Monday, February 13, 2023

Too nice

Is it Spring or still Winter, it's so had to tell with the beautiful sunny days and unseasonal temps we are having at the present time.  Just too nice to stay inside, so we had a nice walk this morning.

Can't think of much to write about today, just did the necessary housework, laundry was done on Saturday.  

Laundry? when do you do your major wash?  Mine is always done on Saturday's, started and finished  and in the drawers or on hangers within a few hours.

I have in my possession a hand written account of wash day when my Great Aunt B. did her laundry many years ago.   

She was in the "wash house" all day, lightening the fires, getting the water, washing and rinsing.  Then hanging it outside to dry, if it wasn't raining, if it was too wet to put it on the line, everything was strung up on lines in the wash house.  After that was done the containers holding the water were emptied onto the brick floor and it was scrubbed within an inch of its life.  There was a hole in the wall where the water was swept out.   Tuesday was ironing day, if it was dry.

We do not realize we have such an easy time with laundry, machines do the job, we walk away and do something else, not stand in front of a vat full of water and harsh soap scrubbing away at stains and dirt.  

 Hubby accidently left the door of the freezer in the top of our fridge open for several hours last night. Ice cubes were water, we could drink the ice cream, veg and fruit everything thawed out.   Had to toss some food, cooked the veg and we could eat the blueberries on our yogurt in the mornings.   Only good thing that came out of it was the freezer has been cleaned out.

Hope you had a great day.



1 comment:

  1. Ditto regarding laundry day. If it doesn't get washed on Saturday it has to wait until next week. I enjoyed your Great aunt B's description of laundry day. How times have changed!


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