Friday, November 06, 2020

Another one

Beautiful day that is.. yes we have blue skies and it is beautiful, temps so nice we do  not need a sweater of jacket.

 I cancelled my dentist appointment as my tooth retracted back into the gum, so for now it is  not giving any problems, however, I am sure it has not finished coming and going and eventually it will have to come out.  In the mean time it is all good now.  I hate dentists with a passion. 

Hubby is out picking up the neighbours leaves again today, a never ending job at the present time, more leaves have yet to come down so he will be doing it for awhile yet. 

I will be going for a nice long walk after lunch, cannot stay inside today.

The salmon we had for dinner last night was really nice, we always enjoy it.  Also did some stuffed mushrooms too, they were also very good, if I do say so myself.

Dinner tonight, well have not even thought of it yet, but should do that soon.

Not much happening today, so will chat tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your wonderful weather. We are having beautiful weather here in Indiana too. ~Andrea xoxo


They are coming out of hibernation

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