Thursday, February 09, 2023

Brolly weather

We had rain all day, early afternoon we decided to go for our walk as the rain had stopped, brollies went with us, all ready for rain if it started again.  And, started it did, heavy at times, so glad we were prepared or we would have been soaked to the skin.   The rain was coming straight down but, we still got our legs wet.   And, wouldn't you know it, shortly after we arrived home, it stopped and the sky cleared somewhat.   The sun even showed it's face for a short while, then the clouds came back again.  We can expect high winds tonight apparently.  Not complaining about the rain, if it had been snow we would still be clearing it off.

I do have some bright blossoms in my living room, in the form of an Amaryllis,  the bulb was given to me as a Christmas present, never had one before, but it surely will not be the only one of have in the future. It has four blossoms which are a beautiful red.  

Did some financial stuff this morning, some sewing and the walk, not much else done, except for the usual things done during the day.

We are still using up the roast beef for our dinner. dessert was rice pudding.

Have a great day.



  1. My red one is a few years old and slow growing. It has a bud but it will be awhile. The white one, new this year, grows about an inch a day! It will likely flower in about a week. The pink one I gave my daughter has lots of floppy leaves but no buds showing yet.

    1. A white and pink ones are on my list to buy next. So pleased with this red one.

    2. I picked up three of them dirt cheap AFTER Christmas at Food Basics.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...