Saturday, February 06, 2021


The snow that I mentioned yesterday, did not amount to much which is just fine with me, however, it is to start up again  later today.   But it is bloody cold.  Went down to -11*C last night and that is the forecast low for the next seven days.  By that time it will be the middle of the month and hopefully, a changed in the weather, keeping fingers and toes crossed.  Not holding my breath though.  The sun is trying to shine this morning, so all is good.

I have mentioned previously about sorting photo's, and all of those have included my late Mother's too.  Looking at them has brought back a lot of memories from my childhood.  I was telling Hubby about a picture of me, I might have been about 8 or 9 years old.  At that time I went to dance classes, cannot remember where I attended these classes.  On with my story, this photo shows me in a number which was called The Wedding of the Painted Dolls,  I was one of the bridesmaids, my sister was suppose to be in this number, however, she was recovering from, either chicken pox or measles, so could not participate.  If my memory proves me right, we did this dance outside on a lawn, which was in a back garden of a big house.  The lawn was surrounded by a high brick wall and a border of flowers.  I also remember dancing to the song "The Teddy Bears Picnic" and Hubby and I were trying to remember the words to this song.  
We were able to get most of them, but had to resort to the web to find someone singing it.  We found a cartoon video with Anne Murray singing the entire song.  We try to amuse ourselves with some crazy things these days.  LOL

In the coming days I might share other memories from these pictures.

Laundry and some housework in the process of being done today, thought I had better do something, one, so we have some clothes to wear and second. well just because it needs doing.   

Dinner tonight:  I am thinking about putting a roast of beef in the over for dinner tonight, because tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday and it would not take long to put left overs on the table.  

I have only been watching American football for the last four years, my late Husband did not like watching it, but Hubby does.  He explained all of the rules so quite enjoy it now.

On to the tasks st hand.

1 comment:

  1. I always love a good oven-baked beef roast... with mashed potatoes, gravy, and cucumber salad. Enjoy your leftovers today. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...