Saturday, December 03, 2022

Here I am

Back again, it has been a stressful few days, so have not felt like doing anything really.

Internet is still OK, fingers crossed it stays that way.

Hubby feeling better after Dr. visit yesterday.

My internal system is working now.

House cleaners are now coming in every two weeks, to do all of the vacuuming, every room except kitchen and bathrooms have carpet, just way too much for me to do.  I was doing a room a day, by the time they were all done it was time to start all over again.  Now two cleaners do them all in a few hours.

Today is very, very windy with a mix of rain and some sun, temp at 10*C.   

Visited my sister this week and had a good time, on the way home we went out for dinner, so I had a great day.

I have attached two photo's of quilts made recently.  The baby quilt/playmat  is going for a raffle, the multi coloured one, is going to be donated to a refugee family.   That is the one I call the quilt from hell as all the colours were out of my comfort zone, usually I use a colour not so bright or busy.   The blocks are all different and we had to follow a pattern to make them fit, certainly not my usual way of putting a quilt together.  My partner who was suppose to help me did not show up at the guilds sewing day, so I had to do the whole thing myself, where others in our group all had a partner, which I am sure was a lot easier.    The quilt is done and now hopefully being enjoyed by someone who needed it.

Sorry the second one is on it's side.

Not sure what we will be having for dinner.   

Have a great day,


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