Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday, a day of rest -- not for me

Once in awhile I have a night of dreams, crazy ones that make absolutely no sense what so ever, but they wake me up just the same.  Because of that I slept in this morning, so a late start for everything I was going to do today.

On my list was to hang a couple more pictures on my walls, do some laundry, finish sewing on the binding on a quilt.  Then I was waiting for DD2 and SIL to stop around to put my last piece of furniture together.  I feel so useless some days, when I cannot do something and always seem to be asking for assistance.  As my son said "pay back time".   

Then I was scheduled to do a video chat with a cousin in Wales, technology is just so wonderful isn't it!  He was 3,000 miles away sitting in his living room and me in mine and we were talking as if in the same room.   The best part, it didn't cost a dime, only the internet that I always have.  Don't know why we didn't think of doing this before.  Anyway, we had a lovely chat about the genealogy of our family.

Finished that and kids came to do my table and I had cooked a roast beef dinner so they stayed for that.  My first family meal in my new home on my new table.  

Sitting down now, finishing the binding and watching some TV before bed.

Have a great day


Saturday, October 28, 2023


I often talk about the weather here on my blog, somewhere I have read, Canadians bring that subject into a conversation sooner or later.  It is, I believe we can expect almost anything at any time of the year.  So I am brining the subject of weather up now.   Yesterday, was like a Summer day, lovely sunshine, a bit breezy and a record high temp for October 27th. of 23*C.  People were wearing warm weather clothes such as I was.    So nice for this time of the year, however, next week, we will be wearing cold weather clothing as we could see some flakes of snow.  

Last evening I attended the Halloween pot luck dinner here in the building.  I over ate as I usually do at these functions,  the food is so good, and usually some dishes I don't make.  Take a small portion of everything, however, that fills up the plate too.  

One of  my great nieces is getting married today, I did not receive an invitation as the guest list had to be a short one.  That is just fine with me as I would have had to travel quite a distance and really did not look forward to that drive.  I am making a quilt for the bride and groom, however, it is not finished yet.  

There will be over 200 cement trucks are busy pouring a potion of the foundation for another building close to me today.  A drone is flying around the area keeping an eye of everything.  The marvels of the technical world today.

Things to do, places to go, so better get moving.

Have a great day.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Busy Days

Granddaughter C is going back to college today, will not see her again until Christmas.  She will be writing her mid term exams next week. Had nice visit while she was here.

We had a cloudy damp day yesterday, and cooler than it was forecast to be.  Showers overnight and this morning, however, as I write the sun is starting to break through and temps are suppose to be going to the low 20"s, crazy weather.  After tomorrows decent weather, the temps will fall to single digits during the day and possibly into the low minus numbers over night. T'is the season.

Last night I went to a jazz concert, thoroughly enjoy it.  These jazz concerts have just opened up again after closing for Covid.   Nice to see at last some things starting to get back to a somewhat normal routine.  It has taken a long time to get this type of entertainment going again.

The last of my furniture I order in August arrived this morning, however, I still need to wait until I can get one of my children to put it together.  This afternoon I need to get some groceries.

Tomorrow evening is the Halloween pot luck dinner here at the building, I am making dessert this time, and leaning towards a lemon poke cake.  I found a recipe for Marmalade cup cakes with cream cheese frosting, which sound quite nice, so may just make up a batch of those and pop in the freezer.  

Can't remember if I mentioned before or not, but if I did, you are hearing it again.  The water in my toilet tank that flushes away my waste is HOT.  I mentioned it to the superintendent last week and she had a plumber look at it, then a structural engineer.  Apparently the hot water was connected to the pipe leading to the tank instead of the cold.   The solution..........a hole is going to be made in the wall of my bathroom, the water connected to the correct pipe and then the hole repaired.   Don't know when, how big the hole will be, or how long it will take to complete.   Apparently, the resident prior to me was an older lady and was not here very long as she will ill, so it was never reported.  It has been like this since the building was erected.,  two years ago.  It is only my unit affected, how lucky can I be!

