Thursday, February 04, 2021

Frozen Fog

Woke this morning to fog that was freezing on the trees, everything looked very pretty.  Now the sunshine is out again today and it is going to be a nice day, albeit very cold.  However, later today we have been forecast snow again and wind for the next couple of days.  It's Winter, to cannot expect much else.

What did I do yesterday?   sorted and sorted photo's.  I have all the ones that I have taken in the past plus all of those that belonged to my Mother and it is time.    Time to sort them out and do something with them.  I have piles on the dining room floor, one for each child and one for each grandchild.  They are going in albums for them.  I also have a pile for me, so will be making one for me also.  

In my Mother's, I found so many interesting things, a telegram the family received from relatives when we last England, the price of the fares. Photo's taken on the ship and menus from the lunches and dinners.   Looking through all this makes the job so much longer to complete, but I am determined to get it done.  Today I am going to continue with this job.

Hubby doing research on the computer, keeping him busy.   I am so glad he purchased a computer of his own a couple of years ago,  don't know what he would do with himself if he did not have it, during this lock down, and not being able to do any work outside.

Dinner last night was beef on a bun and a lovely salad, dessert left over peach crumble.

I've been on the table not once but twice,

In here it is always as cold as ice,

However, all is not doom or gloom,

Miracles happen in this room.

Everyone is dressed in white,

They are restoring my sight,

20 20 but that's not the year

Everything now is very clear. 

Dr says you will be needing,,

Ones only for reading,

So goodbye, so long,

Your gone,

I am going to give you away,

So that someone else can say,

I can see today, 

I can see today..


  1. I adore that poem and the picture! I made photo albums for my children a couple Christmases ago, with many more pictures to go. Hopefully by the time I leave this earth I will have them all distributed. *haha* Sorting pictures is a monumental task. I'm thinking of you as you do yours. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Thanks Andrea, Didn't take me long to compose it either.


COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...