Thursday, February 02, 2023


 My DD1 gave her 5 grandchildren tickets for a train ride to Toronto and back, plus tickets to go to the aquarium there.   Five adults went too, they all had a great time.   The GG's had never been on train before and because they all have been, by law to wear their seat belts they were quite surprised there were none on the train.  They range in age from 4 years to 12 years, so certainly glad I declined the invitation to join them.  My Christmas gift to the GG's was money to spend on anything they wanted in the gift shop. 

This brings back a memory of something I did about 20 years ago with my Grand's at Christmas.   I invited them all to stay overnight, five girls and one boy, age range 12 years to 3 years what on earth was I thinking..   One threw up all over the beds the girls were sleeping in, a favorite nighttime Teddy Bear was taken from the owner, so she could not sleep. the youngest didn't want to sleep with the others, so was  in my bed tossing  and turning all night.  The next day we all went for a walk in a local wooded park, it was the coldest day of the Winter,  Togging up in all those snow suits and all the other gear was a nightmare.

I pledged to myself, next time, if there is a next time, it will be only one child at a time.  It did happen and everything worked out fine during those sleep overs.

Have you ever had the great idea to do something for the young ones in your family and wished you hadn't?

We did our walk this morning, had to pick and choose where we walked as there was some big patches of ice on the streets, home safe and sound with no falls.

During the afternoon we went to the Covid vaccination clinic and received our fifth and final vaccination.

Today, in Ontario it is Groundhog Day, the saying goes, "If the groundhog awakens from hibernation and comes out of his burrow and sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of Winter.  If, however, it is cloudy, does not see his shadow, we will have an early Spring".  Either way Spring will get here when it wants and it most likely will be in six weeks time.   Here in the city where I live the sun was shining, not sure what the weather was like where they have the albino groundhog which is used to decide if he sees his shadow or not.  It has become a big Winter celebration, one I think to get rid of those Winter blues.

We are to expect some significant snow tonight, as I look out the window now at 7:10p.m. it's started.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. I am sure you're sick of it but I love the idea of serious snow.
    I had two granddaughters sleep over not that long ago. Never again!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...