that never wavers, nothing changes.   I know the weather does not allow to be done but..............

All I seem to do each day is moan and groan, you all must be getting quite tired of it.  Sorry.

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. You can moan and groan all you like. I am currently dripping with perspiration and it isn't nice.
    A roast beef sounds lovely but it is too hot right now.


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