Tuesday, February 28, 2023


I am going to be very generous to my Hubby for February 29th, 30th and 31st  he can be the boss!!!

February.......all but gone, it has been a good one, not much really Wintery weather, quite nice compared to some February's I have been through.  March is coming in like a tamed lion, hope it goes out like a lamb, so ready for some sunshine and warmer temps.

Cannot believe the prices of some of the items in the grocery store today.  We usually buy a certain brand of yogurt, it has the probiotics in it for a healthy gut.  We have some every morning with our breakfast, so buy the large container, not the individual ones.  The large tub use to cost us $2.49 each, today, 2 for the price of $9.00,  we don't have any yogurt in our fridge,  my gut is going to try and stay healthy without it.  It's not that we cannot afford to pay that price, but I am not going to line the pockets of the owners of the supermarket chains.  Come on people,  the pandemic is going to be here to stay, you cannot use that as an excuse any more.   Product is moving again, from manufacturers and growers,  you cannot use that excuse any more.  The weather, I know you cannot change that.

I am on a rant here..... Don't change the size of the jars, boxes and packages and charge the same price as it was with the larger ones.   I know what you are doing, you cannot pull the wool down over my eyes.  

You can afford all of your fancy houses, with those fancy kitchens, that have fancy chefs preparing your meals.   What about families who need to have both parents working, just to afford to house, feed and take care of their children.  Citizens who were able to donate food and the daily necessities of living to the food banks are now going there themselves for assistance.  

It's not just food where we are being gouge, housing, utilities, clothing and fuel for our vehicle's, only to name a few, are just as bad.

We do donate food to the food bank.

I feel better now.

Have a great day.



  1. It is scary how the costs mount up and hard to believe the increases are legitimate. Rant on, my friend!

  2. Any excuse to raise prices. It is disgusting.

  3. Apparently the government is calling the big three grocery chains in for a meeting, when all three are reporting record profits. Not that I have any expectations of anything coming from that.


The world of white

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