The curtain rods in my bedroom and patio doors have been put up and the curtains hung, put up a mirror to reflect some light and also a couple of decorator thingy's on the wall too.  Slowly getting to make it look more like my home every time I do something in here.  Taking my time to do all of this as I don't want to put things up and not like where there are.

Better get myself moving.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023


That is the only word to describe today, it's sunny and warm with the temp at 18*C as I write this as 6:00 p.m.

DD2 and youngest granddaughter C dropped in for a visit this morning.  C is on reading week and came home to study of exams next week.  We shall see how much she hits the books.  

It was such a lovely afternoon, I could not stay inside, so took myself for a walk and walk it did, 1 hour and 3/4 to the local park.

The weather was not only perfect for a walk but the trees have finally changed colour and were glorious.  So glad I took my camera along, haven't done that for a long time.  I took some great shots, well, I think they are pretty good.

I spied this vulture resting in a tree, this pic is not too good as the lighting was poor amongst the trees.

The rest of the pictures speak for them selves.

I really had a lovely day, simple things in life are sometimes the best.

Have a great day


Monday, October 23, 2023

Lots going on

Even though I no longer live with my ex, we do talk and have done a couple of things together.  On Friday, we walked to the University as their music department always has a concert at 12:30.  They have some very talented musicians, some well known to the instrumental world of music, others who perform are local, faculty and students.   Friday's concert did not disappoint.  After the concert everyone in the audience was invited to stay for a competition for local high school students.  We remained in our seats and was pleasantly entertained by the singing of these talented students.  There had been a shower while we were inside the building, however,  we escaped more rain while walking back to his house.

It was his 82nd birthday, and asked him if there was anything he would like to do.  He wanted to see the Taylor Swift concert that has been made into a movie at the theatre.  It was getting too late for a proper meal if we wanted to get to the theatre in time, so we picked up a quick take out.  I am not a fan of the music (if you can call it music)  these days, however, I did enjoy her concert.  It was a long movie, three hours, but the time when by fast.  Some of the young girls in the audience got up and were dancing just in front of the screen.

Saturday, I went to a quilt show, some of lovely quilts were on sale as well as fabric and patterns, only a pattern came home with me.   I then took the fixed jacket back to my daughter, she and SIL are leaving tomorrow for a vacation and were busy taking care of some outside chores that could not wait for their return.

Sunday, was a sunny day the wind was cool but cannot expect much else at this time of the year.  My ex called and said it was too nice to be inside, so we went for a ride.  We had hoped to see a lot of colour in the country but, was disappointed this year.  

Monday, woke to white roof tops, we had had our first frost of the season.  The forecast on TV last night indicated temps are going up into the high teens and even low twenties later this week.   Do not know what to where on these days, when on is cold and the next almost hot.

No after affects from the Covid and flu shots I received on Thursday, just a bit of tenderness around the injection site.  So hopefully I am protected for the Winter.

Must get on with my day.

Have a great day,


Thursday, October 19, 2023

One left, one right

 Yesterday, I met one of my neighbours as I was going out, asking how she was, as I always do when meeting someone, she announced she had two sore arms.  Enquiring as to why, she told me she had had her flu shot and her Covid shot.  She indicated that a grocery store who has a pharmacy in it was taking appointments.  So off I went and got an appointment for this morning.   Covid in the left arm and flu shot in the right.  We shall see how I will be able to move my arms tomorrow.  In the past there was only a slight red and sore spot on the injection sight, so don't expect anything more than that this time.

Cloudy and 15*C today, none of the rain we are suppose to get is in sight, yet.  Our weather is so unpredictable, one day we are to get sun, did not shine, rain coming another day, not even a drop.   I look outside in the morning and draw my own conclusions as to what the weather is.

