Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Only thing left on my baking list is a cheese cake, then I am finished.  Did some shortbread this afternoon and fed my fruit cake, it is tasting better every day after I give it a drink.

We finally had a day of sunshine, the calm before the nasty weather arrives later this week.  Tomorrow is rain, and then all H%LL breaks loose, the forecasts are indicating everything Mother Nature can throw at us.   Hoping my family members will be able to travel before the roads get bad.

Might end up with bread and jam for Christmas dinner if the power goes out, all of our appliances  electric, may have to end up with using the BBQ or even the fireplace.

Two of my granddaughters and their families  are ill, GD1 and hubby have Covid, GD2 five children and herself all have the flu,  stay home and get well.   We can get together in the New Year, please and thank you.

Not much else to talk about today.

Have a great day,



  1. I guess whatever weather we get will be a big mystery. Our 6 oclock weather guy seemed to think we are going to get a whole lot of snow. I hope it isn't freezing rain. The trees are already still wearing all the snow we got a week ago and my long country lane will turn into an ice track if we do.

  2. I shall think of you as we bask in the warm sunshine!!


COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...