Sunday, February 05, 2023

If it's not one this it's another

 Happy Sunday to all of my readers.

The weather today is a lot milder there is even some snow melting, not much but anything at this time of the year is welcome.  Temp. is plus 5*C with the possibility of some rain, how crazy is that, a couple of days ago we were experiencing freezing cold snow.  It's got to be February in Canada.

Went down to the rec room this morning, it was alive with ants, Hubby has to get rid of them, so he put down some poison, that had better work to get rid of them for good, I am tired of them being in the house.  If it's not one bug it's another.

The electric range has been making an awful smell every time I turned on one of the rear burners, it had to be fixed as it might do more damage.  Roast of beef still in the fridg. on to plan number two.  Which Is unknow at this time. If it's not one things it's another.

Gave Hubby a hair cut this morning, he is still able to go out in public with out a hat.  LOL.  I am not a hair dresser, however, have been cutting hair for a long time.  My son's when he was a young child, my husband and my Dad.  Did attempt to do my two daughters at one time, I have a photo of them sitting on the sofa after I had done it, they were not happy.  Also attempted to do mine, when we were in lockdown.   Have you ever cut some ones hair even though you have no training?

 I did go to the hairdresser this afternoon to have my hair done, not trusting anyone who has not gone to school to learn how to do it properly.   She did a good job today setting it, just wish I could do the same each time I wash it.

Not much else happening here today, we did go for a walk this morning, it is becoming a lot easier to get up and get going, now that it has become routine.   The only time we don't go is if the weather is bad.

Have a great day,


1 comment:

  1. Hope the ants are gone - they do like to come indoors in the cold weather. Good you got your walk. I just hacked away at some ice on my driveway, that was my exercise for today!


The world of white

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