Finally, the trees are starting to change colour, the maples are a lovely red, yellow and orange, looking even more vibrant against the green of some trees yet to change and the pine/fir trees.

Got all of housework and my laundry done yesterday, with time to spare, so started on altering a jacket for my DD1.   A jacket was given to all the employees of the company she works for, however, the one she received in just a tad to big, so Mum to the rescue.   

Just finished my lunch, now to do the dishes and then off to the presentation in our lounge room.

Have a great day


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A quiet day - sort of

For the past few days I have been on the go go go doing errands, teaching a sewing day on Monday and just seemed to be on the move all the time.  Today, is going to be a bit slower, meeting with my financial advisor this morning and then need to do some laundry and a bit of housework, not that there is a lot to do but, I like to keep on top of what needs some attention.

Yesterday, I was looking for some window coverings and curtain rods and a mirror, got all that I was looking for, so now, I do believe there is nothing else for me to buy to make this apartment feel like home.

While I was out today, I did make an appointment for my covid booster shot and my flu shot, so that is what I need to do tomorrow morning.  In the afternoon the complex is giving the information session on the former school on this property, so plan on going to that.

The sun was forecast to shine today, however, yet to see it, it was also suppose to be warmer but, again it is not.  Rain for the next couple of days,  the weather forecast never seems to be wrong when it comes to inclement weather.  Easier to predict I suppose.

Just finished a late lunch, so better get moving on that housework.

Have a great day


Monday, October 16, 2023

Up early

 Today our quilting group had a sewing day, working on a challenge one of  members came up with, and she asked for my help.  We are doing a collage, today was an instruction and get started day.

Starting are 9:00 a.m. so needed to get myself moving and get to the hall and begin the set up.   Not as many members showed as I thought were going to but, that was OK.  Some had not done any of this kind of project before, so a learning curve for some.  

The hall was booked for another meeting in the afternoon so only a few hours to get started, most got to that point and know enough now to continue at their own sewing studios.  I decided to do a butterfly, however may also do something else, not to happy with what I have done so far.  Time will tell.

Hung one of my wall hangings on my dining area wall, the place is beginning to look more like home with the addition of my sewing.  Just popped home for a cup of tea, then heading out to do some errands.  It's not  raining, the forecast did indicated we would get some, so will take advantage of it being dry.

On the weekend I made some squash soup, not what I had expected it to taste like, it seems to be missing something.  Never made it before so, maybe it does taste like it does.   Have any of my readers made squash soup?  Recipe?

Tea finished, so I am off.

Have a great day


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday 13th and buzzing

 Yesterday, was the 13th and a Friday, I am not superstitious, nothing terrible happened to me, and I survived to live another day.

A small fishing port on Lake Erie some distance from where I live, is always the place where motor cyclists go for a get together (that is putting it mildly)  on every Friday 13th.  Some years ago a couple of cyclists got together on a Friday 13th in this port and since then it has grown to be a place where you have to go, at least once if you are a biker.  So when the weather is perfect and sometimes not so perfect, the bikers go  for a ride on this day.  On a Summer 13th day, there are thousands and thousands of bikers there and bike enthusiasts having a great time.  It attracts the good, bad and the ugly of the biking community, dressed in a wide array of gear or in some cases the lack of any of what I would call clothing.  Yesterday, was not a great day for a ride, cold and wet, however, some die hard bikers showed up, as it was shown on the local news last night.

Buzzing:  No not bees.  The land where the building I live in is where a well known school for girls was situated.   Some time ago it closed down and was not maintained, fell into ruin and eventually transient homeless people occupied it.  Unfortunately, it burnt to the ground due to these people lighting fires in it to cook and keep warm.   Fast forward to now, there is "my" building and at the present time another is in the process of being built where the school was.  Today, is the day for the cement to be poured for the foundation.  There has been at least nine trucks coming and going since 7:00 a.m. as I write it is 11:40 a.m. and they are still lined to unload.   Three big long pipes suck the cement out of the trucks (at least, I think that is how it works) and deposit it where it is being directed by a hive a workers.  They look like bees as they are wearing safety coats with yellow all over them, black pants and of course, their hard hats.  The engines of the trucks, the rotation of the cement containers  and the big pipes are all making a noise which sounds like a huge hive of bees.   I have a vivid imagination. 

