Thursday, December 15, 2022

Not a nice day

 The weather forecast last night predicted some awful weather and unfortunately it was right, maybe not quite as bad as it could be but, just the same its not a nice day out there.

What is so bad...........freezing rain,.......the rain is cold, the roads everything is cold, temp hovering around the zero mark.   The rain freezes on contact with everything, at present there is a coating of about 2mm on everything which makes the branches of trees very heavy, along with the wind gusts these branches brake off and cause damage to anything and everything.   Our city has a lot of mature tall trees, so this weather is not kind to them.   We have had the power flicker once so far this morning, could be more as the branches touch or fall on the power lines.   We have not even started our Winter yet.

My coffee maker quit working yesterday, a new one is on the way from the manufacturer.  So glad I submitted my warrantee card when I purchased it.  My lucky day as the warrantee expires mid January.

Going to put up the last of the Christmas decorations today, then make a list of all the ingredients I need for some baking on Saturday and also a grocery list for Christmas dinner.  I am a list maker for most everything, not anything new, always done it, I do like to be organized.  Our turkey is in the freezer we got that earlier in the week.   

Need to pick up a couple more gifts and then that shopping is done.  Only buy for great grands and two granddaughters who are at university and college, a total of 8 people.   I am thinking about buying myself something in the New Year, not going to tell you what it is until I actually get it.

Should get busy so I don't have to look outside at the weather.

Have a great day



  1. Your plans sound good. Hope everything works out as expected. We had rain first today but now it's throwing out a blizzard. I am staying home until the weekend at least!

  2. I, too, am a list maker but haven't started yet as it makes it all too real. Seeing as it's next week I'd better get a wriggle on. In the mean time I am about to bake my 4th fruit cake - whisky this time and more than the recipe calls for!. No decorations yet because the cats would destroy them. I don't envy your weather. We might get some heat next week which will be nice as we are meant to be in the throes of summer.

  3. It rained here earlier in the day but didn't create any hazards. The snow started about 9PM



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...