Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bright but cold

 Finally we have some sunshine, it has been cloudy, dull and wet for too many days as far as I am concerned.  More energy today to get some things done.

Bedding currently swishing around the washing machine, then two more loads left to do.  No housework is wanting to be done today,  I do a bit every day, just to keep on top of it.  This is a big house for little old me to keep clean.  Kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms (one is used for my sewing room), living room and dining room upstairs.  Two bedrooms, rec room, bathroom, laundry room and a big hall downstairs.

On going saga of computer order......received info stating the part Hubby wanted to receive right away, is now on back order, trying to get in contact with this someone is almost impossible.  I know they are likely busy and we are very impatient., but it is frustrating. Wait and wait some more.

The salmon we had for dinner last night was delicious.

Dinner tonight Swedish meatballs, in mushroom sauce and noodles.  Not sure what we are going to have for dessert.  


1 comment:

  1. Oh my, you DO have a big house, don't you. Please forgive me if I've forgotten, but have you ever posted pictures of the outside and inside? If you haven't I sure would love to see it. Your dinner tonight sounds scrumptious! ~Andrea xoxo


They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...