Tuesday, December 27, 2022

All was calm

Christmas dinner was enjoyed by almost everyone at the table, a couple of complaints but, no leftovers other than turkey, so it couldn't have been that bad.   Next year is a long way off, perfection can be mastered  in 300 and some odd days I am sure.  Being a little sarcastic, can you tell.

Christmas day DD2 and her hubby and two daughters arrived in the afternoon, so we partook of some red wine.  Within the hour the eldest granddaughter was on her way to the hospital emerg dept. as she was having an allergic reaction to the wine.  After fours hours on an IV and meds she was back here, still looking very swollen, so bad it didn't look like the girl I knew.   Now she needs to carry an epi pen and meds on her at all times.   Dr. indicated it could have been the sulfates in the wine.  Checking with her yesterday she is feeling a lot better.

Both of these grand daughters are Asian, alcohol gives them and other girls adopted at the same time, an "Asian Flush",  their faces get very very red and hot, which is, I am sure some reaction to the ingredients .   Most of them have learned, the hard way, they cannot drink.  This had never happened to my grand daughter on previous occasions.

Yesterday, son, D-I-L, grandson, grand D-I-L, great granddaughter, daughter and S-I-L came for a visit in the afternoon for nibbles and a drink.   Lovely visit with them all, as they do not get together very often these days.   I will visit my other great grands tomorrow afternoon.

Now all is calm, will get some lunch.


1 comment:

  1. That must have been scary! Feel sorry for your granddaughter but good she knows what to avoid from now on.


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