Monday, December 05, 2022

It died

My phone.... it was charging  then it wasn't, so now need to go to the mall tomorrow and determine what the problem is.   

The day started with a lovely sunrise and then the clouds moved in so the air did not warm up very much.  There was a cold breeze, bundled up and went for my walk anyway and had a nice chat with a neighbour on the way home.  We are to expect some rain overnight, just as long it is now the white kind of precipitation I don't care how much it rains.

I must get into the baking some Christmas goodies now I am not bogged down with that inner body problem.  Cookies, date squares, nanaimo bars and one of the bloggers made a boiled fruit cake which looked so easy and delicious after baking will look in my collection of recipe's to see if I have one. 

Not much else happening today.

Busy tomorrow, groceries, hair cut, and get my phone looked at.

Have a great day.



  1. Glad your innards are better. Enjoy that baking. If you need a recipe for boiled fruit cake just yell!

  2. Good luck with your phone. I've never made a Christmas Cake, yet Stew LOVES them. Maybe I should give it a go? I hope it's not snowing.

  3. No snow yet, all we had earlier has melted. More coming, tis' the season.

  4. No snow here either. Long may it last, I hate shovelling! Glad you are feeling better.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...