It is a typical Autumn day, cloudy, damp with a temp of 10*C, the forecast is for high winds later today, so that will bring down more leaves.  We still have not had a frost, which is quite unusual for being the middle of October.  We will likely skip that and go right into snowy weather.

Was busy Thursday and Friday, so do not have much on my calendar to do today, I will be making a pot of squash soup this afternoon and I do need to prepare everything I will be taking to a sewing day with my quilting group on Monday.  That should keep me out of mischief for a little while.

Have a great day.


Thursday, October 12, 2023


 The weather was dry and cool yesterday, so decided I should get back into my routine of a daily walk, which I have been neglecting this last little while.  I have been busy with getting settled and now finally think I have got there, well almost.

Dressed for the weather I did an hours walk along the paved path beside where I live,  This path leads to one of the city's lovely parks, so set my course for that destination, and wasn't disappointed even though at this time of the year it is almost deserted.  There were people, like me, out for a walk, but, none of the other activities as there were a couple of months ago.  Most of the flower beds have now been cleared of the flowers planted for the Summer. and  I saw picnic tables being loaded into a truck to be taken to a storage facility for the Winter.   A season change is happening in earnest, as we could get some colder weather at any time, on the other hand we could be lucky enough to have some sunny warm days  before Old Man Winter brings snow.  

During the rains and winds of the past few days a lot of the leaves have fallen fast and now lay on the ground decomposing.  I love the smell of Autumn, it is hard to describe as it has a smell all of its own.  Burning leaves is against the law now but, all the air needed yesterday was the smell of a bonfire of burning leaves with the smoke curling up into the air.  There are still trees loaded with green leaves which have yet to turn colour, if they ever will,  so it appears I will still have some Autumn smells during my walks for some time yet.   

The wheels are now in motion for my new car, I don't know what I would have done without the help of my son, he is doing everything that needs to be done, well, almost, I am still paying for it. 

The heat was turned on in the building yesterday,  I have control of the temperature in my apartment which is nice as some of the apartment buildings I have been in have a central heating system with no individual controls and feel  just like you are in a furnace and the windows are open to make it cooler.  Such a waste.   

All the clouds we have had during the past few days have cleared and today we have a nice sunny day, the temp is only 8*C at the present time, but this afternoon it should reach 15*C, but with the sunshine it might feel a bit warmer.  I need to pick up a few things at the grocery store, so better get a move on.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Busy, busy busy

This past three days have been the Thanksgiving weekend here, the first one in a number of years that I have been with my children and their spouse.  It was a Thanksgiving weekend for sure.

As I have mentioned previously Saturday was car hunting.

Sunday, I was at DD1 for dinner, it was a very lively afternoon, as the five gg's were all inside as it was not a good day to be outside.  They had things to keep them busy but, still a lot of chatter.  Lots of delicious food and family around the table.  It was a great day.

Yesterday, Monday I went to DD2 for dinner, quieter day as there were only five adults sitting down for dinner.  However, DD2's two daughters, who were not able to come home for the weekend were there on the computer.  So they were actually at the dinner table with us, as they were eating at their homes.   A great day with them too.

The best Thanksgiving weekend.

Today, Tuesday I am all "fooded out",  it means I have had my fill of food for a couple of days, not that I ate more than I should have but, so many dishes to choose from on each table I sat at, I took very small portions of it all.  Sooooo good.  The meals I have today are going to be quite simple compared to what I have consumed.

