Friday, December 16, 2022


Of all the things I was going to do yesterday, how many of them do you think I got done.  Zero, zippo, none, not a dam thing.  Why?   Because the weather was awful Hubby could not do what he wanted to repair outside, so decided he wanted to watch a movie that we had picked up a couple of days ago at the video shop.   It is a Blu-ray disc which we can use in our player.  Well not yesterday.  We are of age, that know squat about all these new electronic gadgets so we fumbled around for much too long trying to get this thing to work.  After Hubby's son looked at it in the evening, it was decided the disc player is not working and never will.   

Today will be much of the same post as yesterday, so will not repeat everything I wrote.  Hopefully, something will get accomplished.

The number of dinner  guests has now increased, twelve people possibly fourteen will be having Christmas dinner here.  My DD2 and her family will be coming.   Did not expect them but, she insisted I should have at least some of my family with me on Christmas day, I agreed with her.  It will be nice to have them at the table with me.

So far today it is quiet weather wise, no freezing rain, rain, snow or wind, we escaped all of the terrible weather around us.  Not to worry we will get our share sooner or later.

OK, I am off to decorate a tree.

Have a great day.



  1. An extra pair of hands is always useful when entertaining. Hope you have a fun family meal.

  2. I sat down after dinner and made a list, picking up some things tomorrow, then start baking some goodies.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...