We have a cloudy day, with rain in the forecast for tomorrow, so I think I will go and look for the very last piece of furniture I need in my new home, while the day is dry.  I will be looking for a sideboard/cabinet piece.  Now my dining table and chairs are all situated I can now see how much space I have for the sideboard.  I have trouble visualizing space.

Once I have found and bought that piece, I am pulling on the reigns of my bank account, for the last two months the money has been going out faster than it's coming in.  I knew this would happen, so I was glad I had been trying to save a lot during the past year.  

Better get s move on, 

Have a great day.



Sunday, October 08, 2023

Car and Baking

 It has been awhile since I baked anything for a Thanksgiving dinner, I have cooked the main course, but could not be bothered to bake anything for dessert.  Why?  It wasn't worth the time and effort in it if hardly anyone ate it, plain and simple. 

Just out of my oven are two apple pies, one large and a smaller one and a pan of date squares.  Also some left over pastry made into cheese straws, I love those and if, there is any dough left I always make them.  Do you do that?  

Along with some dinner rolls, no I didn't, they came from the bake shop and the date squares are coming with me to DD1 for dinner tonight, the pies are going to DD2 tomorrow for dinner.

It felt so good to get my hands covered in flour etc. knowing what I am making will be appreciated and eaten.  As usual I use most of the utensils in the kitchen when I cook, however, I do clean up after each dish I make, to keep some organization going on.

Now, to the first word in my title.  My son came yesterday and we went to look at cars, I know very little about the new modern vehicles, as mine is a 2006 model and things have changed considerably since that year.  He was of immense help, we even took a couple for a test drive, one of which I am thinking seriously of getting.  As usual, there is a considerable wait time but, that is OK as my car will get me from point A to B over the winter with no problem, (she says with fingers crossed).  Son and DIL needed to stop at their sons house for a few minutes, so I went along for the ride and saw my ggd's, my goodness the little one is getting so she looks all around and once in awhile a little grin on her face.  Not allowed to take photo's, which I can understand completely, so cannot show you how cute they both are.  Believe me they are.

All of our lovely sunny warm weather has vanished with the snap of the fingers.  Yesterday, it became cloudy with a couple of brief showers, windy and cold and it looks as if we have the same weather for today too.  T'is the season but, we have not had a frost yet, it seems as if they come later and later every year. 

Must get a move on.

Have a great day


Friday, October 06, 2023


During the night we had some showers, today is cloudy with breaks of sunshine, definitely cooler but not unpleasant.  

After long conversations with several people at the store where I purchased my furniture I spoke to the manager, the remaining pieces I am waiting for are in transit, (read on the ocean somewhere).   However, the manager was able to find a dining room table which matches my chairs, it is being delivered today within a window of four hours this afternoon.   Only need one more thing and  it is supposed to arrive at the end of the month, then I will have all the furniture I bought back on August 9th. 

Had to do a quick trip out to do some errands, needed a couple of things at the grocery store, it would have been very busy later today.  Our government is talking to the large grocery chains to stabilize the prices of food, good luck on that, I would say.  I know the tricks of the grocery stores, the prices remain the same but, the containers get smaller.  The gov. knows this too and it was also addressed in the conversations.  Apparently, if the grocery giants don't conform to the stabilization, fines will be imposed.   We shall see how all this pans out.  Personally, I think it is a political play to get votes.  

Lunch time.

Have a great day and to my Canadian readers have a lovely Thanksgiving, no matter what you are doing to celebrate.



Wednesday, October 04, 2023


Several months ago, ex and I purchased tickets to see a performance of "The Phantom of the Opera". Last night we went to see it.

The local professional theatre has students from all the secondary high schools in the city, the opportunity to become involved in putting on a show.   With professional instruction and assistance everything is done by the students.  Set design, costumes, props, lighting, sound, advertising, dancing and acting.  Not everyone wants to be an actor, so there is no lack of interest in all of the other things that need to be done to put on a performance.

If I didn't know any better, I would have said this show was done by professionals, it was that good.  The talent of these young people is amazing and to have this opportunity to be able to do this is a credit to all of the professional staff that helped.  Well done.

I am  sure some students have been inspired by this experience and will pursue a career in the field of theatre they are interested in.   

I do not know where you are located if you are reading this, so what I am going to write is not in any way  judging anyone, no matter who they are or what they think or do. In my eyes, anyone can be and do anything they want to, just as long as it does not have any negative effect of me personally. So please don't take this as a negative criticizing comment.   This subject I am going to comment on is all over the news, whether it is on the web, TV or in the paper, so it is not just my observation.

So here goes.  In the program from last night's performance and in all of the other programs from previous professional shows I have seen, the names and a brief bio of everyone involved is included.   Beside each photo of everyone is their name,  and    Why, why, why,  is there also printed (she/her), (him/he), (she/they) (him/they)???  Contradicting myself here,  I do know why, however, is it necessary to print this.  I really am not interested, I don't know you personally and likely never will, however, if you do whatever you do, to the best of your ability, that is all I am interested in. 

Some close people in my life,  have decided to change their personal direction, so it's is something I am fully aware of, understand it, not sure if I do.

I understand the world is changing, and maybe that is my issue, I am OLD SCHOOL and I find things, not just this, very difficult to understand, why!  Is this now being used instead of girl, boy, Mr. Mrs. Ms. to identify a person. 

Enough said.

Yesterday, the area was just shy of making a record high temp for the day, it is possible any record could be broken today, as the temp is going to be higher.  Beautiful blue skies as I looked out this morning.  

Quilting guild meeting this afternoon.  

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Blue Skies

Woke this morning to a promise of blue skies and warm temps, it is going to be a lovely day for sure.

Moved some things around in my sewing room to make it more convenient to get to all the bits and bobs I need to start doing some serious sewing, as I need to get the guilds block done today.  So far, this configuration is working out a lot better than it was.

Picked up a few groceries I needed, however, the produce in the store I was in was not very good, everything was packaged up, so heaven only knows how long it had been in that plastic.  In the future I will visit a farmers market type store close by for the fruit and veg. After putting everything in its place, I set out for a 3/4 hour walk, it was hot, so glad there was a few shaded areas which felt nice and cool while going through them.

Last evening was Trivia night here, so went to see what that was all about.  A dollar was put in a container and we took our seats.  I was at a table with five other people, four tables all told, each one was a team.    The questions came, we answered them all, not all were right though.  However, at the end of the evening, our team won, and the dollar pot was divided amongst my winning team.  Did not get rich for sure. 

Today,  I am looking forward to the theatre performance tonight, just hoping the company I will be with is just as nice as I hope the show is.  I will let you know.

Have a great day,


Monday, October 02, 2023

Continues most of the week

 The lovely weather we have been having these past few days is forecast to last until at least Thursday and then well, the perverbable S%#T hits the fan with day time temps just above the single digits.   Well, it is that time of the year, so it is to be expected.

Yesterday, was not a good day for me.  No details for you only suffice to say had to go to  my former home, you can come to your own conclusions.

My DD2 called yesterday just to chat and she told me they had a lovely surprise phone call from their youngest daughter.   "Meet me at the airport at 10:30 a.m. I am flying in".   Apparently, one of her friends is further along in his flying experience than she is and he had to do a cross country flight of so many km's as it is one of his required flights to do in his course.  He asked her to take the flight with him and one of their first touch downs was in the small airport in this city.  After a short visit off they went to complete their flight. 

Not a lot happening today, just need to go to get a few groceries and then finish my sewing for the guild meeting on Wednesday.  Might even take a nap as I did not sleep well last night.

Going to the theatre tomorrow, so looking forward to that, it is a performance done by high school students with the help of the professionals.   The students do everything, acting, costumes, set design, lighting, music, everything else to present a show which also includes front of house.   This year's show, The Phantom of the Opera, I have heard it is very good.  

Have a great day.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...